

Charlotte tried to keep her thoughts organized after learning about the involvement of Perfin and the Dangal family in her research project. Perfin was a big company known for handling medical equipment and had recently ventured into medical ingredients. The Dangal family was well-known for their wide range of businesses. Despite her personal history with the Dangals, Charlotte knew she needed to put her feelings aside and maintain professionalism during the contract signing.

"When will the contract signing be?" Charlotte turned to her assistant, Mr. Greg, seeking the necessary details.

"Everything has been moving smoothly, and we are scheduled to meet with the current Managing Director for the project in three days' time," Mr. Greg replied, looking down at his tablet, which contained all the schedules and progress of the project.

"Alright, I'll be in attendance for the contract signing to introduce myself as the new Project Manager," Charlotte stated with determination.

"Of course, I am sure they would want to know who is in charge of such groundbreaking research," Mr. Greg added, nodding in agreement.

With her plans in place, Charlotte finished organizing everything at the lab before heading home. When she arrived, she found Alice and Isabella in the living room, engrossed in watching an old classic movie, "Snow White," a well-known Disney film.

"Why would she enter a stranger's house?" Isabella complained, critiquing the movie quite critically.

"Why would you eat an apple handed by a stranger?" Isabella whined, pointing out the illogical plot points in the movie.

Charlotte chuckled at her daughter's candid observations, gaining Isabella's attention. "Mommy!" Isabella ran towards Charlotte with her arms wide open, ready for a hug. Charlotte reciprocated the gesture, embracing her daughter and lifting her up, showering her with kisses on her cheeks.

"Hey, my little critic. How was your day at preschool?" Charlotte asked, setting Isabella back down on the couch.

Isabella's face lit up with excitement as she recounted her day. "It was great! I made a new friend named Arthur. We talked about computers, and he's really nice!"

Charlotte's heart warmed at her daughters enthusiasm. She was glad to see her daughter making friends and finding companions at the new school. "That's wonderful, sweetheart. I'm so happy you're making new friends."

As Isabella continued to share her adventures from the day, Alice smiled warmly at her friend and goddaughter. She could see the joy and love between Charlotte and Isabella, and it made her heart swell with happiness. She knew Charlotte was a dedicated mother, always putting Isabella's well-being first.

Later that evening, after dinner and bedtime routines, Charlotte sat down in her study to prepare for the upcoming contract signing with Perfin. She meticulously reviewed the terms and conditions, making sure everything was in order. Her mind drifted to the Dangal family and their involvement in the project. Despite her best efforts to remain impartial, memories of the past and the complexities of her relationship with Olivia Dangal resurfaced.

With a sigh, Charlotte reminded herself to stay focused on the research project and its potential to make a positive impact. She knew she had a responsibility to her team and she wouldn't let personal history interfere with her dedication to her work.

The next few days were a whirlwind of preparations for the contract signing. Charlotte was focused and determined, attending meetings and finalizing the last details with her team. Isabella, in her own way, cheered her mother on with her boundless energy and excitement.