
Parallel Cosmos

Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@ttchme9816?si=sNRSgOKZt_ZM8-VN Twitter : https://x.com/TATchMeKit?t=BvbkPZbdOS3VmuN3c5GBbQ&s=09

TATchMe · Fantaisie
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131 Chs

Parallel Cosmos (2)

(16 years and 7 months after reincarnation)

[Takina's POV]

(9:21 p.m.)

The night falls, and while many Takeda people left to sleep back in Edo city, us Uesugi people have no better choice than to just sleep in our assigned rooms.

While in most modern people's time 9 p.m. is still quite early for sleep, here in a less advanced world people will sleep earlier. This is why despite it being just nine in the night, most people are already asleep.

But of course, I didn't forget about wanting to talk with the train master from yesterday.

"Sora-sama...? Are you awake?" I said as I poked the boy's arm that was dangling from the top bunk's bed.

"Zzz.... Mmm...."

"I've got mochis here~ your favorite sweet...!"

"Mochi.... so sweet.... Zzz..."

Good, he's asleep. I don't want him to find out that I'm an other worlder as well, so I'd like to keep this a secret from him.

Dead in the night, I got up from my bed and headed out of the room still dressed in a thin layer of kimono undergarments. Heading out to the hallway, I realized that it is extremely dark and I can't see anything.

"Damn.... Should've brought a light with me."

I made my way to the front of the train.... Passing by each cart, I opened the doors that lead to each carts and walked past countless train joints before reaching the front most cart.

'Cha chank...' I opened the metal door into the engine room, and it seems that no one is manning the engine room right now.

"Hmm.... Well, shit."

I was so focused on keeping my identity a secret that I forgot that no one would be working here at such an hour.... let alone the Train Master. I guess tonight is in vain huh?

"Welp, no sense wasting my time like this...." I turned around and decided to head back into the train.

As I blindly made my way back to my room in the darkness, I bumped into a man who happened to walk out of his room right as I passes by. 'Thud!'

"Ouch... Sorry about that, mister."

"It's fine, lady...."

As it was so dark, I couldn't see his face.

"Now then, if you'll excuse me...." I made my way past him and walked away.

"You looked kind of sad. Did something happened?" Said the man.

"You can tell...?"

"Indeed. I have long have the ability to sense emotions well, you see...."

"Ah.... I guess some people are more sensitive than others huh? Well, it's not exactly like I'm sad or anything, it's more like I was struck by a sudden burst of information that I just haven't got to process in my head yet...."

After all, in the span of a day I learned about the newest form of enchantment magic - tattoo crests, and then there's that other worlder who might be someone from my world.... and the entire thing with Sora-sama is just incredibly bizzare.

"If you'd like to, I can lend my ears to you. Plus, I was just planning to head out and grab a drink any way...."

"Sake...? Can I have some as well?"

"I don't mind sharing a drink with a pretty lady as yourself. Let us sit down at that corner, so no one can bump into us just like you did before."


And so, two complete strangers sat down on the corner of the hallway, so dark that they can't even see each other's face.

"Here." The man poured the newly opened bottle of sake onto a cup, and then sprinkled a few drops of salt onto the wine before handing it to me.

"That's salt right?"

"Indeed it is. Ah, are you perhaps worried about me slipping medicines into your drink?"

"I am." I said, with a stern voice.

"Don't worry, it's just salt. See?" With the same sprinkle, he poured some of the powder into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Uweh.... It's so salty...."

"I see.... Sorry for doubting you." I took the cup and sipped out of it.

"It's alright, girls like you should be cautious. I've seen countless people fall prey to dirty men after all, and it angers me to no end...."

"Haha, is that so? I've had a few people do that to me, but it always resulted in me putting my blade up to their necks...."

My work as a dancer has obviously made me a big target for these "slipping pills in your drinks" people.... But I don't usually take drinks from strangers, and even if I do I will always make sure hat it's safe.

"Sips.... Are you a swordswoman?"

"Indeed I am. But I lost my blade yesterday...."

"That must've been painful.... Just like an artist losing his most prized work."

"Right...?! I can't believe Genji could just shrug it off like that! Honestly, kind of annoying.... Sips..."

"I couldn't imagine losing my work like that.... I feel sorry for you."

"Yeah... Sips...."

"From what I've heard, you must've drank a lot, right?"

"Indeed.... My work (as a dancer) has been incredibly difficult and tiring.... stressful even. Out of so many things that I found respite in, it turned out to be alcohol, just like my father.... Haha..."

"I see.... Well, it's not that bad right? Unless you drink too much."

"It's not like I drink everyday though, so I could indulge for a bit.... Sips.... Seconds!"

"Haha, a lady with a strong tolerance of liquor huh? I like that."

As he pours more into the cup, I peeked out through the window of the train. A piece of cloud moved by the winds was blown away, revealing the beautiful blue moon up on the sky, shining the cold tint of light into the train.

"Ah, finally some light!" Said the man as he hands the second cup of alcohol to me.

"Thank you. (...?!)"

When I looked at the man, I saw that he is the train master.... The so called other worlder that I was looking for in the first place.

"Oh, you are that kid's big sister. Didn't took you for a swordswoman though, haha..."

"I'm not his big sister.... First off, I'm an outsider, not like I am blood related to him."

"I suppose. But easterner or westerner, everyone's the same.... There's no such thing as an 'outsider', at least in my eyes. Sips...."

"Why do you say so?"

"Well, I was kind of just like you.... An outsider. But in the end everyone treated me like normal even if I am weird in their eyes. I'm grateful to them you know, for giving me a second chance...."


I felt the same way when I first came here to this world.... It felt like I didn't belonged here, like I was some kind of nuisance to everyone.

But I wasn't. Not to Thomas, not to Katherine, and certainly not to Lynn. Even Kenshin treated me like he'd anyone else, despite us having different skin colours.

That's why.... I felt a real sense of connection with this man here. There's no doubt about it....

"....Have you perhaps heard of a planet called the earth?"

"...!" The man realized what he just heard from me, and turned to look at me in shock.

"Hehe... you shouldn't go around telling kids about your back story, idiot." I reached my hand to his head, and flicked his forehead.


"Oh, did I use too much force? Sorry...."

"It's alright. So, are you from earth as well?"

"Mmm. It's a place where I had tons of bad memories but... Sips... I miss it."

"Right? Even the tiniest things like a flusable toilet is so rare in this world. It's just so convenient back in the modern world.... Well, I guess this is the trade off for having magic huh?"

"I suppose so.... Can you use magic?"

"Somewhat, yes. I did have to rely on some magic to build this train here after all."

"You're incredible.... From our world's history, a train is what brought countless jobs and money to people that need it, and you just created it in this world!"

"Haha, am I that incredible?"

"You are...! Not like I did anything that advances the human kind...."

"Then what did you do?"

"I... learned and created some magic, and learned to swing a sword. Useless things that doesn't help anyone."

"Mmm.... See, that's the problem with your mindset."


" 'I am so bad!' this, 'They did so much better' that... You are incredible as well from my perspective, stop doubting yourself."

"What's so incredible about me then...?!"

Eh? Why did I yelled at him? Am I getting drunk...?

"Hmm.... To me, magic in this world is like science back on our world. The fact that you are essentially a scientist that makes new theories here should be more than enough of a contribution. And physical abilities are one thing that I lacked as well."

As he talked, I drank even more sake.

"Sips.... What do you mean...?"

"You see the people of this world? They can do insane things like jumping onto the second floor, or get stabbed through the guts but live to tell the tale.... You get the point. I don't have such talent, the very flick that you did here should say more than enough."

He pointed to his forehead, where a small bruise could be seen.

"Wow.... It's a bruise!"

"Haha, it is. A flick that seemed like a casual jab to you is a flick that inflicts damage on me. Here, take my arm."

"Mmm?" I grabbed his hand with my own....

"Now pull! Hghb-!"

The man pulled on my hand.... Except that he's incredibly weak, it took little effort from me to resist him.

"Wow... I'm so small and you still can't pull me?"

"Heh, this is my point. The very fact that you came from our world and can still be almost superhuman is more than enough of a feat for me to call you a talented person. I learned as much from how that boy praises you like some sword saint or something."

"Mmm? Sora-sama did?"

"Indeed he did. It seems that he really admires you, and really sees you as a big sister despite having no blood relation."


"Sips.... Hey, I am Nozomi Satou."

"Nozomi Satou? You are Nozomi Satou? Hahaha..."

Haha.... My classmate...!

"So, what's your name?"

"Fujiwara Takina!"

"No, not that. I meant your earth self's name."

"Ahh... You mean that...? Haha, you will not believe me when I say it!"

"Why not?"

"Because~, my earth's name is extremely similar to my name now! I was Fujiwara Taki, and now I am Fujiwara Takina! Ahaha, funny isn't it...?!"

"...! Taki... san?"


"You mean, the 3-A class in high school, Taki-san?"


"The one who got onto the bus along with the rest of his class and then was struck by some unknown lightning Fujiwara?!"


"And you are a pretty lady now?!"

"Indeed I am~! Look here, boobs!"

"Geez.... You are literally a woman both physically and mentally now huh? Haha.... I never would've thought this could happen...."

"Mmm! It is odd~!"

I took his bottle of sake with my hand.

"Hey that's my-"

'Gulp!' Then I chug it down.

"Oh well... You drank way more than I did, no wonder you are already drunk...."

Man.... I haven't enjoyed myself like this in a long time now.... This is so fun!

"Hah! Just so you know, when I first came here I really struggled a lot with my sexuality!"


"But~, when I was held by a boy for the first time, my heart fluttered~.... It was also the day that I menstruated for the first time!"

"Aren't those things like, really embarrassing to talk about? Especially with guys?"

"Eh~ who cares, I'm happy now!"

"Well, fair enough...."

"Anyway, it was then that I knew.... I knew that even though I resisted the idea of becoming a woman.... All it took was just one incident to completely change my perception.... So why bother resisting the hormonal changes to my body? Sniffs...."

Somehow, I started crying.

"You alright?"

"Sniffs.... I really missed father and mother...."

"On earth?"

"No! Here! In this world!"

"Then why did you left?"

"Don't know.... Sniffs...."

"Haha, you're done for I'm afraid. Game over, you've lost this drinking game."

"No! I haven't lost-"

"Alright alright, that's enough drinking now, let's get you back to your room."

"No! Sora-sama is annoying! I don't wanna see him!"

"Come on now, that's enough. Anymore of that and I'll start to worry about alcohol poisoning...."

The man took the bottle of sake away from my hand.... And right then as he got close to me, I finally realized that this man and I got along really well.

I looked him in the eyes closely and said to him the words that proved to him my true identity as a woman.

"Hey.... Wanna do it?"


The man looked extremely flustered at that moment.... It was kind of cute. However, he easily regained his composure as if nothing happened.

"Hell naw, with a drunk lady?! That wouldn't be gentlemanly now would it?"

"Ehhh~? How sad...!"

"....Fujiwara-san, we may be connected because of our past, but you barely know me all.... I know why you're like this."

"Mmm? Why~?"

"You're lonely. You lost your sister, and your family is no where near you at all. You don't have anyone by your side, and so you want someone to love you, to hug you, to touch you...."

"But.... I do have someone.... I have you!"

"Like I said, I'm not that someone you drunken whore! That's why.... don't throw away your body because you got drunk.... or lonely."


"Well you are kind of cute even though you're drunk.... I never would've thought that you used to be a man.... Let's get you back to your room shall we?"


"Hmpt!" He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me up to walk.

"Ahaha! I have so much fun talking today! Thank you soooo much, Train man!"

"It's Nozomi Satou! And keep your voice down, we don't want to wake up anyone else!"



When I woke up, it was almost noon already. And as I was preparing myself, I started to think back on last night....

Well.... Yeah. Drunk me got a bit too horny and wanted to sleep with the train man for apparently no reason.

But luckily, he was a gentleman and didn't took advantage of me whatsoever.... Instead, he carried me back to this room where presumably Sora-sama took care of me for the entire morning. What a servant I am, having my Lord taking care of me.....

But still.... I'm lonely huh...?

"...Heh. I guess I do feel somewhat empty.... inside."

Now.... Once I was done preparing for the morning, I headed out of my room with a still terrible headache.

"(Attention, dear guests.)"

A voice could be heard from the magic speaker in the train.... but that soft voice sounds familiar.

"(We are nearing the Kyoto station at approximately 30 minutes. Please pack up your luggage and prepare to leave when the train arrives. The Satou Railway Services thank you for using this train.)"

That voice.... it's.... Sora-sama?!

"-dono. Earth to Fujiwara-dono!" The familiar voice of another man was heard from the sides.

"Genji-sama? It's good to see you today. What brings you here?"

"I brought a replacement.... For your sword that is."

"Oh there's no need, you really don't have to-"

"We are both friends for half a year now, there's no need for you to be so tact. Accept this replacement sword, as a gift."

"O-oh.... well if you say it like that, I suppose I'll receive it then."

"Good. Here..."

He took out the katana from his back.... It's a Katana that lacked a proper hand guard (tsuba) similar to my original sword.

It's sheath and handle is in black and white, it's length is about 0.9 meter, about 20 cm shorter than the last one I had.

"Sorry that I couldn't find a longer blade.... But this shirasaya is similar to the one you had. Would you like another one instead?"

"Eh, this one is fine already. I've always hated how clumsy it is to carry my sword around anyway.... Let's see."

'Ching...' I pulled the sword out of the saya....

It was now that I noticed a peculiar thing about this sword. On the blade are a pattern or stripes of black scattered across the surface. Those must be patches of carbon, bonded into the metal of the sword.

"This is.... Meteorite Steel Blade like the one that Kenshin-sama has?"

(AN : Kenshin owns a sword similar in metal to this one.)

"Indeed. As you have guessed, this is a rather unique sword made out of meteorite metal instead of the usual iron sand."

"Where did you get this?!"

"It was in our arsenal storage. I didn't know where it came from, but since Oji-sama liked to outfit our armory with the best quality of equipment, I thought that it might've been his."

"Right.... Of course your rich family would be the one to own this.... But still, this is just too much for just a mere sword replacement!"

"It's alright, this is nothing when compared to the wealth that we'll have to pay to hire your service.... Just accept this as a gift, if you can't as a replacement sword."

"Oh.... Thank you again, Genji-sama."

"It's fine, Fujiwara-dono. Now then, I'll be on my way."

"Right.... See you."

This sword was no mere replacement.... It's quite incredible actually. Meteorite steel is generally tougher for some reason, and thus makes it much harder to forge into blades.

But the ones that are successfully forged will be extremely high quality.... Even before they are enchanted into Magic Items.

This blade has no enchantments on it, but I don't like having an enchanted blade anyway so it is an upside for me.

"...Hehe...." I want to test this out so bad.... Are there any tatami mats here that I can chop up?


[???'s POV]

I thought I was alone in this world.... It turned out that I wasn't.

My name is Nozomi Satou.... A random 17 year old teenage boy who is going through his high school years at a run-of-the-mill school.

Now I have read countless stories and light novels where the MC was reincarnated with powers that rivalled the gods.... But I wasn't one of them, I was born talentless and useless.

I can't swing a sword, I can't shoot a bow, and I don't have any Mana inside my body. That being said, I was far from powerless.....

No, I had all the power in the world, for I am a noble of Japan. The son of the Right-Hand Minister of Kyoto, I was named Fujiwara-no-Satou, my given name coincide with my past name of Nozomi Satou.

Besides money, I have something better.... It's knowledge! Even back in high school, I dreamt of becoming an inventor but was held back by monetary issues....

My reincarnation here in this Feudal Fantasy Japan gave me a second chance to try my luck on becoming an inventor. The best part is I'm not even limited by the laws of Physics, because there are magic!

I learned the use the only school of magic that I can use - Enchantment Magic, and it helped me tremendously. This combination of technology, science and magic single handedly made me the best inventor in all of Japan.....

My first invention - The Musket. At the time of it's creation, I was but a 9 year old boy.... A boy that lived in a period of civil war in Japan. It won the Oda Clan the entire Western Japan, including Kyoto.

My second invention - Enchanced Combat Golems. By optimizing the magic enchantments that make a standard iron golem functional, I made it in a way that is much more similar to modern day tanks with their speed and durability, even equiping them with powerful magic cannons.

My third invention that took years to complete - The Steam Engine. It isn't exactly MY invention, but I made enough changes in the engine to have it be original. It uses both Mana from the Environment as well as Coal to power the engine's flames, making it much more efficient than conventional Mana-Core Engines that only the Traditional Golem uses.

My fourth and current invention - The Steam Engine Powered Train. It took years to complete, and by the time I made this I am already 22 years old.

Now, with all these inventions you may think that I feel fulfilled.... But I never felt that way.

I needed someone in my life, someone that came from the same place as I did.... I needed someone whom I can share my new achievements in this new world with.

And it was then.... Just 10 minutes ago, this idiot girl that I'm holding in my arm asked me the words that I never thought I'd hear in my life.

"....Have you perhaps heard of a planet called the earth?"


She was Fujiwara Taki.... And now she's Fujiwara-no-Takina. She was a he, but now a she.


I was baffled. THIS girl was the Taki that I knew and underestimated was a loser, a bully that literally no one likes?!

She bruised me with just a flick to my forehead! And even just calling him a guy is a bit too much, because there's no doubt that he's completely a woman now.

I still remember how she caught me off guard with just three words....

"....Hey, wanna do it?"

It was embarrassing to say that at that moment, especially because I know he's a guy before, but I got hard. She's hot.

European with long silky red hair and shining blue eyes, it's like she's a Hollywood actress. I'd not reject the idea of sleeping with her at all....

But, I wouldn't. I knew she isn't in the right mind and... well, it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth if I took advantage of her loneliness right now.

That's why.... I'll protect her instead.

"Oji-san, why are you smiling?"

"Haha.... It's nothing."

'Cha chank!' The door to the operation room opened....

"Sora-sama, I've come to retrieve you."

"Oh, Takina-san!"

Speak of the devil.... The lady herself shows up before me once more.

"It's good to see you up and about.... Takina."

"Oh! Nozomi Sa- ahem.... What's your name again?"

"Hahaha, we drank so much last night and you still don't remember?! It's Fujiwara-no-Satou! We have the same family name, which means we are both nobles of the Fujiwara family!"

"Ah, that! Well actually Fujiwara is no longer my real family name but I guess that's not important huh...."

"Don't forget where and when we are at now, Takina.... I don't think anyone other than royals actually give a care about last names."

"True.... But regardless, thank you for last night again.."

"Naturally, my friend."

She then leaned in closer to me and whispered without the boy hearing.....

"Let's drink some more next time... If I get to know you better, maybe I'd even have a chance to invite you to the bed for real!"

"Heh.... If you can seduce me, then sure."

"Are you challenging me?! Fine, I'll learn all the tricks from Kyoto's Red Light District and then come use it on you!"

"Don't.... please just don't go to the red light district."

"O-oh.... I see.... Still, thank you for last night, I feel much less lonely now! Anyway, Sora-sama, we must go now. Genji-sama is already doing the head counts."

"Alright! See you later, Train Oji-san!"

"See you Matsumae-kun. And you too.... Takina."

"....Satou. See you as well. It was nice to meet you, for real!"

"Heh.... I know, Taki-kun."

A grin appeared on her face.

"Hmph.... Let's go, Sora-sama."

Once those words were exchanged, they left the room and closed the door, leaving only me behind.... Well, if not for the fact that their muffled voice could still be heard.

"Takina-san, you were lonely?"


"Did you wanna fuc-"

"Let's not go over the details."

Those two were practically siblings....

"Phew.... Finally, some time for me to rest."

Once this is all done, I can't wait to come up with new improvements for my train.... It is only under Father's advice that the Emperor would personally allow me to use these people as test subjects for this prototype.

Can't go wasting these data that I have collected, right?

(Chapter end)