
Alliance Through Marriage

Finally, she decided to return to the village. She took her time walking back through the snow. Everything was quiet when she returned; even her father was not at home when she got back. Were they still talking to the men about taking her as a wife? Leaving the hut, River went to the meeting place. Through the walls of the large hut, she could see almost everyone. Quietly, she entered and stood in the back close to the wall. The man who had spoken to her at the lake stood in the center, addressing Chief Stoneroot and the council. Her father sat off to the side.

"An alliance?" Chief Stoneroot asked. "What would be the final seal?"

"A marriage between our people."

"For a white man?"

"Yes, Chief Stoneroot."

Wolf Head turned and saw River near the back. He waved his hand slightly to dismiss her, but she remained where she stood.

"If you give us some time to council, Ranga, we will have a decision for you in the morning."

"Thank you."

River left the meeting place then and went back to her hut. She sorted the circular basket, making sure all the heavier blankets were on top and the thinner ones close to the bottom. Wolf Head returned while she was refolding many of the blankets. He just watched her for a moment.

"How much did you hear?" he finally asked.

"Does it matter?" River replied, setting the folded blanket back into the basket.

"How much, River?"

"Enough to know that life isn't going to change."

"So you missed hearing Ranga's proposal?"

"No, I heard it." She set the last blanket into the basket and closed the lid before taking off her deerskin jacket and setting it on top.


"And?" she repeated. "I heard it. What more do you want?"'

"You're not hoping to be the one chosen?"

"Everyone in the village has rejected me and you refuse to mix blood, even with another tribe, so nothing will change."

River checked the other basket that had clothing items in it before she started to make dinner.

"I apologize, River."

"This is just how it's going to be, Father."

She worked on re-hydrating and cooking lentils and dried vegetables. As she set the mix close to the fire to warm up, Chief Stoneroot came in.

"Wolf Head, can I speak to you a moment?"

"Yes," Wolf Head said, standing. "But not here."

"Very well."

The two men left, their voices fading with their footsteps.

The food was ready when Wolf Head returned. His disappointed look was replaced with something of depression and pain. He hadn't liked whatever it was that the chief had told him. However, River knew that until he was ready to tell her, he would remain silent. River lined the bowl with a warm tortilla before wrapping some of the lentil and vegetable mix into it. This she gave to her father. She kissed his temple after setting it in his hands.

"I love you, Father."

"Thank you, River."

Slowly, he lifted the wrapped tortilla and ate. He would not worry her by not eating.

River ate as well then cleaned the dishes. Wolf Head continued to sit by the fire and watch the wood burn as he did when he was pondering. When River turned back to put the dishes away, she saw her mother kneeling next to her father. Water Lilly placed her hand on Wolf Head's knee, but he didn't move. River knew her father was sensitive to the feel of the other world, so once the dishes were put away, she took her father's hand and set it palm up on his knee. He turned to River as Water Lilly placed her hand in his.

"What are you doing, River?"

"Can you not feel her, Father?"

"Feel who?"

"Mother's hand in yours."

"I cannot."

River turned and held out her hand to where her mother was before giving a slight nod. Her body jerked slightly and Wolf Head felt a brush of air.

"River?" he asked.

She turned to him. Her eyes were dilated beyond what they should have been, even with the gift of Sight.

"You're possessed."

"She's giving me the chance to speak again, Wolfy."


She nodded.

"But, River."

"Our daughter is still here," she said, touching the body. "She'll be alright."

Wolf Head embraced River's body and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry, Lilybud. I could have saved you."

"No, Wolfy. The Spirits came for me soon after the fever started. I held on long enough to know you and River would take care of each other."

"Then why have you returned?"

"I never left. You held onto me too tightly."

Wolf Head tightened his hold on River's body. "I wish I could keep you like this."

"No, Wolfy. River must be allowed to live her life. Even though you will not see me, I will be with you always."

"Please, don't leave yet."

"I must for River's sake. I love you."

"I love you."

River's body relaxed and tears filled his eyes. Her eyes closed and her head slid to the side.

"River?" he asked. "River."

River opened her eyes slightly and crawled from her father's arms to her grass mat.

"You're welcome, Mother," she mumbled as she lie down and slept.

Wolf Head checked on his daughter. Her eyes were back to normal and her breathing was normal. Her body shivered and he unfolded the blanket at the end of the mat and covered her with it.

"Thank you, River, for allowing me to hold your mother one more time." He kissed her cheek then let her sleep.

When River woke the following morning, she felt heavy and a little disoriented. She could hear soft voices speaking to her father, but the words were lost to her. Rolling over, she opened her eyes enough to look around the hut. Chief Stoneroot and a few members of the council shared the fire with her father. Their conversation stopped and Wolf Head came over to check on her.

"River?" he asked, his hand brushing through the short fuzz on her head.

"Hello, Father."

"How are you feeling?"

"A little out of place. What's going on?" she asked, referring to the elders.

"Do you not remember what you did last night?" he asked, missing her question.

"I remember." Her eyes closed for a moment then opened again. "Why are the elders here?"

"I'll tell you later. Rest a little more."

She nodded and let her eyes close once more.

Her father returned to the fire and the conversation resumed.

"Will she be strong enough for this evening, Wolf Head?" Chief Stoneroot asked.

"Yes, Chief."

"Very good. Have her at the outpost by sundown."

"Yes, Chief Stoneroot."

The outpost—where members of their tribe were sent until they were taken to trial or where they were left before they were publicly banished. Guess one good thing was she wouldn't have to hear the mocking anymore. The elders and Chief Stoneroot left and River slept. Her father returned to her side, his words left unheard.

"I hope one day you will forgive me."

River woke again before noon. Her father had a stew ready and made sure she ate. River didn't feel so out of it anymore.

"Father?" she asked, as they finished.

"Yes, River?"

"What had the elders wanted?"

"I am to take you to the outpost."

She looked down then passed him. "I understand."

"This isn't what I want, River. I love you."

"I love you, too, Father. I will accept the council's decision."

Her father embraced her tightly. "You have your mother's fire."

Water Lilly touched his cheek when he let go. His hand came up and cupped over hers and his eyes closed for a moment. Then Wolf Head had River change in her ceremonial robes with no explanation. Most were taken to the outpost in what they were wearing, but River was never given a chance to ask. She walked with her father to the outpost where he gave her a final kiss on the forehead before turning and leaving without looking back.

Thank you for reading!

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This work is incomplete, but I hope to have it posted in its completed form on my P atreon by the end of March 2021.

RedPandaChickcreators' thoughts