

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Conqueror'S Power, Thousands Of People Faint!

Everyone got on the roof,

At this time, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the sea in front of the train. This ray of light was so sacred and dazzling, giving people a quiet and peaceful feeling.

And just below this sacred light, there is an island, Enies Lobby.

At this point, if your eyesight is good enough, you will see,

Behind the Enies Lobby, there is a gate between heaven and earth, and the gate is painted with the symbol representing the World government.

The four spheres are arranged in four squares and connected together by a cross in the middle.

Su Yi guessed that the four balls should refer to the four seas, the vertical line should represent the Red Line, and the horizontal line should represent the Grand Line.

World government is a joint organization of more than 170 countries in the world, representing the power of the world,

For hundreds of years, no pirates or hostile forces have ever broken into the Enies Lobby.

Today, they will make history!

At this moment, he suddenly looked at everyone in the car, and a smile full of ambition appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You guys, are you ready to fight against the whole world?"

Everyone was silent for a while, then suddenly raised the weapon in their hands, "Of course!"

Usopp shivered and found someone looking at him in surprise,

He immediately shouted: "I'm shaking with excitement, I can't wait for this epic battle!"

"Oh!!! The people around 35 suddenly looked at Usopp with admiration.

Su Yi suddenly grabbed Usopp's shoulder and whispered with him,

After speaking, Usopp's eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance,

The legs are no longer shaking, the waist is straight, and the five floors are not breathing.

"Huohahahaha, this uncle is invincible!!"

Usopp put his hands on his hips and looked like Laozi was invincible.

At this point, Enies Lobby.

A beautifully shaped sea train stopped.

A group of people in Marine uniforms got out of the car,

A woman got off the train surrounded by the crowd.

"Nico Robin, this is your final destination, after that door of justice, your whole life will be spent in darkness and pain," a Marine said to Robin.

And several CP9 intelligence officers also crowded over at this time,

Although Lu Qi and the other elites have already folded on the water capital at this time.

But this is an opportunity for them, these minions, to improve!

Lu Qi they failed, but they succeeded in bringing Nico Robin back,

This is simply the rhythm of adding officials and nobility!

"Hahaha, it's really great, this woman is really a treasure, with her, I can be promoted hahahahaha~||.

Meanwhile, in the top office of the Tower of Justice.

A white-haired man with a belt wrapped around his face laughed.

Beside him stood a snow-white elephant.

"Lu Qi's trash can't even solve the Straw Hat Crew, hum, when they come back, they will look good!


A strangely shaped sea train, in the dark sea, passed through many obstacles, and finally appeared in front of Enies Lobby.

At this time, the train that the Marines were riding on was still standing there.

"Franky – Devour!!

Franky opened his mouth and started from the tail of the sea train, swallowing it into his stomach one by one,

And the body of the train behind him has also changed, from the original hideous and bohemian appearance,

It gradually turned into an ordinary train.

"Munch-Munch Fruit, disguised form!

The next moment, the sea train rushed into the fence of the Enies Lobby and headed towards the main entrance.

"Wait, you see what that is, how the train is coming towards the front door.

"Could it be that there is some big man in the car, get out of the way.

A group of Marines who were standing at the door were immediately stunned, and they subconsciously moved out of the way.

However, just after they gave way, the train suddenly accelerated,

There was a metal crash at the front of the car.

"Franky – Crash! 35


The main entrance of the Enies Lobby was knocked open with a gap.

The train rushed in recklessly.

Only the group of Marines behind them stood there dumbfounded, at a loss, staring blankly at the back of the sea train.

"what happened?"

"Sea train out of control?"

"Could it be that there is a big man who doesn't want to walk, so he wants the train to be delivered to his door?

"No, this is the main entrance of the Enies Lobby. No matter how big a person is, breaking the main entrance is also a provocation to the World government. Is the other party crazy?

"Anyway, it's better to report to Sir Spandam."

blu blu blu-

blu blu blu-

In the office, Spandam is drinking coffee,

Suddenly the phone rang, he subconsciously went to pick up the receiver,

As a result, the coffee in his hand was spilled all over,

"It's so hot!

"Hey! What's the matter!"

"Report, sir, just now, the sea train suddenly lost control and passed through the main entrance. I don't know if a big person is playing a temper, so I hereby let you know."

Spandam was taken aback,

Break into the front door?

Sea train?

Isn't this the car that just brought Nico Robin here?

Could it be that there are big people in the car that you don't know about?

"Masaka, is Admiral Aokiji here?"

Spandam's heart skipped a beat,

He hurriedly shouted into the receiver: "Send someone to the car to see who it is, by the way, don't intercept, remind, don't intercept!


hang up the phone,


Franky was surprised to find that he came to the Enies Lobby and knocked a hole in the main entrance,

No one stopped him.

Only two Marines followed behind,

However, with their speed, how can they catch up with themselves?

Enies Lobby is an island that never sleeps. Although it looks like it is daytime, the Marines are actually sleeping.

So at this time, the island was empty, and there was no one to stop it.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha… super exciting! God help me too! 35

Franky was overjoyed, speeding up the car, heading towards the front door of the main island of Enies Lobby.

Enies Lobby has a total of three doors,

A main gate, a front gate to the main island, and a gate to the court.

Except for part of the area where the main entrance is located, and part of the area where the Tower of Justice is located on the sea,

Other places are in a suspended state,

Surrounded by a vacuum of sea water, it is impossible to approach from the sea, and can only be entered from the main entrance.

come to the front door,

He followed suit and continued to knock out a hole.

Marine, the gatekeeper, had orders from Spandam and did not dare to stop him.

He could only watch helplessly as a hole was knocked out of the front door of the main island.

And broke through the front door,

entered the main island,

There's a lot of buildings here, but since the Marines are sleeping, it's empty.

".~ Stop here, Nian

Su Yi said,

Although Franky didn't know what Su Yi was going to do, he stopped subconsciously.

"There are a large number of Marine soldiers here, and the basic information is about 10,000 people. They should be sleeping at this time, but it will not be confirmed later, so all of you, go and tie these Marine soldiers first!

Saying that, he and Luffy looked at each other,

"Luffy, do you want to show the power of Conqueror's?"

Luffy chuckled, "Of course,"

As a result, he and Luffy rushed to the left and right respectively.

when the distance is far enough.

The two used Conqueror's Haki in unison.


(of Lee's)

Two blue rays of light enveloped most of the island,

Marine, who was sleeping, or had been awakened by passive silence, all fell into a faint at this time.


A carload of people got off Franky, including the Franky family, and the shipyard's boatmen.

They carried a large number of ropes on their backs, which were scattered over the entire island.

And Usopp jumped out of the car, waved at Zoro and the others, and ran in one direction.

His target was the two giants guarding the front door, Oymore and Casey.

The two were originally the crew of the two giants on Little Garden, because the two captains fought in the battle of honor on Little Garden, so they had to return to their hometown with others.

But 50 years ago, the pair went to sea again to find their captain in Little Garden.

As a result, I met Marine on the way, and was deceived by Marine that the two giant captains had been caught,

If you want to let them go, you have to work for Marine for 100 years.

As a result, two giant pirates with a simple nature became the goalkeepers on the Enies Lobby.

And Usopp, it is precisely to tell the truth of the truth to the two, and to increase their fighting power.