

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Zoro: Is It Too Late For Me To Quit Now?

"Oops, I've been found out, you all go away!" Zoro quickly told Su Yi and the others to leave.

"Is it too late to go now?"

Colonel Marine, the axeman Monka walked slowly, feeling very oppressive,

clack clack…

At the same time, a group of Marines set up fire guns and aimed at Su Yi and others.

At this time, Marine was in a crescent shape and surrounded the people in the middle.

In this case, even if Luffy himself is not afraid of bullets, Zoro and the others can't stop them. Once the battle starts, bullets will be shot from all directions, and they can't stop it at all!

Luffy gritted his teeth, thinking that he was not afraid of bullets, but now he had to worry about others.

Kirby was trembling with fear, and kept repeating in his mouth: "I don't regret it, I don't regret it, I don't regret it…"

Zoro almost bit his teeth out, "How can I die here, I have to become the world's largest swordsman!"

"Haha, it seems that the few years of pampering on this small island have given you an inexplicable confidence."

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly stood up, and a book appeared in his right hand at some point.

"Dad, it's this guy who slashed me!"

Beilu Meibo immediately recognized Su Yi's face and pointed at Su Yi with snot and tears.

"Really, you dare to spread wildness on my territory, you really don't care about me as a colonel,"

Monka didn't care about Beilu Mabe at all, but felt that his majesty was being challenged, he raised his hand,


Before he finished speaking, Su Yi's fingers moved frequently, and the wind blades were thrown out.

"Scythe Sickle Sickle… Flurry!!"

This is a move that Su Yi has just developed. Through the rapid movement of his fingers, he shoots a lot of wind blades in all directions.

"Puff puff–"


"It hurts!"

"The barrel was cut open!"

"My finger was cut off!"

A group of Marines with guns screamed in agony, and they fell to the ground like chopping melons and vegetables.

At this time, the only people standing on the field were Monka himself and several Marines beside Monka.

"You, what kind of monster are you!"

"Could it be that you are the one who ate the Devil Fruit, the legendary treasure of the sea?!" As expected of the well-informed Colonel Marine, Mengka immediately guessed the details of Su Yi.

Zoro on the side was also stunned,

"Without a knife in your hand, you can slash with your fingernails alone. What kind of strength is this!"

Luffy smiled: "Nice, as expected of my partner, leave the rest to me."

"Guo Mo Guo Mo… rocket launcher!"

A group of Marines were immediately kicked out, and Monka spat out a mouthful of blood.

Su Yi walked to Zoro's side at this time, waved his fingers, and a few small wind blades flew out, and the rope tied Zoro was cut open.

"Thank you," Zoro moved his stiff hands and feet, and then pointed at Luffy in surprise, "This guy can stretch his hands and feet so long. Could it be that he also ate that fruit?"

"I ate Rubber Fruit. It's a rubber man that can expand and contract freely, big or small!" Luffy had already dealt with Marine and walked back.

"Great, Colonel Monka has been defeated and we are free!"

Suddenly, a group of Marines ran over from a distance and cheered.

"It seems that these Marines have been suppressed for a long time." Zoro sighed.

"Kerby, aren't you going to be a Marine?" Luffy suddenly looked at Kirby.

"But, but they have already regarded us as a group." Kirby hesitated.

"Young mother-in-law, fuck me, bastard!"

Luffy suddenly punched Kirby away, and Kirby was stunned, not knowing what happened.

However, Luffy chased after him, punching and kicking, knocking Kirby into a mess.

"Damn Marine, there are spies by my side, go back."

Luffy kicked Kirby to Marine in the distance and shouted.

The Marines stopped cheering, looking at Luffy a little angrily.

"Let's go, this is not a place to stay for a long time," Su Yi said after seeing that he was almost done, then he said hello and prepared to leave.

"Hey wait, my knife…"

ten minutes later.

The group came to the restaurant.

"Wakata, now there are three mates on the boat, and we can go to the Grand Line." Luffy sighed while covering his stomach after eating and drinking.


Zoro, who had just taken a sip of wine, spit it out,

"Three…three people? You told me there were only three people on your boat?!"

"Yeah, you, me, him," Luffy said.

Zoro was suddenly dumbfounded.

"You told me you wanted to be the Pirate King, I thought you already had thousands of subordinates!"

"There will be, there will be, we will also have a big ship, a pirate flag, and a large pirate group with thousands of people!" Luffy patted his belly and began to draw cakes.

"What? We don't even have a boat?!" Zoro nearly dropped his eyes on the ground.

"There are still boats, but it's a little small, and it's a bit hard to squeeze three people."

Luffy pointed to a small sailboat on the pier outside the window.

Zoro:  …

Is it still time for me to quit now? *