
Part 2

Januu_Mcpherson · Fantaisie
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Part 2 Someone's Touch

It begins here

So tried I go to bed looking at the time on my phone looking at the area in my bedroom that I chose pretty amazing room with all the unique beautiful things. There was a book on one shelf not even dusty for a house that had been left alone it was very clean.

Oh, my crab stunning

This books looked like a story told from someone yet did not have a name.

what is the story about

By the look on this book they wrote it with a pen like someone just writing a story on paper. So tried I put the book down and went back to my adorable bed. Very tiredness I turn and turn from one side to the other when I feel someone touched my leg someone had caressed my leg, I felt it. Standing up turning the light on looking around the bed there is nothing it didn't scare me I just wanted to confirm there was no one in the house.

Too real

The feel of the touch was real had nothing like that happen to me before never. But I fell asleep like a baby. The next morning having my good warm cup of coffee or something on the fireplace by the living area falls I walked to see what had fallen, and it was a frame with a picture of a man.

What a beautiful man

Oh, my what a beautiful man I thought your so handsome I said out loud when suddenly I felt someone or something was in the same room with me I knew I wasn't alone someone was with me. Again did it scare me a little because I could see no one in the room.

Suddenly a small noise from the sofa looked as if someone sat there quietly I looked at the sofa and softly said I know someone is here and a pillow cushion just flew to me as if I had said something funny. Again I said, who are you, are you this man holding the picture up? The picture moved from my hand into the air like if someone taller than me was holding it.


Asking the someone what was going on why are you here so many questions that came to my mind but I was just standing there no movement. Instead of being mad or scared I sat and asked is this your house, and he answered yes writing on the frame mirror on the wall.

Well, I said this is my house now why are you here I said softly without trying to scare or get the somewhat ghost upset. Again he writes on the mirror I hope I did not scare you I don't know why I am here I just stayed here but no one has ever come here before I have always been alone here.

His little corner

I usually stay upstairs in that small room in my little corner so I can write books I love to write. He puts down the mirror he is using to wright and asked me are you okay if I can continue to stay my spirit just stays here I cannot go anywhere I don't understand why this happen to me but I know I don't exit in real life.

I tried looking for him around could not see him but knew he was there just sitting on the sofa I could feel his warmth though I can not understand why. I said it is hard for me to understand this but I seen the worst around this is not surprising for me not even to make me leave I wanted the house so mad nothing would scare me away not even a ghost. After all it was friendly and gentle, I could feel it.

Oh, my what is this I said

I can see you better

I can see you better at least I know where you're at I won't have to look around for you but you are a very tall man. I started a conversion with him like an ordinary one just like I was talking to a man not a ghost besides his presence were so nice I felt safe and not alone.

We talked about all the things that happen to me he was interested because I could speak and he had to write his stories on the mirror frame much easier to talk about your story he wrote.

As I speak I feel as if I never been so close to someone like that I liked his company even though I could not see him. After all, I could feel was his presence around me. Going to bed as we had it for the evening I smiled and said goodnight.

And off I went I twist around and told him but my room is off limits to you okay.

Off to bed with my big teddy

A really nice thing he told me I could have, and I took the teddy bear bigger than me but he wrote so you will not fear me in the night I am gentle I like you.

I thought to myself such a sweet spirit of a man left all alone here but why was he not gone to where ever people go. Too many questions I want to ask but best I don't now.

Early morning came and coffee was made and there was a cup for me there on the counter I looked around and said good morning are you here. As I stood I felt someone behind me so close could feel his body next to mine, just breathing I could feel his warmth of his chest on my back I stood still did not move.

I could not move

Look for Part 3