

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 The Plot Changes, Two Extra People

"You mean, that guy Robin, was kidnapped by the World government?

On the Golden Meri, everyone who was eating looked at Su Yi in surprise.

Su Yi smiled and nodded while cutting the steak.

Although it is a misinterpretation of Robin's meaning, well, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as long as Robin is rescued, and the fear of Buster Call is removed from her heart.

The key to Buster Call is on the Enies Lobby, in the hands of Spandam, the chief of CP9.

With Spandam's fear of death, it is impossible to leave Enies Lobby.

So, the only chance to get in touch with each other is to go to the Enies Lobby in person.

Then, launch the Buster Call and smash the Buster Call fiercely!

Let Robin understand that the so-called Buster Call is nothing more than that.

The current Straw Hat Pirates is no longer a rookie pirate group that anyone can handle.

If Admiral is out, who will fight?

"Su Yi, then do you know where Robin is?"

Everyone looked at Su Yi, everyone knew what he had seen and heard, so it shouldn't be a problem to find Robin from the capital of water.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult," Su Yi scratched his ears, which was his habit when he lied.

"Hey, don't worry anyway, Robin seems to have made some kind of deal with them, there will be no problem with safety, and she can even have time to drink coffee. Su Yi comforted everyone.

"If that's the case, let's look for it tomorrow,

The next day, just after going out, Su Yi saw a report.

Mr. Iceberg was assassinated, and one of the assassins was Nicole 050 Robin from Straw Hat Crew.

For a time, Straw Hat Crew became the target of public criticism,

"Yeah, ah, ah, this is not good, this kind of thing happened."

Su Yi looked at the city newspaper, and the development of things was all he expected.

Next, CP9 continued the assassination, and then the kidnapping of Franky.

And they just need to take the sea train to the Enies Lobby.

told Luffy them about the newspaper,

"Impossible, how could Robin be a killer?"

The first reaction of Luffy et al. was disbelief.

"Actually, there is a way. If Robin really turns into a killer, then she will definitely assassinate Mr. Iceberg again. In this case, we might as well take the plan and stay at Mr. Iceberg's house tonight, maybe we can wait for Robin sauce. Su Yi mentioned.

Everyone accepted this proposal, and this was the best way to do it now.


Straw Hat Crew ambushed on the roof near Iceberg's residence,

At this time, the building where the iceberg is located has been surrounded by the shipyard's boatmen.

Bingshan is the owner of the shipyard. He was assassinated. The employees of the shipyard are naturally desperate to protect their own boss.

Not only is the outside of the building surrounded, but every corridor inside the building is filled with rows of people.

It can be said that there is no possibility of sneaking in at all.

At this time, the room where the iceberg was located was also protected by his secretary Kalifa.

However, Su Yi knew that Lu Qi from the shipyard, Kaku, Blueno from the tavern, and Kalifa, the secretary of Iceberg, were actually CP9 people.

Thinking about it this way, the iceberg is actually quite pitiful,

There are spies all around.

"Hey, captain, don't act rashly before the enemy appears, otherwise the dirty water on our body will not be washed clean.

"However, when the enemy appears, it is possible to make a scene."

Time passed minute by minute.

Sanji suddenly moved his eyes and said, "Come on."

Su Yi almost forgot, Sanji is also seen.

In fact, he had already heard Robin's voice,

"Ah, but there's another guy by Robin's side.

Su Yi said, and glanced at Luffy beside him.

At this time, where is Luffy's figure?

"It's really impossible to take him, so let's go."

Su Yi covered her face helplessly.

Everyone was a little helpless, but they had no choice but to go up.

However, everyone did not go through the door, but just like Luffy, they smashed the wall and entered the room where the iceberg was.

At this time, in the room of the iceberg, besides the iceberg, there were also Robin and a man with horns.

Blueno, door door fruit ability person.

boom –

The walls were broken, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Su Yi, everyone stood in the room.

On the opposite side, there are only Blueno and Robin.

Robin's pupils shrank and looked at the crowd in disbelief.

"Hey Robin, what are you doing there,

"Robin, this joke is not funny at all.

"Come here quickly.


Blueno stepped forward and said, "You guys, Straw Hat Crew, I'm sorry this isn't a situation you can get involved in,"

Su Yi and others looked at each other,

"Who's up?'

"Come on," Sanji took two steps forward, "I've long thought this guy was not pleasing to the eye, is he the one who kidnapped Robin-chan?"

"I don't know what to do," Blueno gave a cruel smile.

"Tempest Kick! 995

He suddenly kicked out a kick, and a light blue slash flew towards the mountain (beej),

Sanji's expression didn't change, Observation Haki had made him understand everything,

The next moment, he raised his foot, and the restraint on his foot was not released, just blocking the opponent's Tempest Kick,


He quickly dodged in front of Blueno and was about to attack.


Blueno's expression remained the same, as if he just regarded Sanji as a small character,

Immediately displayed the razor and disappeared in place.

Immediately, a Tempest Kick would end Sanji's life.

"You're here," Sanji suddenly turned his head and looked at Blueno with a smile on his face,

"Nani, impossible."

A look of disbelief flashed across Blueno's face,

"Iron Body!"

He suddenly shouted, and his body turned into a hard form like Iron Body.


Sanji kicked it out with one kick,

After this period of training, Sanji's kicking skills seem to have made great progress.

Although Armament Haki has not yet been cultivated, the strength and speed are much stronger than before.

Therefore, this kick directly kicked Blueno to the point of vomiting blood.

"Impossible, why is this foot so heavy!

Blueno vomited blood, and he couldn't believe it.

bang bang bang…

Sanji went straight to fill up, giving Blueno a roundhouse kick.

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha-

There was a sound of broken bones from Blueno's body.

"How is it possible, I was kicked and fractured in Iron Body state, what kind of power does the opponent have!"5

Blueno's heart was full of shock.

"There is no other way, I have to go first. 95

Thinking in his heart, Blueno is ready to activate the ability of the door fruit.


Suddenly, something hit him.

The next moment, Blueno noticed something was wrong.

Your own abilities are useless!

"How is it possible, you are a demon hunter!"

Blueno suddenly understood something when he saw Su Yi who suddenly appeared beside him.

As the elite of the intelligence organization, he is naturally aware of Su Yi's relevant information.

Knowing that Su Yi can make others useless.

"It's troublesome now."

He spat out a mouthful of blood,


Suddenly disappeared in place.

But he was ready to run away.


Su Yi suddenly pressed the opponent's face,

A huge force slammed it to the ground, only with a "bang" sound, the wall shattered, and Blueno flew out directly.

Although Su Yi is also going to break into the Enies Lobby, it would be a loss for a guy of this level to take Robin away.

"Mr. Iceberg, there seems to be some misunderstanding between us. 35

Su Yi solved Blueno, looked at Robin who was a little embarrassed,

Even looking at the iceberg in shock,

"Blueno in the tavern turned out to be an agent of CP9,"


Suddenly, at this moment, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside.

Wudao walked in with a figure wearing a windbreaker and a hood.

"Hey, what's going on here, what about that guy Blueno? 35

A muffled voice came from the hood.

"Oh? Straw Hat Crew."

Several people took off their hoods,

"As of now, you don't have to hide your identity anymore,"

After three of them took off their hoods, three familiar faces were revealed.

It was at the shipyard yesterday that I met Lu Qi, Kaku and Kalifa, the secretary of Iceberg.

However, what surprised Su Yi was.

There are two other people, with masks that make him unfamiliar,

Not the people who appear in the original book.