
The return of the prince's

Nineteen (19) years later

I had the prince is coming back today (a maid raise her voice)

Laide: how do you know?

Shade: I had it when the king is discussing with the ministers!!

Laide: which one of them prince cherry or crown prince?

Shade: I don't know

Laide: trust me crown prince is still like before

Shade: how do you know?

Laide: because he was coward

Shade: he is now a grown up man , he will have changed

Laide: I bet with my life,he is still like before

( The head of the maids enter the kitchen)

Joy: prince will soon arrive,let make the dinner fast before it was late

Laide: I had it from my aunt that work here before she said crown prince is more handsome than prince cherry

Joy: who tell you that, prince cherry is more handsome than crown prince

Shade: is like you are crushing on prince Cherry!!!!

Laide: I think so too

Shade: but prince cherry , can't marry to old lady like you

Joy : am not old, am still young am just thirty six years old same age with prince Cherry.

Laide: a man can't marry woman who is above thirty years

Joy:(angry) how dare you insult me!!!

Laide:(she kneel) am sorry, I didn't mean that!!!

Joy: it my fault, chatting with you guys,make sure you finish the food before prince arrived ( she leave the kitchen)

Shade:(she laughed)

Laide: why are laughing

Shade: don't mind me, let continue

Laide:(she stood up and join shade)

(Light fade)

(A maid run inside maids room) ....the ...prince is back

Hannah:(she drop the cup on her hand) what ....

Kemi: follow me (she rush out, the five maids in the room rush out)

(Another maids room)

Bolu: prince is back(she rush out,the maids in the room run after her)

( Light fade)

(At the compound the palace maids both guards and ministers was outside waiting for the prince to come down from the car, not long one guard open the car door prince come down

Joy: O is prince cherry,he was so handsome

(He was handsome,he had a mohican Cut and scythe- shaped eyebrow,he was so handsome that the maids was praising his looks)

(Light fade)

At king room

Prince cherry enter the king room without Knocking,king was on the bed laying down sick ,he was ill like one and half year

Cherry:what's up dad

King:(he open his eye) my son (abnormal voice)

Cherry: how is your health now?

King: your brother prince will soon arrive please take care of him even when am not here any more.....(coughing)

Cherry: (he was in raged and go out without say a word)

(Light fade)

Light shine on a lady singing in her bathroom as she was taken her bath, not long she was done and come out with towel on her waist her breast was pointed, a towel cover her face she was drying her hair,her grandma enter without Knocking.

Ayonife: who is that(angry)( she has a sugary voice)

Grandma: you fool what if your father enter and see you half naked

Ayonife:(she remove the towel from her face and look at her grandma through the standing mirror) it you grandma

Grandma: your friends is waiting for you downstairs

(Her grandma leave the room as soon she delivered her friends massage)(after some minutes Ayonife come out)

(She had a sculpted figure which was twine- thin.her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion a pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes.her delicate ear framed a button nose a set of dazzling, angel white teeth, (she smiley)

Ayonife: hi guys

(Light fade)

(Next day)

It a wonderful morning they was a traffic light,why all the cars waiting for the traffic light to change to green a motorcycle drive out without waiting for the light to change,two police cars run after him because he didn't follow the rules, not long another police cars blocked him and he stop the motorcycle,the police come out of the car and rush to him" you are under arrest"

" A cold voice" did you know who I am

Police: raise your hands up(he was arrested)

(At police station)

Sergeant: who are you ? ..... answer me

( One police men enter)

Police: sir they is a man asking of you

Sergeant: I will be right back ,by the time am done with you ,you will speak out(he leave ,not long the sergeant enter with doctor ola)

doctor ola: my prince ( looking at the man who was arrested)

Sergeant: prince?

Doctor ola : how dare you arrest the crown prince and keep him in this place

Sergeant (he kneel ) amm... sorry,I don't know it you ,I don't know you are crown prince

Prince:(he stood from where he seat on) you have to loose your job,how dare you to threatening me, let go doctor (he come out of the station, he was just been praising by his look ,he was handsome with his black deed hair, he was handsome, fresh and tall he has a spartan shoulders spoke of strength.

(Light fade)