
Pain (Naruto Fanfic)

"You are the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths, who dreamed of world peace and stability. Only the villages of large nations are showered in light, leaving your small country's shadow, dying. That is why I came here. Wherever light strikes, there will always be shadows. So as long as there is a concept of victors... the vanquished will also similarly exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars. And hatred is born to protect love. These are all nexuses, causal relationships that can't be separated. But a world of just victors, peace and love... such a world can be created too. If you allow us to collaborate, we can teach you how. As soon as you gain the true power of the Rinnegan... you can create such a world. Now come with me."

Aleksorks · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

In the Leaf Village, there exists much Hope, much peace, much happiness.

But thats only what it looks like, beacuse in that hope exists Despair, to keep that peace exists war, behind that happiness exists pain, loss and anguish.

In that village there is a boy that gets shunned, despised, thrown and kicked out, that boy is the jinchuriki of the nine tails.

But this story is not about him, this story is how I, who stands beside Madara Uchiha and Obito Uchiha before the Whole world of shinobi arrived here.

This is My Story, the story of Tobi Uzumaki.


Hey hey mom, will you buy me the new toy that just came out!!

hahaha okay honey...

Buzz buzz


ugh can they all stop, all this noise, all this chatter i wish they would stop.

Why is it that my heart hurts, why is this pain in my chest, this.. this emotion inside of me.

why wont it stop...

while these thoughts were going inside Tobis head, he was standing in a alley in the edges of the konoha village, forgoten for all that he was, lost in pain and misory of what he had for only a few minutes when he was born, only for it to be taken away.

Tobi gets up and starts walking going in the direction of the orphange, so that he could sleep all the pain away.

When he arrives there, he sees kids playing around, he sees their happiness and just doesn't understand how they could have that emotion, after all they are in the same positon as him, all alone in this world.

But what he doesn't understand is that, he, himself is just different, no child of the age of 5 would be able to understand even a quarter of what he thinks, afterall not everyone is special, this world is unfair afterall.

Going up the stairs of the orphange, he hears some of the more problem kids say, hey hey look its that wierd tomato head hhaha,

hes so wierd, like who would want to be a friend with a tomato.


laughter, unending laugher, thats what it seemed like to him, but he didn't even give them a glance and kept going, kept keeping his feelings, his pain inside, rotting him whole.

The days kept going, never stoping and giving the people a chance to look back, beacuse if they did, they would already find themselves already dead.

It was the time for all childern of the age of six to go to the academy and register themselves and start theyr road to become a ninja.

Little did they know of the Despair that filled such a world.

little did they know of the hatred of such a road, and the pain that followed.

2 kids, shunned were going to register aswell, but these 2 kids while the same in many ways, were still oh so different.

While one, was naive, and wanted acknoledgement, wanted friends, and despite all of his pain didn't lose hope and despair and still kept on a smile.

The other, didn't have such qualities or you could say couldn't have them, after all he wasn't able to be naive, he wasn't able to make his mind not understand what others did and what was happening around him, he wasn't able to beacuse he was a genius, a prodigy.

This world would not give him such luck...

after going inside the famous building of the academy, the children were all grouped up at the top of the building in a balcony like place, where they were all lined up, where the hokage was giving them a speech about his 'Will of Fire'.

Most children has starts in theyr eyes and theyr hearts were pumping blood at full capacity by the awe inspiring speech of the old man, a man so old but yet so powerful.

Tobi just the same as others was listening but he didnt accept this 'Will' so easly, he couldn't understand it, how could there be such a will, and what was the reason for it...

To protect the weak?, to give the hope and to maintain peace?

Tobi wanted it, he wanted it with all his heart, he... wanted others to not feel his pain, to not feel his despair, he wanted people to be happy...

He made a vow on that day, that he would be the others hope, even if he was despairing inside, he would give others hope, love and happiness, so that they would never experience what he was...


End Chapter 1