
Paint With Love - A story of Art & Love

Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming, two talented art students, meet and fall in love as they navigate the competitive world of college-level painting. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they bond over their shared passion for art and discover that their unique styles complement each other. As they collaborate on projects, their relationship blossoms, but they must overcome societal expectations and jealous rivals to pursue their dreams together. A talented and driven art student, Ji Yang is known for her bold, expressive brushstrokes and her ability to capture the essence of the natural world. She is determined to make a name for herself in the art world, but her traditional family background creates tension as she pursues her passion. A gifted painter with a more technical and analytical approach, Li Yi Ming is initially seen as Ji Yang's rival. However, as they collaborate on projects, they discover a deep connection and a shared vision for their art. Li Yi Ming must overcome his own insecurities and learn to embrace his emotions to fully express himself through his paintings.

sayahan · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

Chapter-1 The first step


As the sun rose over , A young girl stood on the balcony of her family's  villa, gazing out at the tranquil morning scenery. The gentle breeze teased her hair as she lost herself in her own imagination, envisioning the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

With a steaming cup of coffee in hand, She retreated into her room, a sanctuary of her own creation. Her eyes fell upon the study table, adorned with her prized possessions. Among them, a sleek laptop awaited her attention, its screen flickering to life as she lifted the lid.

A notification popped up, illuminating her face with joy as she read the words before her: "Congratulations! You are accepted into Guangzhou University." A surge of excitement coursed through her veins, mingling with a sense of determination that burned within her soul.

Turning away from the screen, She caught her reflection in the mirror. There, she met her own gaze with unwavering resolve. "Chen Ji Yang, It's time to  follow your passion," she declared the words a promise to herself as she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and artistic fulfillment at Guangzhou University.

Moments after her exhilarating revelation, a gentle knock echoed through Chen Ji Yang's room, pulling her back to reality. The voice of the household servant, tinged with deference, floated through the door. "Xiao jie, are you awake? Mr. Chen is calling you for breakfast."

With a soft sigh, Chen Ji Yang acknowledged the interruption, her mind still buzzing with the excitement of her acceptance. She smoothed down her clothes, composed herself, and with a final glance at the mirror, she stepped out of her room, ready to face the day and the inevitable questions that awaited her at the breakfast table.

As Chen Ji Yang took her seat at the breakfast table, she found herself surrounded by familiar faces – her older brother, her grandfather, and her father, Mr. Chen. Their presence cast a weight upon her shoulders, a reminder of the expectations that loomed over her.

The clink of cutlery against porcelain filled the air as they began their meal, but the atmosphere shifted when Mr. Chen broached the subject that hung heavily in the air. "So, did you get accepted into the university?" he inquired, his gaze penetrating as it fixed upon his daughter.

Chen Ji Yang's heart skipped a beat as she hesitantly replied, "Yes..." The tension in the room was palpable, each member of her family awaiting her next words with bated breath.

Her father's brow furrowed slightly as he posed the next question, his tone laced with a hint of suspicion. "Did you take a major in finance?" he asked, his eyes boring into hers, searching for any sign of deception.

Caught in a web of lies, Chen Ji Yang felt a lump form in her throat as she forced herself to nod in affirmation. "Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. With a trembling hand, she reached for her glass of milk, seeking solace in its familiar coolness as she grappled with the weight of her deceit.

In that moment, Chen Ji Yang realized the precarious balance between her own dreams and the expectations placed upon her by her family. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she also understood that she was determined to forge her own destiny, even if it meant defying the wishes of her father and risking the very foundation of their familial bond.

As the tension lingered in the air, Chen Ji Yang's brother and grandfather exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the truth that hung unspoken between them. They had been her pillars of support through the tumultuous years following her parents' divorce, the only ones who truly understood her dreams and aspirations.

Her brother, his expression a mask of quiet defiance, reached out a reassuring hand, offering her silent encouragement in the face of their father's scrutiny. And her grandfather, a beacon of wisdom and unwavering support, offered her a gentle smile, a silent reminder that she was not alone in her struggle.

In that moment, Chen Ji Yang felt a surge of gratitude wash over her, a poignant reminder of the love and acceptance she had found in the midst of her family's turmoil. Their unwavering belief in her abilities gave her the strength to stand firm in the face of her father's expectations, to pursue her passion for art with unwavering determination.

As she met her father's gaze with newfound resolve, Chen Ji Yang knew that the path ahead would not be easy. But with her brother and grandfather by her side, she was ready to defy the expectations that had been placed upon her and forge her own destiny, one brushstroke at a time.

Alone in her room, Chen Ji Yang's hands moved with purpose as she carefully packed her belongings, each item a tangible reminder of the life she was leaving behind. The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, but she refused to waver in her resolve.

As she folded her clothes and gathered her art supplies, the door creaked open, and the familiar figure of the elderly servant entered the room. With a warm smile, she offered her assistance, her wrinkled hands moving deftly as she packed away Chen Ji Yang's belongings with practiced ease.

For years, the servant had been a constant presence in Chen Ji Yang's life, a source of comfort and stability in the absence of her mother. Despite the disparity in their ages and backgrounds, they shared a bond forged through years of shared experiences and mutual understanding.

As they worked together in silence, Chen Ji Yang found solace in the quiet companionship of the servant, her presence a soothing balm to the turmoil raging within her heart. With each item packed away, she felt a sense of liberation wash over her, a tangible step towards the future she had long dreamed of.

As the last of her belongings found their place in the suitcase, Chen Ji Yang took a moment to gaze around her room, her eyes lingering on the familiar sights and sounds that had shaped her childhood. With a determined nod, she zipped up her suitcase, ready to embark on a new chapter of her life, armed with nothing but her dreams and the unwavering support of those who believed in her.

The next morning, as the clock struck 10, Chen Ji Yang descended the stairs with her luggage in tow, the weight of her decision palpable in the air around her. The once-familiar surroundings of her family home felt strangely empty without the presence of her father and brother, their absence a stark reminder of the rift that had formed between them.

At the foot of the stairs, her grandfather stood waiting, his weathered face etched with a mixture of pride and sadness. Beside him, the faithful servant stood silently, her eyes brimming with unspoken emotion as she prepared to bid farewell to the young woman she had watched grow up before her eyes.

With a heavy heart, Chen Ji Yang approached her grandfather, her footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. In that moment, the weight of her decision bore down upon her, threatening to overwhelm her resolve. But as she met her grandfather's gaze, she found strength in the unwavering belief he held in her abilities, a silent reminder that she was not alone in her journey.

With a nod of gratitude, Chen Ji Yang embraced her grandfather tightly, the warmth of his embrace offering solace in the face of uncertainty. Beside them, the servant stepped forward, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she placed a comforting hand on Chen Ji Yang's shoulder, a silent gesture of support and encouragement.

As Chen Ji Yang's grandfather spoke, his voice held a tender warmth that resonated deep within her heart. His thoughtful gesture, choosing a first-class train ticket over a plane ride, spoke volumes of his understanding and love for her. With a grateful smile, she nodded, touched by his consideration for her preferences.

As the realization sank in, Chen Ji Yang felt a surge of gratitude wash over her, mingled with a bittersweet sadness at the prospect of leaving her family behind. With a silent nod, she bid her grandfather and the faithful servant farewell, her emotions carefully concealed beneath a facade of composure.

Holding back tears, Chen Ji Yang made her way to the waiting car, her heart heavy with the weight of goodbye. As she settled into the backseat, she cast one last glance back at the familiar facade of her family home, the memories of her childhood flooding her mind with a wave of nostalgia.

With a deep breath, she wiped away the stray tears that threatened to fall, steeling herself for the journey ahead. As the car pulled away from the curb, Chen Ji Yang turned her gaze forward, her heart filled with a mixture of trepidation and excitement for the adventures that awaited her in Guangzhou.

And as the car made its way through the bustling streets of Shanghai, Chen Ji Yang allowed herself to dream of the future, her thoughts drifting to the endless possibilities that lay ahead as she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and artistic fulfillment.

As Chen Ji Yang stepped onto the train, her heart fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and nerves. With her luggage in tow, she made her way down the narrow aisle, searching for her assigned cabin.

As she reached her cabin, she was met with an unexpected encounter. Standing before her was a tall and handsome young man, his striking eyes captivating her attention. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, a silent connection sparking between them.

"Excuse me," the young man spoke, his voice pulling Chen Ji Yang back to reality. With a nod of apology, she stepped aside to let him pass, her heart still racing from their brief interaction.

As they settled into their respective cabins, Chen Ji Yang couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that lingered in the air. She couldn't help but steal glances at the young man next door, his presence casting a spell over her thoughts.

Little did she know, this chance encounter would mark the beginning of an unexpected journey, one that would change the course of her life in ways she could never have imagined.

As Chen Ji Yang stood before the imposing entrance of Guangzhou university, a sense of excitement mingled with apprehension coursed through her veins. The grandeur of the campus left her momentarily awestruck, but she quickly snapped out of her reverie, her focus shifting to the task at hand – finding her way to the female dormitory.

With determination in her stride, she scanned the bustling courtyard, searching for someone to ask for directions. Her eyes fell upon a tall figure, clad in a black hoodie, and she approached him with a hopeful smile.

"Excuse me," she began, tapping him gently on the shoulder. "Do you know the way to the female dorm?"

As the figure turned around, Chen Ji Yang's heart skipped a beat as she realized with a jolt of recognition – it was the same young man she had encountered on the train. But to her surprise, his demeanor had shifted, his once-charming eyes now cold and distant as he replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Caught off guard by his abrupt response, Chen Ji Yang could only watch in silence as he turned away, disappearing into the crowd. A pang of disappointment washed over her, but she quickly shook it off, reminding herself that she was capable of finding her own way.

The vastness of the campus was daunting, but she was determined to navigate it on her own. Suddenly, a voice broke through her thoughts, and she turned to see a handsome senior standing nearby.

"Hey, junior, do you need my help?" His voice was friendly, and his warm smile immediately put Chen Ji Yang at ease. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness as she looked into his eyes, drawn to his confident demeanor.


The handsome senior graciously offered to carry her luggage and lead her to the female dorm, Chen Ji Yang couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude mixed with curiosity. As they walked together, she stole a glance at the distant figure of the cold young man she had encountered earlier.

Observing her gaze, Senior inquired, "Do you know him?"

Chen Ji Yang shook her head. "No, I just asked him for directions to the female dorm, but he responded in a rather cold manner."

Senior nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, that's him. He tends to come off that way. His name is Li Yi Ming, also a junior like you. I helped him find his roommates earlier."

Chen Ji Yang nodded understandingly. "I see."

Their conversation flowed easily as they walked, and As they reached the dormitory, Senior kindly placed Chen Ji Yang's luggage outside room 604. She thanked him sincerely, to which he replied, "It's fine. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Jun . I'm your senior; it's my last year in this university."

Chen Ji Yang smiled warmly. "Oh, I'm Chen Ji Yang. It's nice to meet you."

With a friendly nod, Zhang Jun bid her goodbye before heading off. Chen Ji Yang watched him go, feeling grateful for his assistance and looking forward to her journey at the university.

Hello, dear readers!! this is my first ever teen romance novel❀~

Please do support it ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

Since, it's my first time i hope you guys have fun and enjoy the story.

sayahancreators' thoughts