

Reading from all sub-genres of fantasy, he had come to see and understand many concepts. At one point, he started taking up concepts or teachings, no matter how subtle or useless they seemed. Who needed magical rituals and curses in real life... if they worked, then many probably, but they didn't, unfortunately. While playing a game that was based on the dozens of books of his favourite author, he selected a character from one of the books, Alaric van Violet, a villain through and through. He planned to use free-form magic, which was magic based on knowledge contained in the books, such as rituals, prayers and rune magic, to make this favourite villain a person of great respect, living up to the title 'Villain'.  Just as he clicked on the play button, he unfortunately died. He was awake for too many hours, his brain shut off and he entered eternal sleep... or not, since he awakened into the body of his version of Alaric! ... - The focus lays in political intrigues, adventure and much preparation with explanation about magic and such. - MC is OP, especially in the earlier stages, he doesn't act weak and only lacks resources to get what he wants. - MC is incredbly ruthless, this includes sacrificing humans and toturing. He is ruthless because it is the path he chose, so he doesn't care about how other people see him, as long as it fulfills it's purpose. - MC is Gay, but the relationship is more of a side-story than the focus, it will appear more at the start till it diminishes later on, classic and no drama. - Each Chapter has around 1.600 words, daily updates can be expected. - The novel is written in a mix of first-person and third-person. - Join my discord server for some artwork and notes, as well as for questions regarding the novel:https://discord.gg/EWGDg79pta - [English is not my first nor second language, enjoy my novel with caution. I appreciate any edit suggestions]

Luninu · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
23 Chs

Chapter 20

The next day, Alaric woke up early to the sounds of his husband's workout. He was so energic… it seemed yesterday gave him energy, though Alaric could move around freely, he still felt that he shouldn't overexert himself too much just because there was no obvious pain.

Illic went up and went ahead to hug Alaric, they cuddled a bit in that position till Kendrick knocked at the door. Illic was about to let go, but Alaric pulled him closer "Could you massage my back a little?" he asked nicely, to which Illic complied.

There was no need to hide their intimate relationship from Kendrick or Keen, these two would follow them for the rest of their journey, else there would be no way for him to give them 'Flowering' and 'Wilting'. He had played enough rounds to know that these two had enormous talent that was always supressed by the past marquis, without them knowing it.

The reason was simple: why would they stay loyal if they had talent surpassing his? That's right, their talent could reach a rank much higher than him. The reason he knew this? Their family served the Violet for a long time, but unlike the Violets they had actually managed to preserve their inheritance through many different magics with the help of House Violet. This was why their bloodline was inherently subordinate to the Violet.

The only way to break the pact was for them to be much stronger, breaking free from the bloodline pact. They had not even gained a name and only had first names, the only rule being for it to start with 'K', to remind them that they have to Kneel in front of their lords.

Alaric's father was by far not the most talented of the family, while the K's generation was promising even in their youth. They were under the effects of a ritual that turned their ability of restrictions towards themselves, restricting their talent to foster a stronger foundation. In truth, this stronger foundation does work, but it also harms them if it is too strong of a restriction.

If it wasn't for the ritual though, then Alaric wouldn't be able to keep up the bloodline pact. He was sure that Kendrick and Keen would be his subordinates even without it, and if they left, then it was his fault. He didn't like slavery in the first place, even forbidding it in the new rules for his family, how could he stand the pact?

Kendrick didn't comment on the closeness of his lord, but his eyes showed delight. His past lord had never been in true love, and he was also very busy, so Alaric was like a nephew he always cared for, so he hoped for the best, and it came to luckily.

He began to report "Lord, in the morning hours, several different gifts were delivered. They were gems, gold, silk and other luxury items. There was no remarkable, nor a visitor of noteworthy name, so I have not notified you. But just now, the advisor of the northern duke arrived, he had a large quantity of gifts and said that the northern duke promised a favour to the lord.

Then, he became serious and asked whether he could speak to lady Onaia. I assumed it had something to do with the ball of last night, so I notified lady Onaia and then came for you. She is already waiting below."

"Very well, I'll come down. Tell Onaia to wait for me before she enters." Kendrick left, and Alaric put on some clothes of his, while Illic looked awkwardly at his own clothes. They were the ones from yesterday, and although they were still clean, the smell…

Alaric smiled and spoke in the holy language. It was a small spell called purify, priests use this spell passively, Alaric in comparison had to speak several lines while he was putting on his clothes. Since he had the affinity, he could use it, but unfortunately, he needed more knowledge to compensate for what a lot of affinity would automatically process.

It was comparable to a calculator that would instantly do what you tell him to, while Alaric would have to take all steps slowly one by one even for simple multiplication. Of course, his brain power could even calculate with roots, and if it came only to rituals, then he could just browse his memories to instantly cast everything.

But that was exactly what magic did, it engraved things of his memories into his circles, cultivation would have the spells engraved as qi signatures in their dantian and other people had their own methods, Alaric was using free form magic, so he had to actually spell out any speech-based spell. This was luckily a category of magic that his free form magic could do, unfortunately this was pretty rare in comparison to Arcane Magic.

The purify spell cleaned the whole smell of the room, the whole vibe turned a bit holy like a church, but quickly, the presence of Alaric and Illic pushed that vibe out. One had the affinities of so many things that one had so many different affinities, a single pure one had difficulties to influence him, while the other had shadow affinity, which conflicts with the holy.

"Hehe, look at us, even though I'm talking about no discrimination, I doubt any holy entity would like our presence on a longer duration. For shorter ones, such as ceremonies, I doubt it would be a problem… but for longer ones, they'd try to wring us off everything non-holy."

Illic smiled as he put on the clothes of the day before. He would have to pack all his belongings to prepare for a departure. To be honest, he… didn't have that many. Armour and Training Clothes were his main outfit, Alaric saw this and said "Don't worry, as Budding you will always wear white clothes anyways. I am planning to give You, Kendrick and Keen the chance to decide the colour and design you like later on. I already somewhat have an idea, as well as colour, so there is no need for me to hold back. And, in the initial phase of everything, it's better if people have as few information of you guys, it will be easier for people to see who's…" Alaric said as he moved towards Illic's private zone "in charge." he gripped it softly, trough there was silk and leather between them, he could still feel it move.

"Al… you can't say something so provocative, then let me hang." Illic complained as he full well knew that Alaric wasn't going to jump back into the bed. Alaric giggled like a child that got away with something they should be scolded for.

The two soon moved down. They arrived in front of the guest hall, on the way Onaia joined them, she looked somewhat expectant, but when they entered, a solemn expression went over her. Kendrick was already gone, doing something else in the house, which he had to now manage alone for the next few days till they left. Keen was somewhere outside, catching thieved and thugs for the ritual. Yesterday wasn't enough time to prepare. Onaia had also given her instructions for the people she wants to be her servants.

Inside, a young slim man with a good build, sat on the couch. He looked surprised to see that not only Onaia, but the whole trio of nobles came. Standing up, he bowed "I greet the Marquis! I didn't expect to meet you already, in all honesty, I wanted to speak to the late marchioness."

"It's fine, aren't you here because you had felt a similar affinity as your dark affinity from her? Since I will be somewhat involved, it's better if I directly participate in any initial meetings."

The man released some aura, but before he could even reply, his aura was suppressed by Illic's. He might not have trained it, but it is naturally so high that he awakened on his own, so of course he would have a higher affinity than the other person. It is kinda surprising that so many talented people are in one small place where the strongest person is in the fifth circle. Even more interesting is that the book only truly started when the prince became king.

It… wasn't too far off, but Onaia didn't need to know such information. It might make her vulnerable, so it was better if she knew later on. The plot thickens! A demonkin lady engaging in the prince, always standing by his side… hehe, this is going to be fun, later.

Alaric spoke to the man once again "Yes, yes, you have dark affinity. So, let me ask you a question. Do you like your humanity?"

Onaia was surprised that Alaric went to the main points instantly, but he couldn't be bothered. Was he only in this world for barely a day? Yes. Was he impatient as hell? Yes. Would he slow down and relax? No, why should he? He had prepared and worked so long on his plan that he died when he just pressed the 'start' button. Why would he need to wait any longer?

The man was perplexed, but Onaia nodded at him. He didn't know why, but her aura gave him a good feeling, and he also understood from the small exchange that Illic had a similar affinity. Although he could overpower him in terms of strength, when it came to purity and quantity of affinity, then he fell behind, which was why he instantly restricted himself.

"My humanity… I wish not to have it…"