
Paint With Love - A story of Art & Love

Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming, two talented art students, meet and fall in love as they navigate the competitive world of college-level painting. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they bond over their shared passion for art and discover that their unique styles complement each other. As they collaborate on projects, their relationship blossoms, but they must overcome societal expectations and jealous rivals to pursue their dreams together. A talented and driven art student, Ji Yang is known for her bold, expressive brushstrokes and her ability to capture the essence of the natural world. She is determined to make a name for herself in the art world, but her traditional family background creates tension as she pursues her passion. A gifted painter with a more technical and analytical approach, Li Yi Ming is initially seen as Ji Yang's rival. However, as they collaborate on projects, they discover a deep connection and a shared vision for their art. Li Yi Ming must overcome his own insecurities and learn to embrace his emotions to fully express himself through his paintings.

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Next day, Before the art class began Chen Ji Yang and her roommate roommates gathered near serene lake adorned with graceful white ducks gliding across it's surface. Surrounding them, vibrant flowers added splashes of color

to the tranquil scene, creating a picturesque setting for their first day in the art department.

As everyone took their seats, anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the gentle breeze that rustled through the nearby trees. Their teacher , a warm and welcoming figure, approched the group with a smile.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the arts department. I'm your teachers. You can call me Ma lao shi (teacher)," he introduced himself, his voice carrying a sense of enthusiasm and encouragement.

Taking charge of the class, Teacher Ma began with the process of taking attendance , calling out each student's name in turn.When he reached Chen Ji Yang's name, their was a moment of hesitation before she raised her hand with a quiet "Here".

Mr. Ma gaze landed on Ji Yang with a warm smile. " Oh, so you are Chen Ji Yang," He remarked, a hint of recognition in his eyes as he acknowledge her presence.

Ji Yang nodded in confirmation, her nerves settling under the teacher's reassuring demeanor.

"Okay, I got it, " Mr. Ma concluded, marking Ji Yang's attendance before continuing with the rest of the class roster, setting the stage for the artistic journey that lay ahead.

Mr. Ma introduced a series of exercises to warm up their artistic muscles. Chen Ji Yang eagerly immersed herself in the tasks, her brush gliding across the canvas with fluid strokes as she lost herself in the creative process.

Beside her, Li Yi Ming's movements were deliberate and precise, his hands guiding the brush with a practiced ease. Despite his stoic exterior, Chen Ji Yang sensed a flicker of passion beneath the surface, a shared devotion to the art that bound them together in the moment.

As the class progressed, Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming found themselves drawn into a silent rhythm, their brushes dancing across the canvas in harmony with each other.

Mr Ma came beside Ji Yang and Yi Ming and praised there paintings ans said it's perfect. Then he left the classroom, leaving the students to continue their creative endeavors.

As Ji Yang conversed with her roommates, Wang Rui and Zhao Xin approached Yi Ming, curiosity evident in their expressions.

"Hey, Yi Ming, why are you looking at that girl?" Wang Rui inquired, gesturing towards Ji Yang engaged in conversation nearby.

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ay, is that the girl from last night?" he asked, his interest piqued by the familiar face.

Yi Ming responded in a cold, indifferent voice, simply uttering, "Hmm," as he continued to observe Ji Yang from a distance.

Zhao Xin couldn't help but offer his opinion "She is so cute",

Wang Rui echoed Zhao Xin's sentiment. "So pretty," he added, his gaze lingering on Ji Yang with appreciation.

Sensing an opportunity for camaraderie, Zhao Xin proposed a friendly gesture. "Hey, let's say hi to them and make friends," he suggested, eager to extend an olive branch.

Wang Rui nodded in agreement, enthused by the idea. "Alright, good idea. Let's go," he agreed.

As Zhao Xin and Wang Rui approached Ji Yang and her friends, they introduced themselves with friendly smiles.

"Hey, hi, I'm Zhao Xin, and he is Wang Rui," Zhao Xin said warmly, extending a hand in greeting.

Wang Rui nodded in agreement, adding a simple "Hi" to the introduction.

Ji Yang and her friends returned the greetings with smiles and nods.

"Hi, I'm Chen Ji Yang, and these are my roommates," Ji Yang replied, gesturing towards her companions.

Linlin chimed in next. "Hi, my name is Zhou Linlin. You can call me Xiao lin ," she offered with a friendly smile.

Liang wei followed suit. "Hi, I'm Liang wei," she greeted, her voice warm and welcoming.

Xu Ming completed the introductions. "And I'm Xu Ming," she said with a friendly nod.

With pleasantries exchanged, the group eased into a normal conversation, getting to know each other better.

Wang Rui, eager to continue the conversation, posed a question. "When did you guys arrive on campus?" he asked, curious about their arrival.

Xu Ming replied, "Oh, we all arrived yesterday."

Zhao Xin seized the opportunity to further their connection. "Okay, then let's add each other on WeChat," he suggested, eager to stay in touch.

With unanimous agreement, the group exchanged WeChat IDs, sealing the beginning of a budding friendship.

As Yi Ming prepared to leave the classroom, Zhao Xin's voice called out to him from behind, urging him to join the group on WeChat.

"Hey, Yi Ming, you're leaving. You should add them on WeChat too," Zhao Xin suggested.

Yi Ming paused in his tracks, his expression unreadable as he responded in his usual cold tone. "I'll do it later. You better create a group on WeChat with all the classmates. I'll add them if it's needed," he stated firmly.

Zhao Xin, taken aback by Yi Ming's response, simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Okay," he replied, understanding Yi Ming's preference for efficiency.

After Yi Ming left the classroom, Zhou Linlin couldn't help but express her confusion. "What's wrong with this person?" she wondered aloud.

Wang Rui offered an explanation, his tone understanding. "Hey, he didn't mean it in a rude way. He's always like that," he reassured,

Zhao Xin chimed in with agreement. "Yeah, don't mind him," he added, eager to smooth over any lingering discomfort.

Ji Yang sighed, deciding to let the matter go. "Alright, alright, forget him," she conceded, unwilling to dwell on Yi Ming's demeanor any longer.

Xu Ming, ever practical, redirected their focus. "Okay, it's almost lunchtime. Let's go to the canteen," she suggested, eager to satisfy their hunger.

Ji Yang's stomach grumbled in agreement. "I'm hungry, let's go," she declared, eager to enjoy a meal with her new friends.

Zhao Xin and Wang Rui quickly agreed. "We're hungry too. Let's go together," they chimed in, eager to continue bonding over lunch.

During lunch at the canteen, Wang Rui's phone buzzed with a message on WeChat from Yi Ming.

"Xiaorui, bring me some lunch," the message read, Yi Ming's request direct and to the point.

Wang Rui nodded in acknowledgment before quickly typing out a response. "Okay, no problem," he replied, his fingers tapping on the screen with ease.

Curiosity piqued, Zhao Xin leaned over to see what had captured Wang Rui's attention. "Who is it?" he inquired, eager to know the identity of the sender.

"It's Yi Ming," Wang Rui replied simply, his tone casual as he continued to type.

"What did he say?" Zhao Xin pressed, curious about the content of the message.

Wang Rui glanced up from his phone, meeting Zhao Xin's gaze with a shrug. "He asked to bring him some food," he explained, his words succinct as he returned his focus to eating his lunch.

As Wang Rui and Zhao Xin entered their dorm room, they found Yi Ming engrossed in his book.

"Yi Ming, your lunch," Wang Rui announced, holding out the meal he had brought for him.

Yi Ming looked up from his book, acknowledging the gesture with a simple "Hmm, thanks."

Zhao Xin, ever the social butterfly, couldn't resist probing Yi Ming about his solitary lunch habits. "Mate, Yi Ming, you're really something. Why didn't you join us for lunch? There were so many beautiful girls. It was a great opportunity to make friends with them or even find a girlfriend," he suggested, his tone teasing.

Yi Ming's response was characteristically blunt. "I don't have time," he stated flatly, returning his attention to his book.

Undeterred, Zhao Xin continued to press the issue. "No wonder you're still single. With your poker face and cold behavior, you'll never be able to find a girlfriend," he remarked with a playful grin.

Wang Rui chimed in, adding his own jest to the conversation. "That's right, Yi Ming. You'll remain single for your whole life," he teased, joining in on the friendly banter with a chuckle.

Zhao Xin " Hey Yi Ming, have you met Chen Ji Yang before ? "

"Why do you ask?" Li Yi Ming's voice was cool and distant as he glanced up from his book, his eyes unreadable.

Wang Rui leaned back, sensing the walls Yi Ming had erected around him. "Earlier, when we were having lunch at the canteen, Zhou Linlin said that Ji Yang asked for your help, but you showed her the cold shoulder."

Yi Ming's expression remained unchanged, his features schooled into an icy mask. He didn't respond immediately, his silence stretching as he contemplated his next words.

Finally, with a sigh, Yi Ming spoke, his voice devoid of warmth. "She should know better than to rely on others."

Wang Rui frowned, his concern deepening as he watched Yi Ming's guarded demeanor. "But what if she genuinely needed your help?"

Yi Ming shrugged indifferently, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features.

"That's not my concern."

Wang Rui's brow furrowed, a mixture of frustration and disappointment clouding his expression.

Zhao Xin's brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to recall the name. "Oh right, do you remember that senior whom we met on the first day? What was his name, I forgot," he asked Wang Rui, his tone tinged with frustration.

Wang Rui's eyes lit up with recognition. "His name is Zhang Jun," he replied, a note of certainty in his voice.

"Yeah, that's it! I think he's interested in Ji Yang," Zhao Xin remarked, his tone thoughtful. Wang Rui also agreed and both looked at Yi Ming.

"Earlier, when we had lunch with Ji Yang and her roommates, we ran into him.


Linlin sighed contentedly, pushing her empty plate away. "I'm full," she declared with a satisfied smile.

Wang Rui nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting his enjoyment of the meal. "Me too. The food was delicious," he chimed in, casting a glance at Ji Yang for confirmation.

Ji Yang nodded in agreement, her lips curving into a smile. "Yeah."

As they prepared to leave the canteen, Zhao Xin turned to Ji Yang and her roommates, his curiosity evident in his voice. "So, what about now?"

Xu Ming glanced at her fellow roommates before replying, "Now, we're going back to our female dorm."

"Okay," Zhao Xin replied simply, falling into step beside Wang Rui as they made their way out of the canteen.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out Ji Yang's name, causing her to turn in surprise. It was Senior Zhang Jun, the same senior who had helped Ji Yang with her luggage when she first arrived at the dorm.

Liang Wei frowned in confusion. "Who is it? Who's calling Ji Yang?"

"Hi Ji Yang, how are you?" Zhang Jun greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi, Senior. I'm fine," Ji Yang replied politely, returning his smile.

"So, you came here for lunch," Zhang Jun observed casually.

Zhao Xin couldn't help but roll his eyes at Zhang Jun's remark. Leaning in close to Wang Rui, he whispered, "What does this guy think? People come to the canteen for ."

Wang Rui stifled a laugh, nudging Zhao Xin playfully. "Shh, he might hear you," he teased, before both boys exchanged amused smiles.

"Hi, Senior. We're your juniors in the arts department," Zhao Xin greeted Zhang Jun, eager to make introductions.

"I know you guys. Let me introduce myself. I'm Zhang Jun, your senior," Zhang Jun replied, offering a friendly nod.

Ji Yang's roommates also greeted Zhang Jun with polite smiles and hellos.

"Have you guys had lunch? If not, then let's eat together," Zhang Jun suggested, his eyes lingering on Ji Yang.

"It's alright, Senior. We've already eaten," Ji Yang replied politely, though she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at turning down his offer.

"In the future, you guys can call me Jo. Oh, Ji Yang, how about you add me on WeChat? In the future, you might need it," Zhang Jun suggested, extending his phone towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing with a small smile. "Okay."

"What about us, Senior?" Zhao Xin interjected, his tone laced with playful teasing.

"It's alright," Zhang Jun replied with a smile before excusing himself and heading into the canteen.

"This guy is weird," Wang Rui remarked once Zhang Jun was out of earshot.

"What do you mean by weird? I think he's handsome," Zhou Linlin countered, earning a chuckle from Xu Ming.

"Oh, come on, Linlin. In your eyes, every single guy is handsome," Xu Ming teased, prompting laughter from the group.

With their conversation winding down, the group bid each other goodbye and made their way back to their dorm.


As Zhao Xin recounted the earlier interaction between Ji Yang and Zhang Jun, Yi Ming's expression remained impassive, his attention apparently fixed on his book. However, a subtle pause in his reading betrayed his momentary interest in the conversation.

Zhao Xin turned to Wang Rui with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Wang Rui, I think Ji Yang is so beautiful. You should try chasing her. You still have a chance."

Wang Rui's eyes lit up with amusement at the suggestion. "Hmm, that's not a bad idea," he replied, his tone playful.

The two friends exchanged a teasing glance before turning their attention to Yi Ming, waiting for his response.

"What do you think about it, Yi Ming?" Wang Rui prodded, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Yi Ming glanced up from his book, his expression unreadable. "Do whatever you want. That's none of my concern," he replied curtly, before returning his attention to his reading.

His words hung in the air, a clear dismissal of the topic at hand. But beneath his indifferent facade, a flicker of something unreadable danced in his eyes, hinting at the possibility of hidden emotions lying dormant beneath the surface.

In the cozy confines of their shared dormitory, the conversation among Ji Yang and her roommates continued.

"That guy is weird," Xu Ming declared, breaking the silence that had settled over the room.

Liang Wei furrowed her brow in confusion. "Which guy?"

"The one we met earlier," Xu Ming clarified.

Liang Wei's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, that senior."

Linlin interjected with a playful grin. "Oh, come on, you guys. I think that person is fine."

Xu Ming shook her head in disagreement. "I think he's interested in you, Ji Yang."

Ji Yang's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the suggestion. "Me? No, no, I don't think so," she quickly dismissed.

Linlin raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What? No way. I think he is onto something. What do you think, Wei Wei?"

Liang Wei hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "Me? I... I don't know," she admitted sheepishly.

Linlin chuckled at her friend's indecision. "Forgot you don't know anything. Hey, Ji Yang, since you have his WeChat, you should have a talk with him."

Xu Ming chimed in enthusiastically, her playful tone teasing. "Yeah, Yangyang, why not give it a try? It could be the end of your single life."

Ji Yang shook her head, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "You guys are overthinking . Stop it. I'm doing fine. I don't need to date someone."

With that, Ji Yang put on her earphones, drowning out her friends' teasing banter as she retreated to the balcony of their dorm. Sitting on the swing, she gazed out at the clouds drifting lazily across the sky, losing herself in the tranquility of the moment and the soothing strains of her favorite song.