

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Fokker West Blue Bandit, Slow Fruit

However, Su Yi knew that he definitely heard correctly.

"Fokker West Blue thieves…"

Some memories flashed back in Su Yi's mind,

A group of guys who like to play Davy Contest.

The so-called Davy Contest is a competition between two pirate groups. The winning party can ask for a companion from the pirate group of the losing party to pull it into his own ship.

This is a way for the winner to get a better partner,

Theoretically speaking, as long as there are more games won, the strength of the pirate group will be stronger.

And it will form a snowball effect, which will grow bigger and bigger, and finally become a big pirate group.

However, this method has a fatal drawback.

Obviously, the partners obtained by this method are unreliable.

Since they can easily betray their original partners, they are also familiar with betraying their current partners.

Of course, what disgusts Su Yi the most is that they treat their companions as tradable goods.

However, the Foxy West Blue thieves have one thing he likes very much, that is Foxy himself,

Foxy, the slow fruit ability, can emit something called slow light,

Any person or object hit by slow light will slow down ten times! Lasts for 30 seconds!

This bug-like ability is nothing short of magical, in a sense even more heaven-defying than Thunder Fruit.

As long as any strong person is hit by this slow effect, he will definitely become a fish to be slaughtered.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the traces of the Fokker West Blue thieves to appear on the sea in the distance.

"Hey, there's a boat here."

Bang! Bang!

The ship of the Fokker West Blue thieves sent out two steel cables, which directly stopped the Merry on the coast, and there was no way to escape.

Then, a large number of pirates jumped off the boat.

Su Yi slowly paced to the side of the apple tree, picked an apple and ate it.

Speaking of which, the reason why everything on this island is long is said to be because it is very leisurely.

Plants are leisurely, so they grow casually,

Animals are very leisurely, so they also grow,

In theory, the more leisurely it is, the longer it will be.

Su Yi is very leisurely at the moment, leisurely picking apples from the tree to eat,

Ignore Luffy and Foxy who are arguing at all.

Soon, Luffy agreed to fight Foxy for the Davy hegemony.

"I refuse," Su Yi decisively rejected the request to participate.

"Nani?! Su Yi, you fella at a critical moment.

Although Luffy and others are very puzzled,

But Su Yi's relaxed attitude at the moment made them lose their temper.

Su Yi seemed to be assimilated by this island, and became very relaxed.


He ate the apple bit by bit, and after a while there was a drop of apple core on the ground.

"Are, there seem to be two bamboos here. 99

Su Yi looked at the two bamboos beside him,

However, he was indifferent and did not intend to move the two bamboos.

On the other hand, the Fokker West Blue thieves have already started the game with Luffy and others,

The first competition was rowing,

As long as the winner can choose a person from the opponent's pirate group.

The rules of the competition are to choose three wooden barrels and use the materials of the wooden barrels to make a wooden boat, as long as the first one can row the boat around the island for a week to win.


Su Yi was bored eating apples,

To be honest, he was really tired during this time.

Every night he animalized his body, and now his physical quality has actually surpassed that of Luffy.

In addition, every day he cultivates his mind power.

At this time, his mind power has improved a lot compared to the world he just crossed into.

He found that the awakening of Conqueror's, the armed color and the sight-seeing color, respectively, had an impact on his psychic power, making his psychic power a certain improvement.

And the constant use of this Conqueror's Haki made his mind power go up a little bit again.

It can be said that the upper limit of his mind power has been increased by about one tenth.

This is not to mention his own willpower growth.

It can be said that his current strength, even he himself does not know how far he has reached.

However, instead of getting stronger, Su Yi felt the exhaustion of his body.

This kind of exhaustion cannot be recovered by rest, but can only relax both body and mind, as is the case now.


Unconsciously, Su Yi realized that he had eaten all the apples on the tree.

He suddenly stood up and walked to the two bamboos.

Then, he pulled out the blue bird and cut it out with one knife.

The bamboo was chopped off immediately.

"It's such a long bamboo, you can't see the head at all."

Su Yi glanced at the sky and found that the top of the bamboo could not be seen at all.

So, he waved the knife again, and the bamboo kept being cut off.

Finally, he saw the top of the bamboo.

"What, it turns out to be stilts,""

Su Yi found that these were not two bamboos growing on the ground, but two stilts,

It's just that I can't see the top because it's too high.

And stepping on these two shocking stilts is a little old man who looks very short.

"Hey, I really don't know how to thank you. I've stepped on these two bamboos 10 years ago, but I didn't dare to come down because they were too high.

"In the past 10 years, the bamboo has been growing, and the result is that it grows taller and taller. Later, I dare not come down."

"Fortunately, the trees on this island are already very tall, so I can eat some fruits and not starve to death.

Su Yi has a strong desire to vomit, but he doesn't know where the vomit comes from.

But this old man can live on stilts for 10 years.

Maybe the reason why these two bamboos can grow so high is not because of the island's credit, but because this person "feces to be strong"

…..for flowers

"Cough cough, if that's the case, then what are you doing?"

Su Yi became more relaxed again.

The old man looked at Su Yi for a moment, then smiled.

"Well, it seems that you have grasped the essence of this island, life is to be leisurely, right?

After the old man left.

Su Yi fell asleep leaning against the tree.

When I woke up, I was already hungry.

At this time, the match between Luffy et al. and Foxy has entered a white-hot stage.

They are trying out roller skates.

To this end, the Falk West Blue thieves even built a stadium.

Su Yi has a strong desire to complain.

However, there are indeed a large number of Fokker West Blue thieves booths around the stadium, selling a variety of food and drinks,

He bought some snacks and juice and ate food while watching the games in the stadium.


"Hey! Su Yi, you are too leisurely, we are fighting desperately!" The following Luffy couldn't see it, it could be said that he was envious and hateful.

"Su Yi, help, I was taken away by them!"

Chopper in the distance burst into tears, just the first game was Luffy and they lost, so Chopper was taken away.

Now if they lose again, not only will Chopper not be able to get back, but they will have to catch up with a companion.

"Hey, Captain, this is the match you promised," Su Yi said weakly,

"Also, why do we have to abide by their rules, why do we have to give away our companions when we lose the game, this kind of boring rules, thanks to you being so interested in playing here."

"What? You kid, you call our great Davy Tournament 'play'?"

A minion from the Fokker West Blue thieves couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over and said to Su Yi angrily.

"Huh? Do you have an opinion?" Su Yi glanced at the other party lightly,

The other party immediately took a few steps back.

"Demon Hunter Su Yi, the man with a bounty of 200 million Bailey," 5

The other party seemed to be talking to himself, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

A pirate scoundrel next to him said, "This is the great Davy Tournament, if you default on your debt, you will be ridiculed by the entire pirate world!

"Yeah, you will be ridiculed by the whole pirate world!

"Could it be that you can't afford to lose?

Su Yi closed his eyes, his voice was not loud but everyone could hear him, "It's just a rule set by a group of amateur pirates for their own amusement. If there really exists David, I don't mind. Squeeze him to death.

After a pause, he opened his eyes, and an incomparable Haki emanated unintentionally.

"This kind of drama of exchanging your partners at will is tantamount to selling your own mother to Qing, you can even do such a thing, it can be seen that you are just a group of scumbags, and talking to you is a waste of words. "Where.