
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Mystery In The Stars


"Hm? Where is this?" I muttered to myself while looking around and admiring the blue stars around me, but as I was elaborating the situation in my mind, a voice interrupts me.

"...You must..."

"Huh? I can't hear you-"

As I said that, my vision went black, as if I was in absolute void, but then I woke up in a strange room with other people.

The room was around 40 meters square and 6 meters high, made of old looking stone blocks, some of them were partially broken since they were probably there for a long time.

The light brightening the room came from some torches attached to the walls, and at the end of the left wall there was a wooden door.

As i got up from the ground, i noticed that the people who were in the room looked as confused as me, if not more.

Many were looking at their surroundings, alerted and confused, while a few others looked like they were organizing their thoughts while analyzing the situation they were in.

I noticed that there was a clear distinction between the type of clothing that those people were wearing.

Some had modern and simple clothes, made of refined cloth, while the other ones had old medieval looking clothes, as if they were from two different civilizations.

I looked at my clothes, and found out I was wearing medieval clothes and ,for some reason, felt intrigued and uncomfortable the moment I noticed it.

I looked around a bit and found a piece of old paper folded and stuck in between two blocks of stone in the wall, I pulled it out and unfolded it.

It was a handwritten map of a building.

A tower.

The map showed that the tower had 50 floors in total and there was a note to the side.

"Whoever is reading this, may luck be by your side in the trials".

Trials? What trials?

As I was trying to organize my thoughts, I saw people gathering in the centre of the room.

I then put the map on the ground, hoping that someone else would have found it and let the others see it, since I don't like to be at the centre of the attention too much.

I walked towards the crowd of people so that I could see what they were doing.

There was a big bald man in a black sleeveless shirt with dark brown eyes amongst the crowd, speaking:

"Do any of you know what this place is?! How did we get here??"

A black haired girl with black eyes wearing a school uniform responded with a cold voice and expression:

"I was going back home from school, when suddently, a strange light appeared on the ground and found myself standing here. Did anything like that happen to you too?"

As the conversation went on, i noticed a young boy with light brown hair and green eyes and a young girl with dark purple short hair and blue eyes in the corner of the room silently crying. I walk towards them and crouch to be closer to them, "are you hurt somewhere? It's okay now, don't cry." i tell them as i try to be friendly and make them stop crying,

The boy then looked at me.

"i'm not hurt... I just wanna go back home with Nana!"

Responded the boy with a sad expression on his face.

I figured he was talking about the young girl next to him "Then you have to stop crying and try to figure out how to get back, if you cry you can't do anything."

The boy stops crying for a second, then wipes away his tears.

"Nii-nii?" said Nana, sitting next to the boy while crying.

"You're right... If we wanna go home we must search for a way to do that!" Esclamated the young boy.

He then stood up and and put his hand towards Nana to help her get up.

"Nana, let's find a way to get back together!", his sister thrn stopped crying and grabbed his hand to get up.

"Yea!" Responded Nana with a little smile on her face.

That boy has quite the strong will, he stopped crying and decided to take action at such a young age...

He looks like he's around 8 years old and his sister is probably 6.

The moment i thought that, the physical and mental capabilities as well as some other information about those two siblings just flowed into my head. It felt as if i already knew those informations from the start.

What the hell was that?

While i was trying to figure out what happened, the boy spoke to me.

"I'm Shin, and this is my sister Nana! What's your name, Onii-san?"

My name... Now that i think about it who am i? What was i doing before waking up in this room...? It's not like anyone else doesn't remember either, i'm the only one who doesn't...

I have a feeling... That i must remember.

A feeling that if i don't remember, i will regret it for sure.


Well, if i can't remember everything at once, i just have to do it piece by piece. For now, i'll try to remember my name...


A sudden pain struck my mind and went away immediately after.

"Onii-san, are you alright?" said Shin after seeing me hold my head from the sudden pain.

"Oh... Yes, i'm fine now, don't worry, Shin." i responded while looking at the boy.

Since i can't remember right now, let's just use a temporary fake name.

"If you say so... So what's your name, Onii-san?" asked the boy.

Hmm... A name...


As i was thinking about a fake name to use, one just popped i my head, but it felt really familiar, as if it was my own name, but at the same time i felt it wasn't.

"Ray Amond, my name is Ray Amond"

"Oooh cool name! Are you a foreigner???" Asked the boy with an excited look on his face, the sister looked quite surprised too.

I don't remember where i'm from but i'll just say i am for now.

"Yes, i'm a foreigner, first time seeing one?" I responded, the boy looked really excited about it.

"Yea! I always wanted to know how the world and people outside Japan were like! Where exactly are you from?" Asked the boy.

This isn't good, i don't remember any nation's name...

"B-Before that, let's go listen to what everyone else is talking about, we may be able to find a clue on how to return home!" I dodged the question like that.

We then walked together towards the crowd...

Chapter 1 -End.

(This is my first time writing a novel, let alone any story at all, so if my way of describing things or situation or something similar is a bit off let me know how to improve it please).

Koryukicreators' thoughts