
Chapter 29

"Jay Halstead! Wake up!"

He fluttered his eyes open and groaned "What?" He asked annoyingly

"Todays the day! Where I kick your ass!" I was now jumping on the bed with excitement

"Five more minutes" He threw the pillow at me and turned around

I rolled my eyes and heard a knock on the door "That would be Antonio, he's suppose to come bring me my boxing equipment that I left at his house so long ago and never picked up" I hopped off the bed and headed to the door. I opened the door with a smile but it turned into a frown when I saw who was on the other side "Oh.. It's you"

"Can I come in?" She asked as she had her hands in her jacket pocket

I stood aside and she walked in and I closed the door "Jay, Erin's here for you!" I called out "By the way. Nice shiner" I gave a smirk before I made my way to the bedroom

"I'm not here for Jay. I'm here to talk to you"

I stopped and turned around to face her "Me?"

She nodded

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I just want to tell you I understand why you punched me yesterday.. If I were in your shoes, I would've done the same thing"

I nodded "Okay, you've said what you wanted to say. You can leave now"

"I just want to know something, why in the hell do you hate me so much?"

I scoffed "You know Erin I did like you. But let's see you broke Kelly's heart not once but twice. You put his life in danger and you knew what the consequences would be but you did it anyway. You could've picked anyone else but you had to pick him"

She nodded "Okay, but I'm one to take the high road. I've apologized, can't we just get passed this?"

I have out an annoying scoff "No we can't. I will never forgive you for almost killing my brother"

Silence filled the air, which made it awkward. She nodded and headed to the door. I simply gave her death shot eyes as she opened the door and walked out. I leaned my head back and walked to the bedroom. I walked in to see Jay laying on the bed wide awake giving me a look


He chuckled "I'm not gonna say anything"

I plopped on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair "I just can't forgive her, for everything she's done"

He put his hand on my back and sat up next to me "I know. You ready for today?"

I nodded "Oh yeah, I have so much anger I can't wait to take it out"

His face went blank "Uh why don't you get in some practice first to take out your anger there"

I chuckled and brought my face close to his "Don't worry I will go easy on you"

He let out a laugh "Come on lets get dressed"

About an hour later we arrived at Antonio's gym. Slowly everyone was arriving. Everyone who was boxing got ready and practiced for a bit. The entire CFP sat on one side while the CPD sat on the other. It was getting close. The first match between Matt and Ruzek, I stood by the ring but I felt a hit soreness on my ribcage area. I sneaked to the restroom without anyone seeing me. I walked in the restroom and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a sports bra and shorts. I touched my ribs and flinched back, it hurt. But there was no sign of bruises. Great, just what I need. I stayed in the restroom for quite some time just trying to figure it out but I gave up. If it hurts then it hurts oh well. I walked out and came out just in time. It was now time for my match

"Hey where were you?" Gabby asked as she approached me

"Restroom" I didn't want to tell her "What happened?"

"Jimmy lost his fight. But Matt won his. So whoever wins this match wins it all"

"Wow no pressure"

She chuckled and walked behind me as I made my way to the ring. Mouch was in the middle "Okay ladies and gentlemen we've come down to the final showdown. Our last match of the night! Whoever wins this match will take home the win!" Connie who work with us was the ring lady. She held up a round 1 sign and walked around the entire ring as everyone cheered. I put on my mouth guard and my protective head gear. I stood at the corner as I looked at Jay who was on the opposite corner. I tabbed my gloves together and hopped in one place. Everyone was cheering. "Fighters to the center of the ring" Mouch said as we made it to the center. "Obey my command at all times, lets have a clean fight, tab gloves" Jay and I tabbed our gloves. We moved back to where we were the first time. I heard the bell go off "Box!" Mouch yelled as he moved out of the way

Alright this is it. We made our way to the middle of the ring as we tabbed gloves again. We went in circles. He threw a quick jab but I blocked it, once he took his arm back I moved and swung my arm to the side of his stomach. This wasn't so bad. We threw a couple jabs towards each other as the crowd just continued to roar. I could hear a couple people from the audience yelling my name. Then I heard Kelly yell "Come on Ali show him the Severide fire!" I smiled to myself when I heard him yell. Jay threw me an uppercut which made me throw my head back. Half of the crowd which I'm guessing was my side began to boo and the other side began to cheer. Damn, that was one hell of an uppercut. I shook my head and refocused. Or at least I tried. He threw another punch that almost sent me to the ground.

Okay I know this is Jay and I love him, but I gotta win this. I raised my hands up to my face and gave him a couple jabs before I threw in a cross. It caught him off guard which allowed me to throw a punch which sent him to the ground. I froze. Shit. Mouch counted to ten seconds before he yelled it was over. Everyone went crazy. I bent down to Jay

"Baby are you okay?"

He let out a groan and laughed "I'm okay, I'm okay"

I helped him up and Mouch came in between us "And the winner is Alison Severide of the Chiacgo Fire Department!" He raised up my arm and everyone roared. Jay walked over to me and gave me a hug

"Good job baby" He kissed my forehead and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I put on a smile but inside my ribcage was aching. Why can't I feel fine for once?