
Oxton Stakudz GAME

This story begins when a sorceress woman was killed by the citizens of the Deak kingdom, this woman left a son named Oxton Stakudz o protected from the dark magic, no one ever imagined that Oxton Stakudz the sorceress's son would cause so much damage and his magic would be considered a threat, but before all that Oxton Stakudz had his reasons for his hatred of humanity

Uuquth · Fantaisie
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131 Chs


You join Min by the window. They breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I wanted more time to explain all of this, but I suppose this will have to do. I don't know if you're planning to fight the demon or lie again, but I can keep you from having to do either. When the demon emerges from the portal, tell them this."

Min takes a breath and utters a series of noises you wouldn't identify as words so much as a collection of hisses and whispers. With so little contact between Ithos and Sienha, you've had few occasions to hear Sienhan spoken, but you're almost certain nonetheless that this isn't it. The sounds slip out of your mind almost as soon as you've heard them, something about them difficult to grasp.

"Is that…the demon language?" you ask, frowning.

Though they're mostly occupied staring anxiously out the window, Min pauses to scoff at you. "The demon language? And I suppose you and I are speaking 'the human language' right now? There's more than one demon language, and this isn't any of them. It's…a trade language, of a sort, for ease of communication with humans. Proper demon languages tend to be impossible for humans to utter."

It's hard to make sense of what you're hearing. "You have a trade language with demons? Sienha's traded with demons?"

"So has Ithos," Min says, tracing one of the embroidered patterns on their robe. You're certain now that some of the decorations are small human figures, and there are shadowy shapes beside them that just might be demons. "This is the part I don't have time to explain. The phrase is just a friendly greeting. It ought to convince the demon you mean no harm."

The idea of any cordial contact between demons and humans is foreign to you. Every moment you linger to ask Min about it is a moment the people of Pasema can't see you rallying them against the oncoming threat, though.

Mimicry has never been your strong suit. You fumble your way through the string of odd syllables and end up nearly biting your tongue. Min, looking alarmed, tries to help you practice, but neither of you is confident that you've improved when you have to give up and head downstairs to the front door. You've definitely been away too long.


There's a chaotic mass of people in the streets of Pasema: some pushing toward the portal to get a better view, some trying to return to their own homes, and all of them in obvious panic.

It's not easy going, pushing your way through the crowd, and not being trampled becomes your primary concern. You spot Alvis speaking to a group of people and manage eventually to reach his side.

"Where were you?" he hisses, obviously irritated. His audience doesn't look pleased at your delay either.

Alvis takes you by the arm and leads you north through the crowd. "The militia's already gathering outside the portal," he murmurs to you. "With any luck, they can handle one demon on their own. But we need to put in an appearance, obviously."
