
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

More truths

The Lane _Evans apartment stirred with life in the early morning light as the ringing of phones reverberated through the hallways. Caleb Lane, the young scion of the Lane family, reluctantly picked up his phone, peeling himself away from the entangled limbs of slumbering family members. The rest of the household members scrambled to get ready for the day ahead as Caleb engaged in a hushed conversation with the person on the other end.

"Caleb, I need you to turn on the news," David, his trusted confidant, said without formalities, his voice tinged with urgency. Caleb hurriedly reached for the remote control and turned on the television, increasing the volume to catch every word.

The news report unfolded before them, and Caleb's eyes widened as he absorbed the shocking footage. It was a video featuring the younger daughter of Mr. Thomas Evans and Cole Lane, the youngest member of the Lane family. They were seen taking a casual stroll in a garden with a man who claimed to be their granduncle, none other than Mr. Michael Lane, the former head of the Lane family presumed dead by his kin.

The news anchor's voice filled the room, narrating the bizarre turn of events. It was evident that neither the Lane nor the Evans family had issued any statement regarding this unexpected reappearance of Michael Lane. The mystery surrounding his death and supposed resurrection had given birth to countless questions, with implications that sent shockwaves through society.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the reporters transitioned to other news stories. Caleb's mind raced, and his blood ran cold. Not long ago, Amber and Cole had been kidnapped, and he had orchestrated a lockdown under the guise of military drills for the city's safety. Now, the news had broken about Michael's return, and it was inevitable that the public would suspect the Lane family's involvement.

Caleb cursed inwardly, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing upon his shoulders. David's voice came through the phone, breaking the silence.

"Hello?" Caleb responded, snapping back to reality.

"What do we do? The shareholders are growing agitated and making threats," David reported urgently.

"Just try to hold them back for now. I'll be there soon," Caleb replied, his voice determined.

Meanwhile, Lilian, who had emerged from the kitchen upon hearing the news, spoke up.

"I need to talk to my dad. Maybe we can gather more information from him."

"You're right," Caleb agreed. "I'll head to my grandmother's place. A car and some bodyguards will be arranged to take you both to my mansion. It's private and secure. Once you're settled there, you can visit your father. Just remember, only get in the car if you see Alex."

"Got it," Lilian nodded, her resolve unwavering. "Let's get ready."

As they began to prepare for the challenges ahead, Caleb couldn't help but feel the weight of his family's legacy and the impending storm of uncertainty that had descended upon their lives.


Lilian arrived at the hospital in the afternoon, filled with a mix of determination and apprehension. She knew she had to get answers from her father about the enigmatic Mr. Michael, the unexpected turn of events, and the unsettling videos involving Amber and Cole. As she entered her father's hospital room, she found him sitting up on the bed, lost in thought.

"Hi, Dad," she greeted, trying to keep her voice steady despite the whirlwind of questions inside her head.

"Hey, dear," he replied with a hint of sadness in his eyes, as he reached out to hug her.

Lilian took a deep breath and decided to cut to the chase. "I know why you're here."

Her father sighed, his gaze filled with regret. "So, will you tell me now?"

Lilian nodded and gently held her father's hands, her eyes searching his face for answers. "Who is he?"

Her father's expression grew somber as he began to recount the tangled web of secrets and betrayals. "Michael is the first son of Mrs. Aurora. At that time, the Lane family was incredibly powerful, even more so than they are now. But for Michael, it wasn't enough. He ventured into the economic activities of country C and built a powerful mafia syndicate there. He became a dominant force in country C, and that was what made him dangerous. People, especially the government and the elites, became fearful. They saw one man wielding such immense power as a threat. He made the elite families pay tribute to him, but he also helped some people rise to power, including me. He wasn't a tyrant, but the sheer magnitude of his power led to his downfall."

Lilian listened intently, absorbing every word of her father's story. "What happened then?"

"He helped some people come to power, like me," her father continued. "I desired to change my position within the elite, so I betrayed my friend. All the elite families were in on the plot, except my wife and Caleb's mother. Michael was the sole target. However, a spy sent to gather information on him discovered the truth about his secret wife, which was reported. The following day, a bomb was planted in their safe house, and his pregnant wife was assassinated. Michael had unwittingly entered the safe house, and the bomb was detonated. I can never forget the sound of his anguished scream upon finding his wife's lifeless body. I don't know how, but he managed to escape, and that brings us to this point."

Lilian's expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of disgust and disbelief as she processed her father's actions and the tragic events that had unfolded. Her heart ached for the pain that had been inflicted on Michael and his family. However, she knew that uncovering the truth was essential, and her emotions could wait.

"Do you have any idea why he's doing what he's doing now?" Lilian asked, her voice steady, her determination shining through. "Kidnapping Amber and Cole, forcing them to behave like a family, and then releasing those videos?"

"He told me a secret some time ago," her father began, his voice heavy with regret. "He said that the Lane family had a generation of elite families who swore fealty to them in return for protection and increased wealth. These modern families have forgotten these traditions, but in these contracts, unless the elite family betrays the Lane family, they cannot be harmed. I know what you're thinking: 'Didn't they betray the Lane family?' But it doesn't work that way. Their contracts were primarily business-based, so harming the family business is the requirement for breaking the contracts. If they do this..."

Lilian completed the thought, her eyes locked onto her father's. "He can harm them, and nothing is stopping him."

Her father nodded solemnly, the weight of their family's actions and the impending consequences heavy on his shoulders. "Yes. Contrary to what people might believe, the Lane family doesn't solely rely on shareholders. Even if they were to leave, the Lane family business would endure."

As Lilian processed this newfound information, she couldn't help but feel that they were on the precipice of a dangerous and uncertain path. Yet, she knew that understanding the truth and confronting their past actions was the only way forward.


Lilian couldn't help but feel a mixture of disbelief and intrigue as her father revealed the shocking truth about Michael's survival.

"One last question," she hesitated before pressing on, her eyes locked on her father's. "How did you know Mr. Michael was alive?"

Her father's gaze shifted, his eyes filled with a hint of regret and a burden of guilt that weighed heavily upon him. He took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully.

"I saw him at your mother's funeral," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "And since that day, I resolved to destroy my company and smuggled a little money to send you and your sister abroad. I did it so he could let you both go and focus on me. I believed that by sacrificing my position and wealth, he would be appeased. But somehow, he figured out my plan."

His shoulders slumped as he recalled those tumultuous times when he had desperately attempted to protect his daughters from Michael's wrath.

"Things didn't go as planned," he continued, his voice heavy with remorse. "It all unraveled. My efforts to send you girls away were discovered, leading to me going to prison early. I couldn't fulfill my promise to protect you both from him and for that, I'm deeply sorry."

Lilian listened in silence, absorbing the gravity of her father's revelation. It was a painful acknowledgment of his actions and the limitations he faced in trying to shield his family from the looming threat of Michael. As she contemplated the intricate web of secrets and betrayals that had brought them to this point, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay hidden beneath the surface of their family's history.

Lilian wiped away her tears, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She couldn't believe what her father had just told her—the dark secrets, the betrayal, and the pain that had been hidden for so long.

  As she sat there in the hospital room, she knew that uncovering the truth about Michael Lane's return was only the beginning. The tangled web of secrets and lies had been woven over the years, and Lilian was determined to unravel it all, no matter how painful the journey would be.