

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Luffy Vs Vice Admiral, Awakening Conqueror'S!

"Then, I will accept your cheetah fruit."

Su Yi walked to the unconscious Lu Qi's side, the book in his right hand was about to touch the other's body.

Suddenly, the corner of Lu Qi's mouth on the ground raised,

"Six Kings Spear!


Puff puff–

The Six Kings spear hit Su Yi, and they were resisted by armed men.

"You have a way of pretending to be dead,

He squeezed his fist, the fist was attached with a layer of armed color, and then hit Lu Qi's chest hard.


The ground cracked, the floor cracked directly, the two fell to the downstairs, and then the floor cracked again, falling to the ground, and the ground also cracked with spider web-like cracks.


Lu Qi's mouth spurted a mouthful of blood,

His eyes rolled, and he lost consciousness.

Su Yi slapped the opponent's face with the Book of Thieves.

The opponent's cheetah form was immediately lifted.

Water capital, somewhere.

Robin walks with a masked man,

The two walked towards the station.

"Hey, "Zero Five Zero, Nico Robin, hurry up, you son of the devil." The masked man urged, there was no respect at all in his tone, only deep disgust and disgust.

Robin glanced at the water capital behind him,

There was a hint of trembling in his eyes.

Just now, Su Yi and the others went to rescue her, and it seems that they have guessed that she will continue to assassinate Iceberg tonight.

In order to save her, Zoro and the others also fought against Lu Qi, the top CP9 killers.

at this time,

"Hey, where are you taking Robin? 35

A figure wearing a straw hat stood in front of the two of them.

By the way, why is Luffy here?

At the beginning of the battle, Luffy was the first to enter the building,

and then got lost,

When I found the room where the iceberg was, I happened to see Robin being taken away by a masked man.

So he chased after him,

"Hey, Robin, who is this guy,

Luffy looked unhappy,

"Luffy, I've left the Straw Hat Pirates, 55

Robin has always had a demon in his heart that no matter how strong Luffy and the others are, they can't get rid of it.

Buster Call is her childhood shadow,

And Spandam threatened Robin with this.

The masked man laughed and said, "Nico Robin is a demon whose nature has rotted,"

"You are all deceived by that evil woman. She is a poor woman who survived from the dark world through constant betrayal,"


There was a screeching of knuckles from Luffy's fists.

"Will you try again?"

Luffy looked at each other with murderous eyes.

At this moment, an astonishing aura emanated from Luffy's body.

The other party felt this momentum, and the whole person's fighting spirit disappeared.

"This is… Conqueror's…"

For a time, the masked man was a little shocked.

A little pirate actually awakened Conqueror's Haki,

What kind of talent is this?

"You have to be strangled in this place."

The other party realized Luffy's potential,

Suddenly, a pair of seastone handcuffs were placed on Robin's hands.

while blowing a whistle,

A few figures in trench coats and masks appeared beside Robin and took Robin away from the trail.

"Why on earth would Robin do this!?

Luffy stared at each other,

He knew that he couldn't take Robin without getting rid of this guy.

The other party did not intend to hide his identity at this time, and immediately took off the mask on his face,

It's an unremarkable face.

Only wearing a pair of finger tigers on his hands.

"A long time ago, an island was destroyed, because five Marine Vice Admiral and ten Marine warships, 39

"This is an unstoppable military force, and it is precisely because of the seeds of fear planted in her pee that she does not even have the courage to resist us.

The other party's words made Luffy's pupils shrink,

"Guo Mo Guo Moruo… a pistol!"


The other party also punched, the fists of both sides collided, and a wave of air spread suddenly.

"So weak?"

The other party said something in surprise, as if he did not expect that the captain of the Demon Hunter was so weak.

Luffy gritted his teeth and looked at each other, "How dare you underestimate me, if that's the case, let you see this trick. 35

He made a squat posture, put his hands on his knees, and pressed the knee of his left leg hard.

Gollum ──

"Second block!

Luffy's skin turned red, and some steam came out.

His speed has increased a level, and so has his strength.

"Jet pistol!


This time the attack made the other party finally feel the pressure.

"It's so fast, and the strength has become much stronger.

"But justice cannot be lost.""

"Justice… Iron Fist!

At this moment, the opponent accumulated strength and hit Luffy with all his strength.

And Luffy also hit the opponent with a jet pistol.


The two sides collided, and a wave of air was set off.

"Oh oh oh oh Luffy yelled, blue veins popping up on his forehead.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!35 The other party also gritted his teeth, constantly pouring strength into his arms.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!""

Luffy's pupils shrank, and the armed color subconsciously radiated out.

The opponent lost his mind for a moment, and the strength in his hand also loosened.


Luffy punched the opponent hard in the face,


The opponent flew out and smashed a pile of buildings.

"Guo Mo, Guo Moruo… Jet guns beat!

Originally, Luffy was someone who wouldn't be able to hit hard.

But the other party's attitude towards Robin just now made him completely furious…

bang bang bang bang bang bang…

A puff of smoke rose from the ruins, Luffy punched to the flesh, and Vice Admiral curled his body into a ball, but the terrifying strength and rain-like fists made him almost sick to his stomach.

when the attack is over.

Luffy fell to the ground, fell to one knee, panting violently.

Looking at the ruins again, Vice Admiral's eyes turned white, and he had already lost consciousness.


Luffy walked in the direction of the station, wobbly and unsteady.

"Hey, Captain, if you're out of strength, don't be brave."

A current passed by.

Su Yi had come to Luffy's side at some point, and carried Luffy on his shoulders.

"The typhoon is coming, and it would be a disaster to keep you a landlubber here."

As he said that, he had already jumped to the roof and headed towards the station of the sea train.

"Su Yi, I seem to have awakened the Conqueror's you mentioned.

Luffy said with a smile.

"Ah, this kind of thing, once you wake up, you won't forget that feeling. 35

"If there is time in the future, the two of us can use Conqueror's to collide, which may have a special effect on Haki's cultivation."9

When the two came to the station,

The sea train has departed.

Su Yi looked at the water capital behind him,

The World government sent a lot of people this time.

CP9, the three Vice Admirals, and the group of intelligence officers just now.

Now the sea train is leaving early.

Not so much they were interested in Robin.

Rather, they are interested in Ancient Weapons.

Soon, Zoro and others also arrived at the station,

Seeing that the sea train has disappeared,

All frowned.

"What's next?"

"Merry can't go to sea, the sea train has been driven away on 4.9."

"Well, leave this to me."

Granny Kokoro appeared out of nowhere,

Led a group to find the Rocketman sea train,

This was originally an abandoned train,

But this time it came in handy,

"Yo Xi, stop the sea train and save Robin!

Luffy raised his hands high,

But soon got hungry again.

At this moment, Su Yi clapped his hands,

Two guys, who were obviously station staff, walked out with a small cart,

There was a lot of meat and fruit on the cart.

Push it onto the train.

The group got on the train and was ready to leave.

"Hey, wait for me, you guys.

Suddenly, a guy wearing only a pair of underwear came over.

"I heard about you from Big Brother Iceberg, let me do my part. 35

"Also, Nico Robin is absolutely impossible to fall into the hands of the World government. She is the Master who has the ability to open the Pandora's Box of Ancient Weapon,"