

Ouroboros, the primordial entity of the void rage the war on Theraz. After completing its goal to defeat the demon lord, he finally died in the hand of the underworld ruler's daughter. And, so he reincarnated in the modern world living his life as a human. But, the long-gone sworn nemesis still tries to destroy the peace life he achieved...

Man_of_degenz · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Glimpse Of Pain

Every time I swing a sharp blade through their bodies… I remember those days with her…

"Forward! Lord Egolas bless us!" shouted one of the commanders of the Demon King's army.

So many knights of various races. The army of the Demon King Egolas, the strongest ruler of the mortal world, Theraz. I could see all the creatures fighting desperately just to kill me.

They shouted, invoking the name of Egolas, as their eternal protector. Even so, I didn't care and continued swinging my weapon that could change at will at their bodies.

"Oh, I see? Maybe next time you can come to my world…"

Jacker. Not. You said your real name is Jaka, huh…

I'm curious about the world you're from… is it quieter than this place?

Even if I ask like that, what can I do?

"Die you! Ouroboros!" along with that shout, Arc Nostram instantly slashed at my chest.

But, I didn't die. All the overflowing energy earlier was just like the wind. Maybe I was born with too big plot armor…

I spit out my spit while running toward the hero and strangling him.

"Is that all? I thought the hero's power could be stronger than the gods." without hesitation, I tried to tear his neck, but…


A light instantly hit us both.

"Are you okay?" asked one of the Hero's friends.

"I'm fine… but, now what should we do?"

"You'd better let me pass and go straight to Egolas. If you still insist… all your struggles will only die in vain."

I could feel their increasingly cynical gazes.

Right. A sense of helplessness mixed with arrogance, prestige, and anger.

Right now my emotions are really hard to control…

I shouldn't have killed the Hero Cheron, but at this rate… I have no other choice.

"Ouroboros. We won't let you!"

Yes. The hero group is indeed filled with those who are strong in their fields, but…


My body is already heating up to fight again, but… what's the point?

"If we already have a child... what name should we name it?"

He was also exhausted at that time. Lifting one index finger was already exhausting all her strength.

However, she still wiped the tears from my cheeks with difficulty.

"Maybe this is called destiny, huh? Even though we're so far apart, I still can't let go of you… this love feeling is too heavy, but I'm happy with it…"

I fiercely fiddled with my weapon, piercing their bodies one by one. Gives a painless death.

I can still feel the scent of those lips… igniting the ball of energy in my armor.

"Live… Ouroboros… because you are worthy of this life…"

Without hesitation, I destroyed all of their bodies. Crush their faces. Eat them so that my energy is filled.

Until he bowed down in front of me, Cheron the Hero of Theraz. The only human who was destined to release the suffering of this world from the Demon King Egolas, but now cooperates with him. Creating a peaceful world…?

"Why… why can't you allow this peace…?"

"Simple. It makes me sick."

"I see, huh… then promise me, Ouroboros. Show me… the peace you mean…"

His voice was getting hoarse.

Without another word, I immediately stabbed into his body.

Now all of the Demon King's troops are slowly starting to distance themselves from me. The fear slowly gnawed at them, although there was still a little fire of courage burning within. But… what's the point of advancing straight towards death. Better to pit the two biggest powers in Theraz head-on.

Quickly, I immediately ran towards the castle. Past all creatures.

As soon as I put the soles of my feet… the cold immediately pierced my skin.

"So… Cheron is dead? Too bad… even though I still want to talk to him a lot."

There… a person sat with his chin on his hands. The deep yellow eyes glowed brightly in the darkness.

"Tell me, mighty Ouroboros, is this peace that has been attained so out of line with your expectations?"

Egolas looked at me coldly. It was to be expected from the aura of the strongest Demon Lord.

During the centuries-old war with the gods, they finally recognized the power of Egolas. In the end, they called Egolas a protector and the closest inheriting the power of The True One.

"I don't want to be small. I just want to rip your head off and get out of here."

Egolas laughed. He laughed elegantly, without ruining his image as an authoritative being.

"Oh, I see? What did I do wrong, that you are willing to sacrifice your own peace?"

"Lots. And I don't have time to reveal it, so—"

I immediately lunged and aimed my blade straight at his eyes.

Suddenly a huge explosion hit me.

Moving on instinct, I took a step back.

I could see a sword of darkness flashing right before my eyes.

I quickly held the sword with the blade and immediately swung my other weapon to slash its head.

However, I didn't feel anything… once this smoke cleared, only a blade of darkness floated and moved on its own.

"You were fooled."

Attack from above. The energy was so great that it shattered the castle floor.

What is this feeling? This energy is different from most creatures I've encountered.

Now I'm floating before finally setting foot on the basement floor.

"Ouroboros, you underestimate me too much."

As soon as I turned my head, a shot of energy pierced my stomach so hard it crashed into the wall of the long hallway of the room. Grinding the layer until I finally fell to touch the ground floor.


Now Egolas was standing right behind me.

"Ouroboros, I was still just toying with you. But… can you feel it? Something seems to be eating away at you?"

I'm wide-eyed. It turned out that the feeling was stuck in me. No. More precisely, every touch of his attack.

"I see, huh… looks like you have a title that isn't a joke. That's great, each of your attacks slowly reduces the body's resistance. Break through all mystical defenses, soul and physical. No wonder, my physical body feels weaker and weaker."

"Finally you spoke at length. How? Have I met your expectations? Like I said earlier, I'm still not serious."

Oh, I see. I cleaned myself up for a moment and turned to face him.

He just smiled. Right. He deserved to smile proudly, being aware of his limitless capacity. As for me? From his point of view, a creature like me is nothing more than a soldier's training sack. Reminds me of a demon that will always be hated.

"Oh, I see," I said with a horrible smile.

"Of course."

We both looked at each other. The airflow around us instantly changed drastically. Smash all the inanimate objects that exist. Cracked the ground floor and the pillars.

Not even a finger moves. This fight is… instinct.

No one moved their tongue even once until our hearts beat against each other.

In a single breath, the space behind us hollowed out, as if powerful energy had been shot straight.

"Hey! It seems I was in the wrong… for underestimating you… Ouroboros."

He coughed up blood.

"So… this is primordial power. In fact, maybe my full strength alone can't keep up with you. You… don't even mean it…"

Egolas fell. Crawling past me, trying to reach its shattered throne.

"During the conquest of Theraz, the Immortus always mobilized their troops to destroy me, until finally, the hero came. Cheron. I never forget what he told me… all of his past experiences were the same as the ones I had when I was a lowly demon. Maybe… I'm being too naive… but, what's the point of this endless war…?"

"Then why did you follow the words of the gods? Was it Oberius who whispered the idea? To spread their innocent blood?"

Egolas just laughed with a cough. So ugly, as if he was mocking himself.

"…that's why… Ouroboros… maybe I was too

naive—" "—Father! Father! Where's dad?!"

Female voice. From the long hallway. I can feel the same aura as Egolas running, this way.

"Egaria! Get out of here!"

I paid no heed to Egolas' low cry and instantly changed the shape of my weapon into a spear.

"Father! Wait! I will come to help!"

"Not! Go, Egaria!"

Without hesitation, I threw the spear straight at Egaria's chest.

However, the tip of the spear never once touched him.


Her eyes widened in shock.

Egolas with his remaining energy stopped the weapon's movement with telekinesis.

The girl didn't dare move her finger one bit to reach for her father.

"Egaria… go away—"

My hand grabbed her hair and dragged Egolas back down onto the floor.

Forcefully, I plunged the tip of the spear even deeper to prevent it from escaping.

"GET OFF!!!" shouted Egaria while casting a heaven-level magic spell.


A huge torrent of dark energy shot straight at me.

But, without looking back, my Orb Gear instantly formed a large shield from the void to protect us.

As a result, a powerful explosion further destroyed the place.

"Father… please! Let go of dad!" his voice began to weaken from using the magic.

His body began to feel excruciating pain.


A transparent barrier appeared and prevented Egaria from moving here.

"Well… Ouroboros… are you going to continue this? It seems that this is fate…"

I didn't say anything, only turning my weapon into a large sword that was beyond the size of both of us.

While holding up this greatsword, I gave him a chance to speak.

"Any last words?"

"Yes. let Egaria hear it."

I didn't care about Egaria, but I could feel the tears flowing incessantly while trying to break the barrier that Egolas had created.

"Remember… everything in this world is impermanent. So, from that… fight, Egaria. Do what you want… that way… you can feel proud of yourself… I love you—"

Just before he finished his sentence, the blade had pierced the floor. Separating the two powerhouses from the body of the strongest Demon Lord.

I just looked down at the dead body. Seeing Egaria shedding tears non-stop while running to hug her father's head once the barrier was gone.

Will he live again? Not. For his soul has been swallowed up in eternal death in me.

Without hesitation, I walked towards the hallway leaving the two of them behind.

"Long live, Ouroboros…"

Again… that sentence really frustrates me.

I quickly stopped my steps and turned to the two of them.

While reshaping the large sword into a smaller size, I stuck it on the floor.

"When you feel strong enough to live in the shadow of his vengeance, take out this weapon and bring it back to my body. Kill me, that's if you have the courage."

After saying that sentence, I really left the two of them.


"Damn Ouroboros…! We must act! It's time for us to intervene"

Vanos, god of war from the Immortus.

All could only bite their own teeth. The gods of Theraz are now devastated by the death of Egolas, the strongest Demon Lord.

In their midst sat Oberius the supreme god of the Immortus.

As soon as he opened his eyes, everyone fell silent.

"Vanos, Drop all troops. We will kill Ouroboros."

That sentence really attacked them mentally.

"But, big brother… we shouldn't waste another life in vain. We better stop this fight and live in peace." said Aurea, the Goddess of Love and Peace.

"No! I'm fed up. We are gods. The defeat of Egolas would be the greatest humiliation for us, but I won't throw this pride away." Oreas said. "We're going to war, brother! Let me lead the main army!"

Without another word, Oberius nodded and immediately left Ruma, the meeting place of the gods, and prepared to descend to Theraz.

Inevitably, the gods finally prepared for a terrible battle. Prepared their best weapons and descended to Theraz.


The sound of crying. I could see the number of bodies that were being carried away for burial. Separated from their family, without being able to properly greet.

Cheron, the Hero, was still lying with his friends. The sky suddenly grew darker with thunder and lightning flashing.

I could hear the sound of Vanos' war trumpet, the God of War starting to descend into Theraz. It seems the gods will come and do battle to kill me.

Looks like… this time there will be a very big mess. Oberius… the supreme god of all the Immortus… however, I've always felt a familiar aura from that creature. A very strong hatred for someone…

I just stood there, watching the huge, terrible light touch Theraz.

There, the ten figures of Immortus, whose legend is believed to have been divided from the seed of The True One's power to maintain life in Theraz, stood holding their respective weapons.

"I see, huh… looks like this will be my last fight after slaughtering them all." I said while forming a medium-sized sword with a pointed tip to the side.

That's what I thought. But, it felt like my spirit had completely disappeared… and again… this stifling feeling resurfaced.

"I see, yes… you are sure of your choice. That's why you're brave." I said while looking back.

Without further ado, a large sword directly pierced my body. Cut off all my nerve connections.

While coughing up blood, I saw that face full of anger and resentment. Terrible tears of hatred.

I just laughed…

While holding the weapon I made myself, I couldn't help but smile.

"Keep it… until you are stronger than anyone."

Slowly, my consciousness disappeared. My body began to collapse and fell to the ground.

I'm certain. The Immortals were disappointed. Because their enemy who could kill their greatest strength was killed by his daughter who was not even wise.

Except… the one thing that bothered me was the slight grin between the divine beings. I could feel it, something was wrong.

But all my senses have started to die slowly. I can feel, that the daughter of Egolas is walking away from my corpse.

The Immortus descended disillusioned, trying to destroy these bodies with their strength and help the inhabitants of Theraz.

In the end…

"I love you, Ouroboros…"

I'm just a horrible creature that no one deserves to remember.

My eyesight had also died… until a light suddenly engulfed my soul.