

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 The Five Elders And The Revolutionary Army'S Reaction


conference room.

On the table in front of Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, is a newspaper.

"Well, that's how it happened. Straw Hat Crew broke into Enies Lobby with a group of people to rescue Nico Robin, the survivor of O'Hara. CP9's commander, Spandam, launched a Buster Call, but ten Marine warships were sunk. Five ships, three of the five Marine Vice Admiral were seriously injured, and five were demoted as a result of the incident, the impact of which was kept to a minimum within Marine.

"And the most influential person in this incident is him."


A wanted notice was photographed on the table.

A handsome blond man wearing a top hat, with a scar on his face and a water pipe behind his back said: "Demon hunter, Su Yi, according to intelligence personnel, this person has the ability to seal the Devil Fruit ability, and he is an extremely counter-intuitive person. The character, and its own fighting power is very strong, and the awakening of Conqueror's Haki, it can be said that the future growth is limitless."

"Sabo, what do you think of this person," the dragon said, looking at Sabo.

Sabo adjusted his hat and said, "This man has a deep personality, and is a guy with no emotions, but he should have no reverence for the World Government, otherwise he wouldn't be able to break the flagpole and throw the flag representing the World Government. The behavior is gone. 99"

"Well, continue to investigate the information related to this person,

After Long finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going out to get a hair dryer."

Holy Land Mariejois, Pan ancient city.

On the 063 table in front of the Five Elders, there is a pirate's wanted notice.

"Demon hunter, Su Yi, has the strange ability to seal other people's fruit ability."

"It's definitely a Devil Fruit we've never seen before, and it's not on the Devil Fruit catalogue, for sure.

"So far, there are still some undiscovered Devil Fruits in the world, and their functions are unknown, so it is inevitable that this special fruit will appear.

"It reminds me of Dark Fruit, although this fruit is obviously more troublesome than Dark Fruit.35

"Ah, it is true that Dark Fruit only temporarily disables the fruit's ability, but this person's ability can permanently seal the ability of others, and there is no warning when the ability is activated, so it is difficult to defend."

"That's it, this fruit is called the 'seal fruit', as for its appearance, it will naturally be known after Su Yi is caught and tortured.

"If he doesn't do anything, this man will grow into a terrible place.

"It's time to do something.

Water capital.

Su Yi returned to the shipyard's residence.

The next few days are the time to wait.

Need to wait for Franky to build the boat before going to sea.

And this time is the best time for cultivation.

A few days later, a Marine warship stopped at the port of the water capital.

The Marines on the ship lined up in a long line, heading for the shipyard.

"Hey, isn't this Marine, how did you find the Capital of Water?"

"Could it be that they already know about Straw Hat…"

"Shut up, idiot, you almost exposed them! 35

"I know, I know, they are our benefactors. 35

"Hurry up and inform them!

At the same time, Su Yi, who was in the shipyard, suddenly felt a strong breath and boarded the water capital.

"Come on, 35

He was sitting upright, ready to meet the next situation.

If the man is ready to shoot at him, then he will not sit still.

He went out of his room and went outside,

Luffy is sleeping at the moment, the others are doing their own thing,



A hole was punched in the wall.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the hole in the wall in surprise.

I saw a man in a dog's hat and a Marine uniform walked in.


"How could Marine be here,"

"I didn't expect it to be discovered so quickly."

Sanji and the others suddenly became vigilant,

There's no Zoro here, and I don't know if the guy got lost somewhere.

I saw this Marine who suddenly broke in, without looking at the others,

but went straight to Luffy who was sleeping,

Then, an iron fist full of love hit Luffy on the head.

"Get up! Luffy!


A flurry of dust.

people were shocked,

Luffy screamed in the smoke,

"It hurts.

When the smoke cleared,

I saw a bag the size of a fist appeared on top of Luffy's head,

In front of him, Marine took off his hat, revealing a face full of silver hair.


Luffy looked at Garp in surprise.

"Hahaha, Luffy, long time no see.""

At this point, Sanji and the others were ready to take action.

However, as soon as I heard Luffy (beej) call this Marine Grandpa.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the man in disbelief.

"Speaking of which, it seems to have been mentioned before that Luffy's grandfather is Garp." Nami's mouth widened and he muttered to himself.

"However, what I heard and what I saw with my own eyes are different." Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and said.

"I didn't expect Luffy's grandfather to be Marine."

Luffy saw that everyone seemed to have plans to shoot, and immediately stopped: "You must not shoot,""

"Grandpa, he is the man who almost killed me several times.

several times, kill?

Everyone swallowed their saliva without realizing it.

Garp folded his arms across his chest and laughed, "That's right,

"The old man threw you into the abyss,""

"Throw you into the jungle at night,"

"Tie you to a balloon and fly into the air,"

"It's all about making you a strong man. 35



Everyone took another sip of water,

The smoke from Sanji's mouth fell to the ground, "I seem to know the source of Luffy's tenacious vitality.


Garp stepped forward with a look of anger on his face,

"The old man is training you only because he wants you to become a powerful Marine soldier.

Luffy disagreed: "Didn't I always say I want to be a pirate!

"It's all because of the redhead!" Garp exhaled two white breaths from his nostrils.

very upset,

"The red-haired guy, sooner or later I will catch him and beat him hard.

"The man who led Luffy to the Pirate's Path!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and suddenly made a crackling sound.

"By the way, I'm here not only to beat you, but also to bring you two men who want to see you."5

Garp suddenly thought of the business this time.

"So you're here to beat me!" Luffy complained.

"I said I'm not here to beat you!" Garp punched Luffy hard in the head.

Let Luffy suffer.

Then, brought the two men to Luffy,

One is Kirby, who has grown taller, and the other is Belurmaber.

The two had changed so much that Luffy didn't even recognize them.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Immediately afterwards, Zoro of the Three Swords style came in.

He used to take a walk outside,

As a result, I suddenly saw the Marine warship parked at the dock of the Water Capital,

Then, he ran back desperately, trying to tell everyone to hide.

However, he found that the streets of this water capital were like a maze, and he couldn't get out no matter how much he ran.

In the end, he caught two passers-by and returned here.

However, as soon as he came back, he found that the place where he and others lived was surrounded by Marine.

So, he killed him.

However, when he came in, he found that Marine had no intention of fighting at all,

Instead, Luffy was talking to the two Marines.

"Yo, Zoro, look at these two guys, do you still know each other? 35

Zoro looked at the two in front of him,

They had changed so much that Zoro couldn't even recognize them.

"Mr. Zoro, I'm Kirby." Kirby said.


In Zoro's mind, a thin figure appeared,

It was quite different from the already tall and sturdy man in front of him.

Except for the same hair color and eyes, it is almost completely different from the original.

As for the other guy with blonde hair and sunglasses, neither he nor Luffy know each other.

"By the way, and Su Yi-kun." Kirby suddenly thought of Su Yi.