
Parallel Log

Things immediately go wrong as famous author Dignitas Qwerdan finds himself in another world. And surprisingly, it's similar to the world in his novel, "The Academy's Regressor", a story about a mortal's repeated reincarnations as he struggles to prevent the world from being destroyed. As the one and only Author, Dignitas has sworn to see the story through. And he'll do anything to get his ending. From the authors Lorelliad and YoJinsei19, we present to you, Parallel Log!

Lorelliad · Fantaisie
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147 Chs

Saving Sayuri

The Sand Wolves were a special type of beast that dwelled in the sandstorms of the Desertian region. They were closely related to normal wolves, with their only visible external difference being the brown shade they held in their fur.

They would often hide in the cover of the storms and use this to ambush any unlucky prey caught in it.

It could be said that if you've never experienced a Sand Wolf attack, then you've never truly experienced the Desertian region.

"Oh, we're in the thick of it now. Ready your arms, boys!"

The Wastelanders immediately brought out their personal weapons. Those who were more of the melee type were stationed towards the front, while the ones with ranged weaponry rode in the back.

"Ready! Fire!"

The sound of gunshots penetrated the desert sandstorm. Bullets pierced through the air.

"Good effect on targets! Prepare for another attack!"

But the Sand Wolves weren't willing to stay down. They, too, geared up for an attack.

"Brace yourselves! They're charging out!"

Simultaneously, a group of Sand Wolves leaped out of the sand wall towards the Wastelanders.

"Not coordinated enough! Swing!"

Like a hive mind that acted as one, the Wastelanders all swung their weapons, catching the beasts in their hits and flinging them away.

The next few minutes were not much different from the beginning. While the Sand Wolves may have possessed enhanced abilities to help them survive the Beast Continent, they were no match for Nomadian's leadership.

Under his command, no Wastelander fell. They were able to get out with nothing more than a few minor injuries. A testament to just how well-versed the leader of the Wastelanders was in his home.

"And that's it, boys! Everybody pull over, we'll take a quick rest, and then it's back to the road!"


And so, the Wastelanders parked their vehicles in the sand, laid down their supplies, and sat down for a well-deserved, but short break.

As this was many of their's first time outside of the Motherlode, Nomadian was keen to narrate his adventures around the Beast Continent.

"Right, so where was I?"

"You were about to tell us the most formidable monster you've ever fought."

"Ah, right. In that case, I'd have to give that title to the Returner Bird."

"What was it like, boss?"

"Let's see… It was a bird twice the size of the Motherlode. Every time it flapped its wings, strong gusts of wind would assault the area, forcing me to keep moving."

"I did battle with it the moment I encountered it. And safe to say is, I beat it pretty easily."

"Where did its corpse land, boss?"

"Corpse? There was no such thing. See, the bird had a special trait about it. Every time it was injured, it would disappear immediately, and reappear back where its location was a few seconds ago."

"A bird that can travel back in time?!"

"That's why I never was able to kill it. But if I were to meet it again, I think I have a solid idea of how to do so. I'd want to harvest some of its parts for myself, too."


"I know that voice. That's you, isn't it? Kruos."

"Haha… I'm touched that you still remember me, Wang Jin. Ever since you ran away like a coward, the elders have been frantic. Tell me. Did you spill any secrets?"

"Secrets? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! But it doesn't matter. I'll make sure to kill both you and your little girlfriend here."

Wang Jin stood in front of Donna.

"Don't you dare bring her into this, you prick."

"Oh? The Wang Jin calls me a prick? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

"Enough talk! This will be the last time you defile the Jin clan with your putrid bloodline."

And there he was, the person known as Kruos. Stepping out from the fog, a man of tall stature appeared. He had medium-length black hair.

His clothes were a simple white undershirt with black pants. Directly below his waist on his right leg, Wang Jin could see a gun holster. And on his back, a sheath poked out.

"Get out of here, Donna. This fight belongs to me."

For the first time since she had met him, Wang Jin had shown an expression of pure seriousness.

Donna always held the view that Wang Jin was an easygoing boy who never seemed to care for anything.

His smooth, relaxed tone was always accompanied by his mellow attitude. That Wang Jin was being serious.

Donna thought it fit to go along with his wishes. Especially seeing as this battle seemed very important to him.

"Very well. I will stay back." Donna withdrew her blade and stood a few meters away.

The stage was set for a battle between Wang Jin and a man named Kruos. From an outsider's point of view, Wang Jin obviously held the weaker mana pool. The battle could just as easily end in favor of Kruos, who Donna sensed was at least C- rank.

Based on how the two spoke, she also surmised that they knew each other.

"Cousins… or perhaps, brothers? Whatever it is, they're very familiar with each other."

Despite the mist enshrouding the area, Donna could see both Wang Jin and Kruos opposite to each other.

They each struck their respective stances. Wang Jin steadied himself, his wind magic beginning to flow to the tips of his fingers.

Kruos, on the other hand, had a weapon with him. Reaching behind him, he pulled out a machete.

"Here we go."

Both fighters closed the distance instantly, with Kruos being slightly faster.


The entire area shook as they clashed against each other.

"Wait… I can see them clearly?!"

Donna was surprised to find that the mist had disappeared instantly. The surroundings weren't blocked anymore.

The mist didn't just dissipate into nothingness, though. It swiftly converged into Kruos, like a pet returning to its owner.

"The elders never taught you this trick, eh, Wang? The mist strengthens me!"

"You fucker."

Wang Jin was surprised to find Kruos' strength rapidly increasing.

"I need to stop it."

With this in mind, Wang Jin blinked at Kruos in a split second.

Gathering his strength, he unleashed a barrage of punches at his enemy.

But instead of his fists touching skin, he was met with the feel of something warm.

Wang Jin's eyes widened in shock. His fists had passed right through Kruos!

"I told you, Wang." Kruos raised his machete.

"Shi–I can't reac–"

Wang Jin was left with no time to react to the sudden attack. It was too late. He looked downwards and saw a machete that had pierced through his heart.

"This is goodbye, Wang. Looks like you never really were able to rid yourself of the title of The Weakest. Really, why did the Matriarch have to give birth to such a helpless brat?"

Wang Jin's body dropped to the floor.


With the Wastelanders having finished their break, they were finally now back on the road.

"The specified location relayed to me by Miss Cassandra should be just a few minutes ahead of us, Boss."

"Great! Just a bit more to go. Everyone, make sure you're fully prepared. Expect for there to be a battle the moment we arrive."

"Yes, boss!"

It didn't take long for the Wastelanders to notice something odd in the scenery after driving for a bit more.

Pink petals were raining from the skies. The endless, barren desert sand had now been replaced by a beautiful golden lake.

In the middle of the lake was an equally breathtaking sakura tree that seemed to rain petals eternally.

But that wasn't what caught Nomad's attention.

It was the twelve children who were standing around a red lady clad in a kimono.

"What the hell did we just walk in on…?"

"Boss, look! Those kids… they reek of something devious!"

One of Nomadian's subordinates, particularly one well-versed in identifying mana, gestured toward the group of twelve children.

"You're right. This aura… it's definitely not mana. It smells like it, but the feeling is off. Those kids are definitely up to something!"

He continued. "Everybody, come! Our main priority, for now, is to save the lady in the middle! Prepare for battle, Wastelanders!"

"Yes, boss!"