
Parlor of Revenants

In a broken world the only person who has your back is yourself. Allister was your average street rat but had somehow inherited a family heirloom that changed his mundane life. "Let's see who dies first" - Allister

Quiet_Librarians · Romance
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5 Chs


1 hour later

In a dark alley shrouded in darkness laid a boy who was covered in blood and had various scars on his body.

If not for his chest rising and falling one might have mistaken him for a corpse. His eyes started to quiver as Allister painfully opened them, his body ached all over and was having trouble sitting up.

After a bit of struggle he succeeded and had a chance to look at his condition. He had numerous cut wounds on his and he had no clue how he got them but somehow the hole in his shoulder had closed.

Standing up he started to limp back to his apartment. His appearance was pretty common for those living in the slums so no one paid him any mind. Half an hour after he had left a figure dressed in a white trench coat and had on a pair of shades appeared in the alley. He also had a strange white umbrella in his hand.

[ Target has been found dead on Marcus Avenue. Cause of death, impaled through the neck. Will attempt to locate the individual who killed it. ]

The figure finished speaking into his communicator and faded into the darkness again.

Finally reaching his apartment Allister went straight to the bath to wash off the dirt and blood. He took off his clothes and gloves and went into the shower, if he had turned around he would have noticed that his gloves turned into black and red string and entered his chest.

After he was done taking a shower he looked at himself in the mirror and let out an audible gasp. He had not noticed under all the dirt and blood that his appearance had changed, he had grown 2 inches and his figure became more lean with abs and the outlines of other muscles.

He was still skinny but anyone could see that he had a lot of underlying strength. His skin was still pale and had some cuts but it looked way more alive than before and he no longer had any blemishes increasing his attractiveness. But the most drastic change was his eyes, his iris were still black but its corners had an ominous red glow that felt like if you looked at them for too long you would go mad.

After taking some time to admire himself went to put on some clothes and sat down on his bed.

When he started to get comfortable he heard a familiar voice in his head.

[ Host is advised to summon interface by saying or thinking the word status]

Allister was initially startled by the voice but decided to follow the instructions.

" Status"

[ Name: Allister Asteros ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Bloodline: ??? ]

[ Mutation Rank: Monster]


[Keen eye] Stage 1

Attribute description: You have remarkable eyesight and you are able to see farther and way more details than regular humans.

Allister couldn't help but smile as he read this. He looked into the shadowy corner of his room and saw that his vision was not obstructed by the darkness and he could zoom in on objects. In a good mood he continued to read the interface.

[ Heightened Reflexes ] Stage 1

Attribute description: You are able to perceive any danger and bloodlust directed towards you and your body will move immediately to avoid incoming attacks.


[ Hands of the Maestro ]

Rank: [???]

Revenant description:

[ When the show was over everyone left, but the maestro refused to let it end like this so he looked for the (???) that would his last show unforgettable. ]

" What a weird description, I wonder who this maestro is?" Allister could tell that this maestro was determined to make the best "show" but couldn't make out anything else.

Revenant Abilities:

[ Claws of desperation ]

[ Active ]


Grow claws that are sharp enough to cut steel but are as light as a feather.

Allister was flabbergasted, this one ability would make him a horrible opponent when fighting at close range. He didn't have much knowledge on hand to hand combat so he would have to learn it soon.

[ Short Intermission ]

[ Active]


When the user snaps his fingers, all hostile enemies within 14 meters will be put in a state of trance. Effect duration is based on the target's mental strength.

[ Deadeye ]

[ Passive ]


Your dexterity is increased and you can attack with great precision.

Allister could barely hold in his excitement as he thought of summoning the maestro and immediately black and red string appeared from his chest and wrapped around his hand to form gloves.

But then he noticed something: the gloves looked like the ones his dad had left him, then it hit him. His gloves were most likely in their dormant state until he awakened them after killing the monster. Allister had some questions about how his dad had acquired these gloves but pushed them to the back of his mind. There were some differences with their appearance, it looked more sturdy as they had a metallic sheen on their surface but were also lightweight.

"Oh yeah I still have the hit to do, well at least I have a new toy to play with. "

An almost unnatural smile formed on Allister's face. Allister was an average student by day and a hitman at night. He wasn't even close to the best but he still took pride in his work and it paid the bills so he had no qualms.

In a certain part of the slums there was a building, what made this building different from the rest is that it was the headquarters of a small-time mafia family.

It was the middle of the night when a blurry figure approached one of the side entrances that had two guards. The figure wore a formal gray suit, had a mask that covered his lower face and had on a pair of black gloves.

"I'm here on business from my boss Mr. Rodriguez I need to talk to your family head."

Allister said as he approached and showed his fake credentials. The guards had been expecting him as they immediately opened the door and led him inside.

The plan was going smoothly so far as the guards led him through various twisting corridors. They finally reached an elevator and walked in, " Do any of you guys have a piece of gum?" Allister asked. One of the guards looked at him, dug into his pockets and took out a stick of gum. Allister thanked him, and a moment later the elevator came to a stop.

In front of him was a long hall that was made out of synthetic wood and stone. At the end were two big double doors made from synthetic wood, when Allister approached them the doors opened to reveal an office made out of the same material as the corridor. Allister took the piece of gum out of his mouth and before anyone noticed, he took out a small ball device and wrapped it in the gum.

Sitting behind the wide desk in the middle of the office was a fat middle aged man around forty years old. He wore an expensive tuxedo and was smoking a cheap cigar. Allister sat down in the seat in front of the desk while the guards waited outside in the hall. Allister stuck the gum under the armrest and looked at the man behind the desk.

"So Mr. Hawthorne I don't need to tell you the purpose of my visit."

Allister spoke as he crossed his legs and looked Mr. Hawthorne in the eyes.

"No need I already know, all the credits have being collected and we are transferring it to driver, it'll take a few minutes so please be patient "

Mr. Hawthorne was slightly intimidated by Allister especially after looking at his black and red eyes.

Allister's plan was fairly simple, he used the disguise as a lackey of Mr. Rodriguez who was the syndicate boss of this area and who usually took "protection" money from lesser organizations so that they could keep functioning in his territory.

Allister was looking for the best opportunity to take out Mr. Hawthorne and it came when a woman in a maid outfit came into the office with a tray that held a black card. This card was called a driver and was used to hold credits which were the form of currency for the city.

The maid handed the card to Allister and exited the office. Allister looked at the card and a spark of greed flashed across his eyes. Putting the card into his top pocket he looked at his target

" We appreciate the transaction but I'm afraid our business together will have to come to an end.".

"Wait, what do yo-"

Before Hawthorne could even finish his sentence his eyes suddenly turned foggy and he looked like he had been put in a trance.

Allister had used [short intermission] and not wasting any time he activated [claws of desperation], two-inch red metal-like claws formed on the tips of his gloves as he jumped over the desk and pierced the man through both his legs.

Withdrawing his hand he took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off of his hands. Casually walking to the doors he kicked them open which almost tore them off their hinges, with his new strength after awakening this was a simple task. The guards who were in the hall didn't have a chance to react as Allister dashed at them with a speed that was inhuman and swiftly slit their throats with his claws.

Allister stopped at the door to the elevator and threw three balls similar to the one in the office around the hall. A few minutes later Mr. Hawthorne snapped out of the daze and immediately felt a sharp pain in his legs. He wailed in pain and immediately looked around to find the man who was in his office a second ago. He did notice a warm light coming from under the armrest of the chair in front of him until it turned into a blinding light and he yelled a curse at the mysterious man from before.


The entire building went up in smoke and painted the sky a nice chase of orange and the person who was responsible for all this chaos was idly walking home with a satisfied smile on his face.