

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Straw Hat Crew Vs Aokiji

"Nico Robin, you can't go either."

Aokiji seemed to have some headaches, "Really, one by one, the two of you are the same threat to the World government. One has troublesome fruit ability, and the other…"

Speaking of this, "Anyway, if you two stay, I can let the rest of your partners leave."


Luffy didn't say a word and launched an attack directly,

At this time, Su Yi actually fell in love with Luffy's straightforward,

No matter how strong the opponent is, Luffy can always give people a sense of peace of mind.


Luffy's attack, hitting Aokiji's body, actually shattered his body directly.

Aokiji's body turned into a ball of crushed ice,

And Luffy's fist has been frozen half of the arm, unable to move.

From the crushed ice, Aokiji's body stood up again.

"Logia, Frozen Fruit ability." Su Yi said lightly.

"It's Logia again, how come these guys are all Logia." Usopp felt powerless.

"Well, so, I should be the only one who can deal with him, you all get out of here," Su Yi took a deep breath and entered a state of concentration on the battle.

To be honest, since entering the world of pirates, this is the first time he has felt the threat of death.

However, just like that, he also felt excited.

A feeling of excitement that you can fight with all your might.

As long as he encounters 14 opponents, he will win the battle.

"How can you let you fight alone at such a time! 35

Zoro suddenly pulled out three knives, and installed three small flame shells on the hilt.

After that, when Yanbei was activated, a layer of flames immediately covered the blade.

"This is…" Seeing this, Aokiji's eyes suddenly changed.

"You should be ice, right? That flame should be your nemesis." Zoro showed a dangerous smile.

"Even Admiral is less complacent there. What do you think of our Straw Hat Pirates? Trash fish? You can't even remember the name, so stop looking down on people!" Sanji also put two pieces on his feet. A flaming shell, the soles of both feet suddenly began to shoot flames.

Usopp summoned the Usopp mecha, the right hand was no longer in the form of a machine gun, but a wind shell was placed, and the wind Berry was equipped with gas.

As long as the flame is lit, it will turn into a flamethrower.

And Nami also took out his own weather stick at this time, "Arid climate."

Seeing a group of people besieging him, Aokiji's face was still expressionless, "A group of ants, open your eyes and look at the world, Ice Age!

Starting from his feet, a layer of ice suddenly shrouded the ground, and the ice quickly spread out.

However, at this time,

Aokiji suddenly stopped moving,

"Heh…" The corners of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly,

I saw that there was a sudden movement in the grass in the distance, and a panicked figure fled away in a hurry.

Obviously, this island is not only them, but also other people,

In the face of this situation, Aokiji would definitely not be able to use the Ice Age to freeze the entire island, which would kill the rest of the humans.

"Three Swords Profound Truth: Demon Flame Slash!"

Zoro attacked first, slashing towards Aokiji.

Sanji followed,

Aokiji grabbed a handful of grass on the ground, and then raised it, a cold air spurted out,

The grass suddenly froze into an ice sword.


The ice sword and the fire sword collided, the ice sword quickly melted, but the pervading cold air extinguished the flame,

Zoro saw the bad situation and immediately backed away,

Meanwhile, Sanji was already dead, and a flaming whirlwind kicked Aokiji's jaw.

Aokiji waved the ice sword in his hand disdainfully,

However, an astonishing scene happened, as if Sanji knew the opponent's attack in advance, he dodged, and then kicked Aokiji's chin fiercely!

Observation Haki!


Aokiji flew out all over.

"good chance!

Usopp is worthy of being a sniper. At the moment when the flamethrower was ready, a large amount of flames suddenly spewed out, and a beam of flame enveloped Aokiji's body.

"Nami, take Robin!" Su Yi yelled.

Although Nami didn't understand what happened, he still grabbed Robin, turned into smoke and left the place quickly.

"A group of annoying flies, 33 Aokiji's voice suddenly came from the flames.

The next moment, the terrifying flame suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a chill. Aokiji, who turned into an ice man, looked at the five people present coldly, the chill in his eyes seemed to freeze everything.

card, click, click, click, click

The ground under his feet froze into ice sculptures, and quickly spread,

"Oops! Run!"

Usopp shouted and fled quickly, Zoro and Sanji also quickly retreated when they saw the situation, Luffy grabbed the tree trunk in the distance with one hand and left.

Only Su Yi stood there and didn't move, and when the ice came over, Tong's legs instantly froze.

"Su Yi, run!

In the distance, Luffy stared at Su Yi frozen.

"Captain, this is left to me, you all go first."

Su Yi said.

Luffy gritted his teeth, but turned to leave.

"You guys are quite strong, but the more you do, the more determined I am to kill you.

Aokiji walked towards Su Yi step by step, "Nico Robin can be caught later, but you must die today!"

Su Yi chuckled, "Looks like I've thrown myself into the net. 99

The next moment, he was completely frozen into an ice sculpture.

Aokiji walked towards Su Yi step by step, raising his feet to smash the ice sculpture.

"Your body is as fragile as porcelain at this time…"

He stared at Su Yi with indifferent eyes, but just as he was about to settle down, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The whole person retreated a distance of more than ten meters at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.


A hand suddenly stretched out from the ice sculpture, holding a book in his hand, and the target of the attack was exactly where Aokiji was just now.

"It's a pity, it's almost enough. Why are you so timid?" Su Yi broke through the ice sculpture's restraint and looked at Aokiji with a smile.

Aokiji's face burst into blue veins, "You kid, don't be too proud."

The next moment, he jumped out suddenly, and the speed was beyond what Su Yi's naked eyes could capture.

However, his sense of sight was aware of Aokiji's position,

However, at the opponent's speed, he couldn't dodge the opponent's attack at all.

How to do??

Su Yi thought of countless possibilities in her mind.

If he is exposed now, he can use other Devil Fruit abilities, although he can avoid the current crisis.

But he couldn't kill Aokiji even if he tried his best to suckle.

So once this trump card is exposed and discovered by Aokiji, then he is completely finished.

Not only can you steal the fruit ability, you can also use the stolen ability,

This kind of heaven-defying bug ability even Five Elders and even Im would covet, and even get it at the cost of his own shot.


Su Yi was kicked 047 and flew out.

Aokiji looked at his feet and felt that the touch just now was wrong.

"This kid has Haki wrapped around him.""

Su Yi was in the air when he suddenly trampled, and his figure flew out to the side.

Aokiji's ability can't be stolen, and now it's more important to escape.

"Boy, where are you going?

Aokiji suddenly stood in front of Su Yi, his eyes were like a sea, and the ground under his feet was quickly frozen.

How could Su Yi not be aware of the other party's proximity, he had already changed his direction long before the other party uttered the first word.

"On the boat with the straw hat, there are actually two people who have mastered Haki,"

Aokiji's eyes became more solemn, "This group of emerging pirates must be killed."5

However, Su Yi's speed is not covered,

Just as Aokiji pondered in his heart, Su Yi had already fled to the Golden Meri.

"Golden Meri, full speed ahead!"

Usopp used the Shock Shell, a powerful tool that was ten times stronger than the Impact Shell.

Theoretically, with the use of platoon shells, the Golden Meri would have to fall apart first.

But with the frame formed by the wax oil made by Wax-Wax Fruit, the impact of the scallops will spread evenly to the frame, and finally only part of it will spread to the hull of the Merry.

In theory, the Merry can still withstand this kind of shock.

"Break out!"

Seeing Su Yi back on the boat, Usopp activated instantly.

The three platoons were activated at the same time, and a huge force instantly enveloped the Merry.

"You can't run…"

Aokiji had already caught up with the Merry at this time, and was about to say something,

An impact instantly shattered him into a piece of ice slag.


The Merry rose into the sky and disappeared in place in an instant.