
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Wolf In The Bag?

I can literally hear the shouts and cries of men and women out there fighting. You process things remarkably more clearly when you're not the one out fighting for their life surprisingly. Mia mused to herself as she remained seated in the bag that Mira had conjured up from some sort of spell. She tried her best to get comfortable, but the constant jostling made it a little bit difficult. Willa was still unconscious, but they were on Mia's back.

The pull was still present, dominating her the same as it had earlier in the day. But this time, it was pulling her towards Mira. For some reason, she was able to displace the entire thing with her presence. Mia wasn't sure if it was a conscious effort or something, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't appreciate it.

Other then those two particular observations, that she could hear the area around her and that the pull was currently displaced... Mia didn't really have much else to say here. She was in the bag, the bag was safe. Mia was guessing that Mira... Our names really are much too similar... Was moving at about a jog, the jostling seemed about accurate for such a judgement. Nothing too terrible, not very comfortable either. 

Regardless, the jog soon slowed to a walk and Mia felt a few taps on the side of the bag, gently smacking against her side. After a moment of struggling, she poked her head out and took a breath of fresh air. Which was decidedly not very fresh, instead it was quite bloody. The air inside of the bag was cleaner now that she thought about it.

"Well, you can get out now I suppose." She mumbled while drawing a pair of runes into the air. Mira had come to a stop in one of the towers lining the wall. Structures that you'd expect to find in a self respecting medieval town, par for the course really. Once she'd finished drawing the runes a larger staff popped into her hands. An ornate thing that Mia would say had more flourish rather than function to it, but gems are probably strength boosters or something. So what do I know? 

Mia readied herself for a moment, before pushing out of the bag with a little force. Actively have to restrain myself here, because if I don't I'm fairly certain I could just break it. Anyways, I digress. she jumped out of the bag. Landing on the cold floor with a gentle controlled thud. Mia glanced around a few times and surprisingly enough only herself and Mira were present. 

"Nobody else is in this tower, it's all for me you see." Mira let out a little chuckle. "Mages with enough power tend to leak a bit of mana when casting spells of a sufficient caliber. It's not exactly harmful but it can disrupt the focus of those not powerful enough. So you should be alright. Speaking of being alright though, lets just say soothing the amount of mana burn you had took a little bit out of me, so thanks for that." She deadpanned. "The rest of today is going to be rather tiring."

Uhhhh, my bad? Mia looked up and gave her best shrug, which was quite strained as her shoulders were not made to move like that, dexterity be damned. But she'd like to think it was clear enough. The mage rolled their eyes, before turning around and raising their staff to the air. Magical power beginning to concentrate at the end of the weapon before firing off down into the crowd. 

For awhile now, Mia had been kind of tuning out the omni-present pain that had racked her body, but now she noticed, she was blissfully free of it. The sensation of her own body seemingly melting from the inside out was now gone, and oh let me tell you-it is NOT going to be missed. Instead replaced by a lack of feeling. The blue light that had marked her body was now fading, receding back into her veins from whence it had came. So, she felt a bit more confident in moving around. 

It wasn't like Mia had suddenly gained infinite mobility, cause she didn't, the pull was still there. Whenever she walked just a little bit too far away from her new acquaintance it was happy to remind her that she was still bound. But she did have a little bit of wiggle room. 

After a quick little circle around her current mage friend, Mia had surveyed the area. They were at a high point on the wall, far above the hordes below. Which Mira was currently readying to bombarde. Frankly this seemed like a place that would be fairly standard for archers and the like, but currently only served to house Mira-and by extension, herself. What, are her spells seriously THAT distracting to warrant an entire space to herself? Seems kind of w-she proceeded to immediately eat those words.

A massive ball of energy dropped down from Mira's staff, careening like a cannonball down to the earth below. The waves of energy it gave off disoriented Mia for a short moment, as if her senses had drifted out of her body. Only for the briefest of moments, but she quickly refocused. Okay, I stand corrected, but what the hell was that?! I must know!

With a small leap, Mia shot right up to the walls of the archers post. Right into the edge of Mira's point of view. The mages eyes tilted curiously in their direction, but did not quite give Mia her full attention either. Mia, veeeery carefully, she was fully aware of how close she was to the edge after all, began to raise her front leg and pointed at Mira. More specifically, at her staff. Then tilted her head comically far to the side. Hoping that a head tilt did in fact mean confusion or a question in this world.

"What, curious about what that was?" Mira smirked even as a single bead of sweat dripped down their face. Clearly building up another spell similar to what they'd just dropped. I can LITERALLY feel magic building around her staff, what is going on? Which she found odd given none of her spells did the same. Though, she snapped her mind back on track and nodded quickly.

"It's a combination spell, which given you seem to have two affinities from what I know about you, I'd certainly hope you know what those are." The magical power around their staff coalesced, and then shot off in another massive orb of power, hurtling toward the ground. 

Well, kind of? So she nodded. But, kind of not? So then she shook her head. She did both, nodded and shook her head. 

After a moment's pause, they simply asked. "Hmmm, yes and no?" To which Mia nodded.

"Well I suppose you were probably born, what, maybe a week ago? I suppose I'll ask you when you can answer the question." After a short pause, Mira continued."It's extremely impressive that you've already reached such a level of power but that's just monsters I suppose. Born into conflict so you either die or advance rapidly." She shrugged "I wouldn't be envious of such a situation... Anyways, as I was saying. You got strong fast, yada yada, but it's understandable why you wouldn't have much understanding of combination magic, or magic in general given how young you are."

Mira seemed unfocused, which she probably was given the magnitude of power she was currently wielding, but she managed to piece together what she was trying to say together over time. "combination magic raises the strength of your magic up by quite a bit in comparison to basic spells, but requires much more concentration and leaves visible residuals. It also can't be used with basic rune inscriptions, but I suppose you wouldn't know what those are either."

Another pulse of magical energy, another mini sun catapulted into the frenzy below. Mira was starting to look rather tired. Conversely, Mia could feel her presence of mind returning. Yeesh, that was real bad. What in the world was I thinking going... Or well, I guess I have no guarantee that Willa would've lived after what I... Did to them without the ability to communicate with others like I can and what not with mind magic. It all worked out I guess, so no need to second guess. Rather, I'd like to keep learning about magic. More please!

Not quite sure how to ask about rune inscriptions, cause they kind of just offhandedly mentioned those like they were no big deal. But like, as they said, I've got no idea what those are...

"Do you know what rune inscriptions are?" They asked once again, glancing slightly to the side in Mia's direction as they readied themselves to cast again. Their staff reeking of magical energy once more. 

Oh! Uh, no. She shook her head slowly in response. Mira nodded as well before speaking again. 

"It's rather easy. Putting it as simply as I can, it's just drawing runes that you already know but with your own mana. It's only a matter of memorization. Almost anybody with mana can do it. The issue comes down to casting spells under any sort of pressure. Any small error could result in the spell failing, and when they're constructed physically instead of mentally in this way, the results are usually... Explosive. You saw me doing it earlier when I summoned my staff."

She explained all of that rather calmly, even as she fired off yet another spell bomb. Sweat poured down her face, and she momentarily sat down Taking a break? Ah well doesn't really matter for me. Though I'd think your people down on the battlefield would care. Conversely though, Mia was starting to feel much more like her old self. 

"It's not very easy for a monster such as yourself to draw the runes though... Mia, was it?" Mira waited for a moment, and after Mia nodded she continued. "So I wouldn't bother trying. At least not until you've got some other way to make the drawings. I wouldn't know but I don't think claws would make for the most precise implements." Mira smiled wryly, and Mia couldn't help but agree. 

Honestly... Seems like they've got a fair bit they could help me with. With magic and what not anyways. Maybe this wasn't such a bad gamble if THIS is the pay off. A veritable bank of magic knowledge to leech off of! And well, human interaction but hey, I technically already had that one when I met Willa. Though I probably shouldn't be expecting human treatment either. I would just tell them I'm a human but... Something in my gut tells me that it might be a bad idea. It's just a feeling, a distant one that comes up any time I think about it... But it's a BAD feeling. So I'm just gonna trust my gut on that one and not say I'm human, or well, WAS human.

So all in all, I've finally got a ticket to an extended stay in human land, somebody proficient in magic who can probably teach me about it, and various other things! All I need is... Levels. Experience farming, that's what I need. Crrrrrrap. As far as I know the pull is currently, pulling, me towards Mira. Would it let me switch back to the monster horde as a target? Am I even in shape to do that? The pain from whatever mana over usage I pulled is gone, but...

Mia flexed her paw and took a quick glance at it. Her claws were still severely damaged from her earlier battle, even more so from the reckless attacks she'd been making in defense of Willa and that human soldier. They were definitely healing faster then they had any right to, but it's not like it was instant. Constitution was not a cure all. Or hell, maybe it was and she just didn't have enough of it. Either way she was still damaged. And also probably low on mana, though oddly enough she could feel whatever reserves she had replenishing faster than they normally did. Maybe it was the pull, maybe it was the super magician next to her. Who could guess? 

I'll give it a bit... Just to recover, see where I go from there.