
Parallel Timeline: Time Loop Rebel

Gaus finds himself in a world trapped in a time loop. His wristwatch allows him to remember what happens in the loop and also retain his skills. Arriving at Loopers Academy, the only magic school that teaches people how to become loopers, Gaus finds himself torn between a powerful necromancer who wants to use his power to stay in the loop, a second time loop, and human clones. Do you think being trapped in one time loop is bad? Well, try being trapped in two.

Magajin_Wilbafos · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

45. Fear 83%

The woman was Lilat and the young man was Abbas. They didn't see them.

"Hey," Gaus called out but they didn't seem to hear him. He walked closer to them but they still couldn't see him.

"Let's just go back and get the bearings again," Lilat said.

"Finally, she is admitting it! We are lost," Abbas said.

Gaus grabbed their hands and suddenly they could see him. It was the vapor from the water field. It wasn't poisonous but it caused an irresistible urge that bordered on a compulsion to go away from the area.

Gaus granted them immunity and they swam to the entrance beneath the water. According to Calif, even if someone withstood the vapor, they couldn't swim to the entrance without immunity. Partly because they would have to hold their breath for 15 minutes. He didn't think a human could do that.

Now inside the confines of the dungeon, Abbas regained his senses and faced him.

"I know you from the library. Wait, are you part of this loop thing?" Abbas asked.
