
Pan's Games in the multiverse

I can't die so I guess exploring the multiverse with this system and women is the next best thing... Tags: OpMc, Romance, r18,Gamer system,action, adventure, Multiverse Travel Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, I own none of the rights to these worlds he will travel too, Mc is Peter Pan but my own version... I have his own backstory and everything, he's like an Oc Peter Pan... that isn't a child, But 17 at all times. Also I'm not trying to target any Christians with this story, I say this because god and the devil make an appearance and I don't want to be yelled at because of this.

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7 Chs

From suicide to multiverse traveler...

"Everyone dies... everyone is dead already... so please don't die! Remember?... the name you gave me... just... stay yeah?..." A 17-year-old boy asked as tears gathered in his eyes, looking down at his hands where a once shiny energized fairy was laying weakly with a smile.

"peter... I think my time is up... L...ve...you" Tinker Bell said as she died with a smile on her face. Peter gritted his teeth as tears flowed from his eyes... "Damn it... just like everyone..."

Peter looked down as he stood on the clocktower, Tinker Bell still with him. "I don't want to fly this time... let me die... please," Peter said as he dropped 120 feet straight onto his head, killing himself just as he had millions of times...


"Haha, you always try to die... why won't you just give up already?" Lucifer asked as he was playing Cold war on his Xbox series X. Peter sighed as he sat down next to the man he'd sold his soul to all the way back in the times of Adam and Eve.

"You always have some new shit when I die..." Peter said sighing as he synced a controller and they started 1v1ing.

"So why'd you kill yourself this time?... I thought you found someone and decided to love..." Lucifer asked as he jumped off the building and did a 360 no scope, winning the game as Peter sighed and threw the controller on the ground.

"She died..." Peter said as Lucifer started dancing and twerking in front of him. "mhm yeah, suck it bitch! 16000- 0!!" lucifer said continuing his dance as he loaded up another game and looked back at Peter.

"Well she isn't in hell... so sorry bro, god took her," Lucifer said shrugging as he looked at his watch. "You know... instead of waking up alive again in the same useless world you always do... wanna go somewhere fun?... Peter?... or should I call you my faithful Piper?"

"That's gay as hell you motherfucker..." Peter said with a deadpan expression as his interest was piqued. "What kind of worlds?..." He asked looking over at the game screen as he picked the controller back up.

"Well god has been making those shows that humans watch into actual worlds, and he needs a test subject to see if they are all right and to fix the flaws... so I can give you to him... careful though, you know how he is and that soul-selling crap... and no leading kids to hell anymore... I got yelled at last time..."

"I stopped over a millennia ago man... now the stories about me are all positive... apparently I took them to neverland... hehe... a childish thought... no one gets to go to neverland... I barely survived... anyway... sure There's no point in me going back to earth right?... send me to god I gue-" Before peter could finish he was sitting in front of an old-looking man.

"Oh... it's you... how's immortality going for you?" God asked looking down at some papers as Peter sighed. "Pretty good... how's Adam and the rest of the humans going for you?... oh shit... I forgot I was there when I and Lucifer made up that bs story of turning into a god with the apple of Eden... but come on man... that prank was fire, not our fault you couldn't take a joke and ruined your children's lives"

God continued to look at the papers with a sigh as he heard Peter's words. Peter had been one of the first beings after Lucifer, due to being one of the few that God had made as a prototype for humans.

"So... am I going to these worlds now or what?... can I take my weapons and abilities back?... or will you keep them sealed like a jerk..." Peter asked standing up and looking out the window at Heaven.

"Yes, yes... you'll get your things back... but you can only use them for good... if you lead kids to hell again-"

"Got it!" Peter said putting his hands up. God sighed once again as he snapped his fingers, unsealing Peter's abilities and returning each of his weapons. "Now this is what I'm talking about..."

"The goal of putting you in these worlds is simple, I want you to be a savior type person... a hero?... is that what they call it these days... just make sure to do good..."

"Can you make it like a game?... otherwise I don't see myself taking it all that serious..." Peter replied to God's comment as he started controlling his flute to float around him. The flute was the upgraded pipes that had been destroyed by God already, but it did the same things, at least he hoped so... he'd need to test it later to know for sure.

"A game... I guess so... like... quests and things like that?... god you're so childish" God said with a sigh as he marked a few things and nodded, satisfied for what would be the first attempt, he was planning on making this a reward for people who stayed believers throughout their life.

"You'll go through lots of worlds... I have made it like a game... you can get rewards and achievements by doing certain things... hmm, ok this should be fine... I also have a large goal for every world you go to... once it's done you'll move onto the next world... that's everything... goodbye Peter..." God smiled at Peter who was now smirking.

"I'll play nice... but then again who knows really... bye," Peter said flipping god off as he disappeared in a flash of light. "That kid..."

"Don't worry dad, he won't make things worse for your project... he has a kind heart... only hides it and acts like an asshole... probably due to my great influence!" Lucifer said smiling widely.

"Go back to those games..." God said snapping his fingers and getting back to his papers...


"Ok... this seems like a normal world... how should I start," Peter asked himself as a ding sounded out in his head.

*The Pipers Reproduction has been activated!*

"The fucking what?" Peter said as he looked forward in shock at the holographic screen.


World: Date A Live

Name: Peter(Pan, Piper)

Race: Spirit Progenitor

Class: N/A

Str: 10

Agi: 20


Mag: 300

Ctr: 8


Flight, Reserve, Telekinesis

Ongoing Quests: none


"Ok... he got the game part right... but" Peter stopped talking as the hologram shifted to god sitting in his chair smiling. "It wasn't random that Lucifer told you to come to me... as you well know after the people you've killed after having sex with them... you're too strong... that is for normal people in the apex world... but I've created these worlds for you to go and finally live the life you always wanted... don't lie to me either... so go through these worlds, find love, have a family as you've always wanted... I've added something special to this game system I gave you... remember Neverland?... I gave you your very own separate neverland... you can keep your family there as you go to new worlds... these worlds are yours, congrats my first creation... now don't expect to hear from me again... gain skills from the quests you get, you have system points... and also you will have to relearn how to use your original skills with your flute... good luck now... have a nice life... I've also added a background that you can figure out yourself in each world you go to..." God said with a smile as the hologram disappeared just as peter blacked out.

(A/N: Update schedule will be 2-3 chapters a week, and also I'm open to criticism, but random spam reviews of "Trash" or things like that will be deleted, if it's a comment I don't give a shit, but in a review, I'll delete it unless it's true criticism and not what I started before to get the rating down)

Hope you enjoy the chapter, will be releasing chapters 2-3 times a week

NotASagecreators' thoughts