
Parasyte: Yuki, Fleur S.

"I've never once thought that zombies would be deadly; Yet here I am deadlier" Yuki Fleur is a first-year college student, studying fine arts and design, in the country of New Zealand. Little did she expect that, by the time she had woken up, the world had turned into ruins from a certain virus-parasitic epidemic. Contagious, deadly, rabid, these characteristics are thoroughly described by none other than Wattson Claire and Turner Andrew, one of the few scientists who played a big part on the experiment produced as bio-weapons for the modern-global war, from a secret organisation called ‘S.P.E.C.T.R.E.’ Bitten by a zombie, right across her hind, she was exiled from her group due to her alarming risk for turning into one of them. Despite her ruptured flesh, she manages to swiftly avoid multiple obstacles, defying death itself, and fortunately survives, and saved from the hands of Grey Turner, the son of Andrew Turner, inside an abandoned house. She then becomes immune from the parasitic fungi/virus inside her cells and overturned her twisted rabid state due to her abnormal cells. Will Fleur and Grey be able to produce a complex vaccine out from her DNA, or fail from the mutated monsters lurking in the shadows? ***Parasyte: Yuki, Fleur S., and Parasyte: Turner, Grey B. are interconnected stories. In this novel, you'll experience the adventure of the little girl who's ridiculously lucky enough to survive the onslaught of the undead. She's more on the funny side than Grey, the main protagonist in his world. Let's unravel the mysteries of the world infested with undead monsters. We'll learn how to love, laugh, smile, cry, which also has a lot of Yuri (GirlxGirl) fantasies- *cough* Please enjoy reading the novel~ -Original Artwork by Cr4sh4rT Facebook link page: https://www.facebook.com/Cr4sh4rt.ngocnam/?ref=page_internal Gmail: cr4sh4rt@gmail.com -Original PHOTOGRAPH

kuhaku_sora · Fantastique
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187 Chs


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dione's Perspective ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hello…Is anyone out there? Help…"

I pulled myself up and nudge the bronze handle of the entrance door. Despite my striving efforts, the doorknob mightily stood its ground.

'It's hopeless. Futile…I'm going…to die'

My whole body slid from the surface of the door and hardly slammed against the cold concrete. The little strength from what was left inside of me was now exhausted, unable to do anything at all.

With no options available, I resigned myself and rested my head towards the wall, nearly out of breath; nearly out of blood.

It would take approximately 5 more minutes for me to collapse even further to my demise. And within those countable seconds, there was little to no hope at all for a miraculous saving grace who'd be loitering outside.

I closed my eyes and started counting…'til my last breathe of time.


"This is it for me…father…I've failed you…once more" I whispered, unaware whom I was talking to. I sincerely gaze upon the words written on my silver bracelet. 'Dione Miles', I could still remember the day I've laughed my first, and now, I've cried for my last.. I vibrantly gaze on the circlet, as it continuously provided me comfort and warm during these difficult times.

My mother, despite being consumed from the tokens of wage, I have loved you deeply in my heart. You, who have brought me in this world had lead me to a wonderful path filled with bountiful friends who have stayed by my side.

Rogh, I can never replace your perfect daughter, but you'll always be my dearest father.


I am thankful, nonetheless, for this life you've given me.

Fleur, right. My dearest friend. I hope…that one day, when the truth had reached your ears—

You've already…forgiven me forom the sins…that I've done.

__________ Fleur's Perspective________

"I could hardly believe myself being sooo focused on a boring meeting, especially held by adults, SIMILAR FROM WHAT WE ARE HAVING RIGHT NOW.

So I decided to sneak my way out from the conference room, and strolled the never ending hallways deeper in the cruise. And here I am, probably lost inside the corridors of what I'd call 'The Abyss'.

Besides, what's the worst thing it could happen?"

I started talking to myself, being my own company out of the isolated rooms installed within the interiors of the ship. As I marched my way deeper, the lights hung above kept flickering similar from the horror movies I've watched. I could also perceive my own voice echoing at the far end of the tunnel, yet no lights had embraced the dim corridor from where I had been venturing with.

I took a quick halt, distracted from the faint groaning sounds heard from a distance. However, I was yet unsure of what it is despite its audible tune.


The mysterious voice kept grimmer and grimmer, as if poking my whole soul, desperately reaching my arms. My guts had felt the same, as I turned at a peculiar door bathe with scarlet paint; with freckles of blood.

"Oh my… what happened" I tried opening the door with my bear hands, but to no avail. It was tightly locked inside out, and the key required must've been forgotten by the caretaker or…worse.

I gently moved away and minded my own business aside. Much to my surprise, my head kept turning back, pulling me from behind.

"Strange. Hmm" I was deep in thought, thinking whether

To poke my head and force my way inside?

Or leave it be and call it a night?

But, as the Great I would always say "To do foolish things is an act of a fool" BUT I AM A FOOL to begin with; Thus I've decided. I tiptoed my way back and gathered all of the energy to my foot, as I launched my way, kicking the metallic door with all of my might.

The door slowly budged, but not enough for me to get inside. Irritated, I curled up my uniform's sleeves and hurled my foot once more, this time multiplying my raw power and placing it in one go.

"Come on you galactic hunter uniform or whatever you're freaking called. Show me what you got!" As soon as my boot hit the rough surface of the iron-clad door, the wall shattered completely, scattering the debris from what was left of the solid wall.

"Oh-oh. Somebody's gotta pay for that, and that someone ain't me; No-uh" instantly after my long-awaited celebration, my head shifted on the vague figure vividly discern by my naked eyes.

A splashed trail of blood greeted my sight, leading me onwards to the vacant bedroom.

The scarlet trail had led me to someone…and that someone

Was Dione.

She was the anonymous voice ringing inside my head, as if we were connected similar to a single ear. There she is, lying on the soft linens of the bed painted in red hue, taking short and quick breathes, easing her troubled. Her eyes were filled with tears, and the moaning voice was now more audible and crystal in the room.

Observing furthermore her body, she had obtained a sole wound impaled deeply inside, enough to widened her whole abdomen, revealing his intestines and such. It was gruesome enough to stir my appetite apart, nausea even, from the appalling sight.


"Leave me…save…yourself"

"What? No. I'm saving you"

"Andrew…is here…in the ship…"


I hysterically pointed out the gaping cut, which was still gushing out of blood.

I hurriedly took my knife kept inside my hidden pockets and sliced the dangling fabric from the bed, and swathed it around Dione's bleeding abdomen. It wasn't the best first-aid we could wish for, but it was enough to temporarily tend her wound.

"Wait for me. Don't move an inch, I'll be asking for help. AND DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME"

"As if…I can…move…"

"Well, uh—I ain't taking any chances, you know?"

After our quick and short replies, my two giddy feet then swiftly ran outside, and soon traced back my earlier steps and vehemently seek out for aid.


I kept repeating my words, shouting even, at the top of my lungs. Yet, my screech was left unanswered and…

"Sweet home Alabama"

I stumbled upon the familiar hallway, and stopped back at the ingress of the conference room; only to find out that

A massive pool of blood compounded by various amount of dead bodies, piling at each other, welcomed my senses. The smell of iron baffled my nostrils, and the colourful paintings hung across the wall was decorated into something more…hellish.


I abruptly opened the door and…fortunately as it was (?), the room was voided with life. Paul and the others might've escaped out from this treacherous place. And the only thing left now was, to remain back at Dione's side and…do the best from what I can.

My feet continuously trembled from the hideous sight of the dead people nearby. They were either slashed from the napes of their necks or mercilessly shot to death by silent firearms.

None was kept alive. That much was obvious from the scene.

I pursued my stride, and held my petty mouth wishing to vomit the feeling of disgust. I was powerless, and left unscathed. I wanted to meet Venice and ask for her help once more but…who knew what she had become.





They may be dead right now…

However, I must first find Dione and mend her wounds. Her presence, is the only thing keeping me 'alive'.

I eventually reached the forsaken room and soon threw my knees on the ground.


Dione's body was nowhere to be seen.

But a clue of some sort was left behind; a letter encrypted with blood, stationed where her wounded body was supposed to be found

: S A V E :

"Save? By whom?"

My line of thoughts had clearly stopped, and left me motionless from the seams. After all this time, why would the gods have left me alive?



The tears longing to be cried had finally flowed my puffed cheeks. The salty taste of my sorrowful tears had melted my mouth and burned me inside.


Those were the last words spoken by Dione, before I could even arrive.

Calling for help was probably the best call from what I have in mind, but would the situation change if I had stayed by her side…for a period of time?


Not quite.

Lingering more on these regretful thoughts will prove to be meaningless, and thus I went outside unto the vast open deck , farther away from the slaughtered feast buried in the ship,.

"We've finally meet, Yuki Fleur"

There he was

An ominous white coat fluttered from the sky, lifted by the roaring chopper readied to take flight. Likewise, my friends were seated and tied up at the ends of the helicopter, immobilised and gagged.

"Andrew Turner!"

I yelled as loud as I could, hoping to be heard by the scientist above. His appearance was similar from the photographs collected by Paul, and at long here

He will finally reach his demise.