

Talking to Kimberly Hart became surprisingly easy - I mean, who wouldn't want to chat with me? Just kidding, sort of. But seriously, I was shocked by how effortless our conversation flowed. "Ooh, will you look at the time!" Kimberly exclaimed, her eyes widening as she gazed at her phone. She ran her fingers through her luscious hair, messing it up in the most perfect way possible. It was like she'd just rolled out of bed and still managed to look stunning. I couldn't help but stare. "I guess I'll see you at the game then?" she asked, sounding uncertain, like she knew I wasn't exactly a sports enthusiast. But those beautiful brown eyes locked onto mine, and I was a goner. I couldn't say no to her, even if I wanted to. "Yeah, see you there," I replied, trying to sound casual despite my racing heart.

As she stood up, her backpack slipped onto her shoulders, and her hair got stuck underneath it. She winced, and I felt a pang of sympathy. But then, she tossed her hair back, and it flowed down her shoulders like a waterfall. She glanced at me one last time, her eyes sparkling, before turning and walking away without a word. I was left sitting there, totally creeped out and shocked. Why did Kimberly Hart suddenly decide to talk to me? A part of me wondered if she was trying to get closer to Kevin, but her reaction to his name had proven otherwise. Maybe, just maybe, she was interested in me for who I was.

Turned out Kimberly Hart wasn't the all-fake, plastic girl Sukani had painted her to be. It was actually nice to meet the real her, not the puppet Sukani had created in my head. She was just...different. Unique. As I walked out of school, I glanced at the time - quarter to 3. I usually got home by 2:30 if I wasn't sticking around for the game, which I hardly ever did. But today was different. I'd forgotten I'd put my phone on silent during geometry class, and now I was paying the price. My mouth half-opened in a silent gasp, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. My heart sank as I saw the missed calls - two from Dad and four from Mom. One more minute, and I knew I'd see my face plastered on breaking news because my parents would report me as missing. I smiled wryly at my screen as I dialed Mom's number. She picked up on the first ring.

"Chester! Are...where are you?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

"Chill, Mom. I'm fine..." I tried to reassure her.

"We've been calling you since like forever, we...we've been worried sick about you. Where the heck are you?" Her voice trembled, and I felt a bit of guilt.

"I'm in school, Mom. I'm going to watch the game," I explained, waiting for her response.

"Ooh," she hesitated for a moment before letting out a shaky breath. "It's okay, just inform us if something like this happens again next time. You don't wanna give us a heart attack now, do you?"

"Yeah, yeah, Mom. I will. Now bye!" I tried to wrap up the conversation.

"Take care, honey. I love you!" she said, her voice still sounding worried.

"Love you too..." I replied.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and navigated through the sea of noisy and cheering students who were clearly obsessed with basketball. The air was electric, and the excitement was palpable. I weaved past the standing crowd and scanned the seated students, their faces filled with anticipation, eagerly waiting for the game to tip off. My eyes scanned the rows, searching for a familiar face - Kimberly Hart. And then, I spotted her. She was waving her hands and mouthing something I couldn't quite decipher over the din of the crowd. She pointed to the empty seat beside her, and I felt a jolt of surprise. She'd reserved a seat for me? WTF! Kimberly Hart had saved a seat for me? It felt all too weird.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants, trying to play it cool, and made my way up the bleachers. After a series of awkward "excuse me's" and "pardon me's," I finally reached Kimberly's row. I smiled awkwardly as I sat beside her, feeling like a total outsider in her world. "Thank you," I mouthed, trying to convey my gratitude.

She looked clueless, her brow furrowed in confusion. "FOR THE SEAT..." I enunciated slowly and expressively, hoping she'd understand.

"Ohh, it's fine," she replied with a dismissive smile, running her fingers through her hair - a habit I'd noticed she did often. It only added to her allure, making her look even more captivating. I felt my heart skip a beat as I gazed at her, still trying to wrap my head around this unexpected turn of events.

I turned my attention to Charlotte, Kimberly's best friend, who was sitting beside her, looking like a carbon copy of Kimberly's elegance, but with a scowl etched on her face. "Hi!" I said, trying to sound friendly, but Charlotte's response was icy.

"Yeah, don't," she snapped, her voice dripping with disdain, as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Just because my friend suddenly talks to you now, doesn't mean you get to talk to me! Get it, Luis?" She spat out my name like it was venom, her eyes flashing with anger.

Kimberly intervened, her brow furrowed in concern. "Charlotte!" she admonished, shaking her head.

"What?" Charlotte exclaimed, her voice rising, but Kimberly squeezed her arm, silencing her.

"Stop! Not now, please..." Kimberly whispered, her eyes pleading with Charlotte to drop it.

Charlotte hissed, her eyes fixed on the game that had just started, her body language screaming hostility. I sat there, feeling small and humiliated, wearing a fake smile, and trying not to look as angry as I was. But who could I blame? No one but myself. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I mentally berated myself. Why did I have to go and talk to her? I actually deserve it, serves me right...

As the game tipped off, I pulled out my phone and became engrossed in conquering the impossible level 157 of Candy Crush. I'd been stuck on it for weeks, and it had driven me so crazy that I'd uninstalled the app in a fit of rage, only to reinstall it later, thankfully saving my progress. The colorful graphics and sweet treats were a welcome distraction from the chaos of the basketball game.

Kimberly nudged my arm, her touch sending a spark through me. "Not a fan of basketball, I see," she said, her voice filled with amusement. I glanced up at the court, where Jonathan was dominating the game, sinking shots with ease as the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Yeah, not really," I replied, shoving my phone into my pocket, feeling a bit self-conscious about my lack of interest in the game. Kimberly nodded thoughtfully, as if trying to understand my perspective.

"Then why did you come?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Because you wanted me to?" I blurted out, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them. I don't know why I always do that - speak before thinking.

Kimberly scoffed, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, and ran her fingers through her hair. "I never said I wanted you to..."