
Paragon of Life and Death

Every generation on Earth, a guardian is born to protect mortals from Otherworlders—entities from foreign realms that seek to plunder resources and destroy society. As one Guardian is born, another ascends to Godhood, perpetuating a cycle. In the far future, a chaotic turn of events unfolds as nine guardians are born in a single generation, signaling profound changes as the world morphs, evolves, and expands. Mortals awaken abilities, a grand system descends, and portals and dungeons open across the planet, heralding a cataclysmic event spanning the universe. The fusion. The cosmic fusion. All planets merge into one, birthing a new realm. All races fight for supremacy and survival as the universe plunges into an era of war and chaos. ** Amidst this chaos, a young man, taken into custody for his father's murder, finds himself entangled in million-year-old schemes that span the entire world and beyond. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/zbqqvxMwpS

Orclion · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Noble Rest

Amon weaved through the waves of destruction and controlled his innate aether to both obscure the sense of his pursuers but to also impede their progress.

Currently, the entire world was filled with nothing but his own chaotic innate aether and though this would soon change and return to neutral aether, he had a few minutes left he could still take advantage of.

Beams of chaotic aether, spears of purple and green, balls of fire—any and all things Amon could launch, he did.

Frustration began to accumulate within the hearts of the three elders as suddenly, they came to a decision.

Ratasha and Selia stopped running after Amon, retreating diagonallly as Oroh, with a low shout, unleashed a sort of domain.


A bubble of black aether formed around the four of them and Amon found himself trapped.