
Part-Time Star, Full-Time Dad

[Warning: HAREM- R-18, Profanity and Emoji's] A reincarnated man becomes Father after waking from his supposed death. After two years of being the rare stay at home dad, his wife leaves him and their daughter for her material goals. With no money, he desperately tries to find a way to feed and clothe his daughter. "I'll just be a streamer" *Ding* _____________________________________________________ Hello, this is my second original novel. I have written up to 5 novels three of which were dropped To be fair two of them were the same novel that had a slight difference. The first novel I wrote had way too many problems to count. The girl on the cover was not done by me nor do I own it either. I found it through google images and edited. If you are the owner please tell me if you'd like it taken down or be credited. The cover will change over time as I either learn digital art or pay some talented artist.

Flat_Moon · Urbain
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84 Chs

The Dreadful Sound

Theodore quickly had the clones at home take over as they started telling Sole Piece. With the Chat busy he turned towards Sophie and saw the same vigilant look. Surprisingly he saw the same look on Mary and Grace.

"Grace can you contact the people managing this and tell them to get their emergency paramedics and guards ready," Asked Theodore as his eyes stayed on the area he first felt the killer intent

It didn't take much for Theodore to figure out Grace had something to do with the L.A's Big Run suddenly becoming a charity run. He was already very suspicious after seeing Bella's LostVoice Gloves on the TechAbles site. Then he noticed how she prepared clothes for them which by some miracle fit perfectly. Not to mention the rules for participating were very loose. Then there was the most obvious clue one of the sponsors on the banners lining the fence is Vague & Finer.

"Got it, should I call dad?" Asked Grace

"Umm I don't know but just to be safe I think we should shut this down," Said Theodore aware of the dangers

Mary quickly cut in "No, we can't. If they see that the environment for the kill has changed then they might act faster. Which could increase the number of casualties. Grace can you get a few more bodyguards. Have them spread out more withing the other participants"

Sophie and Theodore both say "Bodyguards?"

Theodore and Sophie both had extensive field experience yet they had never noticed that Grace had bodyguards nearby.

From the surrounding participants, 6 individuals surrounded them before facing their back towards them. Creating a circle of protection with 5 feet of distance between them and the bodyguards.

Grace still had her cold and emotionless appearance as she replied "You grandfather taught you well. How is Mr Write? Dad has been trying to get in touch but he can't seem to find him"

Rolling her eyes Mary replied "Grandpa isn't very social, but you can try to find him. He tends to move a lot."

Mary noticed her friends confused expression and said "I'll explain later. Theo you should swap out with your clone and look after Rose, and Bella. Grace you should too. I don't have any real close combat experience but I can heal others in case things get messy "

"It's fine I've had my fair share of training. Theo, could you watch over Bella?" Asked Grace

"Umm Sure," Said Theodore as one of the two clones at home dissipate. A clone then popped out from behind him wearing the very same Big Bad Wolf costume.

He could make a clone without having to make one disappear but his extra two clones are meant to be a secret.

Grace then pulled out her phone and made a few calls before a bodyguard in a black suit holding a briefcase appeared. After putting in her code in she then put her hand on top which then made it open.

Inside were a bunch of black gloves that went up to the elbow. She then passed a pair to each of them.

"What are these?"Asked Sophie while examining the gloves

"These are GRD (guard) gauntlets. Which stands for Garb Related Defence. These can reduce up to 200 lbs of force and produce an electric current that can incapacitate most fighters. They also produce a controlled flashbang effect to blind enemies for a short duration"

Slipping them on they felt a sharp pain of electricity shoot through thier arms.

"We need to first sync up with the gloves. So throw some punches, make sure it with the intent to harm. The gloves will use it as a standard to when to activate or not." Said, Grace while pulling up the gloves

Rose and Bella immediately begin throwing thier little punches while also shouting like they do in movies.

Theodore laughed at the girl's childish punches while watching his friends throw one deadly strike after another.

Eyeing his three beautiful friends he realised that he had a thing for women that could fight. A sense of overwhelming infatuation bloomed inside him, the world around him turned fuzzy while the three women were more detailed and overall beautiful.

A deafening silence fell as a low demonic growl echoed in his head. It wasn't a dangerous growl but an excited and satisfied one, almost like purr but with power behind it. Whatever it was, it was happy with Mary, Sophie, and Grace skills.

'Is this the beast blood thing again?' Asked Theodore

Just as Theodore was questioning what it was the voice turned angry. A terrifying sound echoed in his head. It was a wild howl, a cold hiss, a mocking snarl, and an overbearing roar all mixed in one.

Theodore was confused at why the voice was angry before he saw a 5.5ft blond caucasian man freeze and sway looking to of lost his balance before he looked around with scared eyes.

The man quickly mixed back into the other participants.

'Hey, the big guy can you talk?' Asked Theodore

Unfortunately, the voice did not respond.

'Hmm, that guy he reacted to the voice! The voice was angry at him but why?.... A beast and an animal mostly come under the same category. If I put it on a food chain then it would be a prideful predator. Why would a prideful predator be angry? Prey being taken by another but I wasn't preying on anyone. It did seem to have affection for Mary, Sophie, and Grace but it couldn't have been angry that someone else took a likening especially since I can still see a few guys glancing at them. Some animals are also territorial. It can't be simply about a stranger stepping in my range cause then it would have been angry a few times already considering how crowded this place is. If he was the killer then maybe the voice got angry for trying to hunt in his range. It's the most logical possibility. Why am I all of sudden so calm about this?'

Theodore immediately went through his bag and pulled out a sketch pad. He then drew the man out with his speed drawing skill.

"Grace, I just saw someone suspicious he's a participant I don't think he's killed anyone, yet," Said Theodore while showing the sketch.

Grace then took a photo and sent it to her bodyguards and onsite guards. They immediately got to work keeping an eye out for the face and the number that the man wore.

The run was about to begin so Theodore got out of their way and joined the spectators on the side. Grace had already informed the managers about him using a clone to confront the assailant without causing any casualties.

Theodore looked down at the girls in his arms and saw that they were beginning to get bored. With a light jump, he scared them.

Theodore smiled and said, "Do guys wanna go do something?"

Rose immediately replied with expectation "Macdonald's please?"

"We recently went to Mcdonald's that not healthy. We'll go next week" Said Theodore fully acknowledging that having fast food twice a week is unhealthy

Rose put her hand on either side of his face. With a determined voice, she asked "Daddy, Promise!?"

Nodding he replied "Daddy promises Rose will have Mcdonald next week. That's 7 periods of sleep"

"Okay" Rose was content and let his face go

"Can we watch a movie?"Asked Bella while pointing towards a Theater

"Now that I think about it Rose has never been to the theatres," Said Theodore

"What's at-eater?" Asked Rose with an adorable stutter

"It's Th-eater. It's where you watch a movie"Said Theodore

Putting them on his shoulder he walked towards the theatres with a happy smile while his thoughts wandered as he watched his clone continue to chase Icy through the crowd 'Where are you going Icy?'

You! Yeah YOU! You look great. Have a nice day

Flat_Mooncreators' thoughts