
Paradoxical LightVille Adventures

The story follows the lives of three friends and a woman they all loved. It will reveal how the woman took advantage of their innocence and explains how much friendship meant to each of them Little did they know how connected their fates was to each other. #Thriller, Murder mystery, action

A_T_Whisper · Urbain
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8 Chs

Lone kid and the wolves

Kelvin and Josh were now in third grade and had become very close friends. Every morning, Kelvin would pick up Josh on their way to school. As Kelvin arrived at Josh's house, he greeted Mrs. Kenward, who was cleaning her front yard. "Good morning, Mrs. Kenward," Kelvin said with a smile.

Mrs. Kenward replied, "Morning Kelvin, um hold on a second. Joshua! Your friend is here, hurry now!"

Joshua yelled from inside the house, "I'm coming!" Both Mrs. Kenward and Kelvin had grown accustomed to Josh's tendency to act only after being reminded multiple times. They were getting tired of his behavior. Despite Mrs. Kenward's efforts to wake him up early and help him get ready, Josh always ended up being late when Kelvin came to pick him up.

One morning, Mrs. Kenward suggested that Kelvin leave Josh behind if he continued to make them late for school. As they were discussing this, Josh came out of the house while eating bread. His mom reminded him to eat slowly and be careful when crossing the road. Josh replied to his mother in an annoyed tone, "Bye mom! Moms right, always so dramatic."

Kelvin, who knew how much effort Josh's mother put into taking care of him, couldn't understand why Josh sometimes appeared hostile towards her. He asked his friend, "What are you talking about? Your mom is the sweetest thing. She wakes up early every morning to prepare your breakfast, and you don't even appreciate it. Speaking of which, give me some of that!"

Kelvin took a few slices of bread from Joshua, who replied, "Easy now!"

Kelvin chuckled and said, "You know it's like they say, 'the rich kids are the only ones who get to act spoiled without shame.'"

Josh asked, "Who says that?"

Kelvin confidently responded, "I do! And based on my understanding of people, it's very true."

Josh disagreed, saying, "I'm not sure what you think, but I love my mom."

Kelvin dropped the topic and changed the subject. "So, what did you do last night?"

Kelvin explained that he had watched The Lion King multiple times, but he was starting to get tired of it because his little sister always wanted to watch it. Josh asked if it was his sister again, and Kelvin confirmed, saying, "Yes, we have no choice. If she doesn't get what she wants, she never stops crying and yapping about this and that."

They continued their conversation, discussing their different experiences at home. Josh mentioned that his dad was always watching football games with his friends in the sitting room, so he didn't spend much time with his family in the evenings. He would usually play video games instead.

Kelvin expressed his envy, saying, "You get to play video games in your own room with your own console."

Josh admitted that it could get boring sometimes, fighting battles alone in his room without anyone to witness his victories. Kelvin countered, "Trust me, it's not. I share a room with my two hyeongs, and there's nothing better than privacy."

Josh asked about the term "hyeongs," and Kelvin explained that it meant "big brother" in Korean. He shared that they watched Korean dramas on weekend nights and he had started learning a few words. Josh commented on how fun Kelvin's brothers were and how they knew how to have real fun.

Kelvin didn't see it that way and urged Josh to hurry up for fear of arriving late to school. They went to school and had a normal morning lesson until break time. During the break, they stood outside the classroom, trying to figure out what to do next. Their timing to make other friends had always been off, and it was becoming increasingly awkward because they had known those kids for almost three years. Josh expressed his hunger, reminiscing about the packed lunchboxes from kindergarten. Kelvin, who had observed the delicious snacks his mom prepared for his sister Agnes, admitted to feeling a tinge of jealousy. He mentioned that if he had someone to support him, he would ask his mom to pack something for him too.

However, Josh couldn't bring himself to do it. He found it strange that bringing food to school was now seen as normal only for girls, while boys felt judged for doing the same. Kelvin argued that everyone eats, and there's no need to feel ashamed of eating in class. But Josh remained hesitant, believing that it wasn't a "manly" thing to do.

Kelvin was surprised by Josh's concern over gender norms and responded, "I didn't think you were one to be concerned about such things, you always do what you want. Anyway, Mom gave me K2. Let's go buy some fritters."

Josh agreed, mentioning that he had K5 and would buy some popcorn as well. Their friendship was strengthened by their ability to speak their minds openly and honestly. They headed to the snack stand and purchased fritters and popcorn, satisfying their hunger.

As they made their way back to class, an unforeseen incident was about to unfold. Josh asked Kelvin to hold his snacks while he used the ablution block.

Josh entered the ablution of the toilet rooms. While he was doing his business, he suddenly heard voices coming from the next room.

The first voice said, "I told you you'd pay if it happens again, punch him in the stomach." Then he heard punches and kicks. Two other voices started laughing in an evil way.

Puzzled and curious, Josh wanted to know what was happening in the next room. He quickly finished and went outside the door of the next room to eavesdrop clearly.

The first voice continued, "You fools, I told you to hit him in the stomach! What will we do if it leaves bruises?"

The second voice replied, "Sorry! It's just that I think he's getting used to punches. I thought changing our methods might help."

The first voice snapped, "Shut up and just do what I tell you to do! You know what, step aside! I'll do it myself. Hey, Little Ty, he says our ways of teaching you are proving ineffective. Do you think so too?"

Josh asked himself, "Ty? Who is that?" Then he leaned closer to the door to hear what exactly was happening.

Ty pleaded, "Please just let me go!"

The first voice sneered, "I am starting to think D is right, you deserve an upgrade. I have just the right thing for you." Another beating followed.

Ty cried out, "Please stop this, I'll do it again."

The first voice replied, "I know you will, but we'll still beat you so that you do it better next time."

Ty protested, "I told you my grandfather died. We had a funeral last month, and I couldn't keep up with my study schedule. Our entire house was filled with relatives for weeks."

The first voice callously responded, "None of my business. You see, some of us have a reputation we need to keep. Beat him, boys!"

Filled with rage, Josh stormed in and said, "What the hell! Mandron? And you guys! What are you doing here? Are you bullying Tyson?"

It turned out to be Mandrone and his two minions, the twins Douglas and Damian. They were bullying Tyson, a rather quiet boy.

Mandron taunted, "If it isn't the rebel himself, Josh Kenward! Normally I'm open to having a chat with you, but I'm kind of busy right now. So go your way unless you want to get beaten!"

Josh retorted, "What did you say! I've had enough of your shit! If acting crazy is the only skill you know, I hear the mental hospital is always welcoming. Tyson, get up, we're leaving."

Tyson stood up, trying to leave with Josh, but Mandron blocked him and said, "You're not going anywhere."

Mandron and Josh had yet another heated confrontation. This time, Mandrone wasn't bullying Josh as much as he used to in first and second grade. Despite all the harsh treatment Josh received from Mandron, he still didn't seem to fear him. He always spoke for himself and confronted Mandrone without fear. It was clear to Mandron that among everyone he used to bully, Josh was the one person he failed to break down. That made Mandron start avoiding Josh. In the ablution, Mandron, upon seeing Josh's untamed nature, slowly started to back down.

Kelvin noticed that something was wrong from the noise he heard outside, so he went in and found Josh about to fight Mandron.

Kelvin exclaimed, "Hey, stop! What's happening here? Josh, why are you trying to fight with him?"

Josh replied, "This brute was beating Tyson."

Mandron sneered, "What did you call me?"

Kelvin intervened, "Tyson! Why were you beating him?"

Mandron deflected, "It's none of your business. Just take your stupid friend here and go your way like obedient little puppies before we make you!"

Kelvin stood his ground, "I can't do that. You're going to have to let all three of us leave here in peace!"

Mandron challenged, "Or what?"

Kelvin responded firmly, "The fact that you asked that means you have an idea of what I'll do. I will scream, the teachers will hear us, and then we will take this matter to the headteacher's office."

Mandron wanted to avoid getting on the bad side with the teachers. He knew they would eventually find evidence of his bullying. So he backed down and said, "This isn't over! You three better watch your back. Let's go, boys."

Kelvin turned to Tyson, "Are you alright?"

Tyson replied, "I'm fine."

Josh exclaimed, "You should have just helped me beat them up."

Kelvin advised, "Violence is the last thing we want. And besides, we don't stand a chance against those brutes."

Josh insisted, "Next time I'll..."

Kelvin interrupted, "Take it easy. Let's just report them to the headteacher."

Tyson interjected, "Don't! I can't do that."

Kelvin asked, "Why not?"

Tyson explained, "They said if I report them to anyone, they would come at me at night when no one is around and hit me with stones."

Josh exclaimed, "Come at you at night? Interesting."

Kelvin cautioned, "What? Josh, don't get any ideas."

Tyson retorted, "Whatever. Just know that I can't report them. This brings me to... from now on, you two are my friends. Where you go, I go."

Kelvin questioned, "What? I mean, why?"

Tyson replied, "You think those maniacs will leave me alone after what you did? If anything, they will come at me twofold. And it's all because of you."

Kelvin clarified, "Because of us?"

Tyson asserted, "Yes. So be real men for once and take responsibility for your actions."

Josh scoffed, "You're telling us to be real men?"

Kelvin intervened, "Well, I, for one, have no issues with you becoming our friend as long as you abide by a few rules we've made. Josh?"

Josh concurred, "No qualms here."

Kelvin concluded, "Now, let's move fast before we arrive late from break time and give Mandron yet another reason to torment us."

From an unlikely situation, new bonds formed. How strong those bonds were, was something they all wanted to find out. After school, the trio, now buddies with benefits, headed back home together for safety reasons.

On their way, Kelvin inquired, "Tyson, you said they have been using you for two years now. How exactly do they use you?"

Tyson replied, "The exact word would be abusing. They have been abusing me for two years now."

Kelvin expressed disbelief, "Yes, but why?"

Tyson explained, "The obvious and very clear reason is that I'm weak. I do their assignments, projects, homework, you name it. Everything, up to writing detailed notes using simple English terms in their textbooks for the things they don't understand in class, which is almost everything. I don't know if they do this because they are really halfwits or if they just love my pain and suffering."

Kelvin exclaimed, "Those monsters! You did all that, and they still beat you?"

Tyson revealed, "Mandron always says, 'Never release a horse into the wild until it's fully tamed.'"

Josh remarked, "That doesn't even make any sense!"

Kelvin commented, "Mandron, that two-faced imposter, acting all smart in class when he is this low."

Josh proposed, "Now we have his weakness. We only need to come up with a plan to finish him."

Tyson cautioned, "Just be mindful, the one standing on the front line is me. I don't want to find myself hanging upside down from a tree, getting beaten again."

Kelvin pondered, "Hold on a second, I understand Mandron, but Damian and Douglas never get good grades!"

Tyson explained, "Some people are hardcore-headed. Give them either food or gold, and they will choose food, saying they don't know what to do with sparkly stones."

Kelvin lamented, "Whatever respect I had for Mandron is now gone."

Tyson declared, "Respect! People like him don't deserve it. If I had the power to wipe them out, I wouldn't even think twice about it."

Kelvin reasoned, "Dude, easy! He is just a naïve boy; he doesn't know any better. And I only respected him a bit because I thought he had qualities of a good leader. You know, the one where you know what you are doing, have a certain charisma that makes everyone follow, even if it's out of fear."

Tyson remarked, "That's called domination. If only he knew the pain he has caused me!"

Josh mused, "I almost feel bad for the damn fool. The look he will have when everyone finds out what he is."

Tyson reminded them, "I told you, you can't tell anyone about this. As much as I hate him, I should face the fact that I am not some hero from some fictional comic book. I need to succumb to them, but only to a certain degree. That's why I thought befriending you was the safest possible way."

Josh acquiesced, "Fine, but I should at least get to tease him about this. Make him uneasy. By the way, did your grandfather really die? I heard you saying your grandfather died earlier!"

Tyson admitted, "No, that was just an attempt to make him feel pity for me. But the kid's emotionless."

Kelvin changed the topic, "Anyway, do you like comic books? Josh and I read them all the time."

Tyson responded, "Yes, I do. They make me feel empowered, even if it's just temporary. What kind of comic books do you guys read?"

Kelvin shared, "Superhero and fantasy. I love them, although I only have three at home."

Tyson exclaimed, "Only three? That's almost a nightmare!"

Kelvin explained, "Well, I go to Josh's house sometimes to read his. He owns a lot. My family isn't that well off financially."

Tyson suggested, "Then take advantage of him and take as many as you can from his house."

Kelvin objected, "I can't steal from a friend!"

Josh chimed in, "And also, I'm right here!"

Tyson reasoned, "If you don't use and take advantage of your closest friend, whom can one take advantage of?"

Kelvin firmly stated, "No one! Stealing is stealing, even if it's from family."

Tyson accepted, "Noted. So don't go searching my bag whenever I'm leaving after hanging out at your place."

And that's how the three protagonists became acquainted with each other, each one carrying their own unique baggage. Little did they know that their lives were about to take an unexpected turn, and the events that followed would test their friendship in ways they never anticipated.