

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Usopp Hot Air Balloon!

It was a sunny day and Sanji finally recovered after sleeping all day and night.

After confirming that what he saw and heard really existed was not a dream, he was very happy to make a hearty breakfast for everyone.

"Woooooo, Sanji, do you know how we spent the time you fell asleep?"

Luffy burst into tears, and others were moved to tears when they ate Sanji's food.

"Brothers, leave Sky Island and start a new adventure!"

After breakfast, Luffy announced the departure of the Golden Meri.




In order to bid farewell to the benefactor of Sky Island, Straw Hat Crew, the golden bell rang over Sky Island.

After the Golden Meri came to the exit of Sky Island, it fell directly towards the sea below through a waterfall.

"I, I, I GO!!!!!"

Everyone collapsed. What a fall from a height of 10,000 meters. I don't know how long it will take to land. If it falls, let alone a corpse, it will be hard to leave scum.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, an octopus suddenly flew out, quickly grabbed the hull of the Golden Meri, and then formed a hot air balloon shape, slowing down the speed of the Golden Meri's fall.

"Hey, isn't this octopus leaking air?"

Sanji, who has awakened his sense of sight, is very sensitive to the abnormality of the octopus, and said with an ugly face.

"If we go down at this speed, we will be out of breath while we are still in the air.

"This is on me," Usopp patted his chest, and some wax oil was secreted from his hands,

"Usopp Hot Air Balloon!"

Between 043, the wax oil turned into some extremely fine silk threads, which were then woven into ropes, and finally formed into a small hot air balloon.

He made more than a dozen of these hot air balloons, tied them around the Merry, and finally glued a flame shell under the hot air balloon with wax oil.

Finally, he used wax oil to install some wind shells on the bottom of the boat and some wind shells in the stern.

This is done without fail.

After the sun goes down, the octopus balloon really can't stand it anymore,

So Usopp opened the flame shell and inflated the hot air balloon,

After the octopus balloon disappears completely, it becomes an ordinary octopus.

Usopp activates the wind shells on the bottom of the boat,

And just like that, the Golden Meri began its slow descent at a uniform speed in the sky.

"Nami, is the heading correct?" Su Yi asked.

Nami glanced at his wrist.

The direction above the recording pointer is deviated.

"Oops, off course, go steer the sails.

Sanji and Chopper quickly pulled up the sails.


Usopp suddenly thought of something and was startled.

But it's too late.

The Golden Meri suddenly tilted, and those hot air balloons made of wax oil ignited instantly after being contaminated with the flames of Yanbei.

The rising buoyancy disappeared instantly, and the Golden Meri suddenly accelerated again to fall.


Everyone on the boat was stunned.


At this moment, the Golden Meri fell over the sea,

However, to everyone's surprise,

The impact of the hull is not much at all.

"What, it was about to reach the sea." Usopp glanced outside, and immediately wiped his cold sweat.

"Yo Xi, set sail, brothers!"

Luffy raised his hands high again and said.

"Wait, look at what that is.

Suddenly, sharp-eyed, no, or rather Su Yi, who was seen and heard with a strong look, heard a large number of voices in the distance.

Everyone looked in the direction of Su Yi's finger and was shocked.

It turned out that there was an island on their side, and there were countless searchlights on the island.

"Pirate ship! It's a pirate ship!

The alarm sounded, and the Marine warships floated out from the island.

"This is… MarineG8 Branch!"

Su Yi has a guess in his heart,

In the original book, the Golden Meri fell directly into the G8 branch,

But now it just happened to fall outside,

"Run!" Luffy shouted with a laugh.

In the rear, the Marines seemed to have also discovered the identity of the ship.

"It's the Straw Hat Pirates! The big pirates with a total bounty of over 300 million Berries!!!

bang bang bang…

One by one the shells flew over.

Sanji responded quickly, and he was already the Master of Observation Haki. In the dark night, he could detect the position of the cannonball without even looking at it with his eyes, and jumped up and kicked the flying cannonball.

"Impossible! How could they possibly know where the shells were!

Behind, someone in the Marine was in deep shock.

"It must be Devil Fruit ability, yes, it must be like this!

bang bang bang…

More shells flew over.

This time, it was Zoro, who directly swept away all the cannonballs across the distance.

bang bang bang…

Marine is like a mad dog. It bites someone and won't let go, but the speed of the Golden Meri is not comparable to the Marine warship (beej).

"Guo Mo Guo Moruo… balloon…"

Luffy turned into a rubber balloon and flew all the shells back.


A warship was directly sunk.

"It's over, now the bounty is going to go up again," Nami covered his face weakly,

Intruded into Marine's base camp late at night and sank Marine's warship,

It's definitely going to be in the newspapers.

Tomorrow the world will know, Straw Hat Crew attacked Marine Branch in the dark.

This news, just thinking about it… exciting?

after an hour.

The Marine warship withdrew.

No way, Luffy's shells alone smashed seven Marine warships,

And the three that Su Yi felt impatient to chop up.

A total of ten Marine warships were sunk.

But the people on board were also exhausted,

Fortunately, he finally escaped Marine's pursuit.

"Finally, finally escaped.

Everyone was lying on the deck, very tired.

"Go to bed first, I'll be on duty tonight," Su Yi said.

"It's all up to you, Su Yi," Luffy snored after saying this.

Zoro and Sanji do the same,

"What a dependable man," Robin said with a smile as he used his ability to move the three back to the cabin and put them on the hammock.

Nami also yawned, "I'll go to bed first, call me if there is a situation."9

Chopper consciously walked back to the cabin, climbed into the hammock by himself, and fell asleep exhausted.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Su Yi glanced at Robin, who was still reading a book under the light of the candle, and was really obsessed.

"Well, it's almost finished." Robin said.

Su Yi hummed, then sat down and stared at the sea in the distance.

Time passed by minute by minute,

Silent all night.

The next morning, everyone regained their energy.

Su Yi has a lot of energy because it's okay even if she doesn't sleep for two days.

"Hey, I found an island ahead.

Just after breakfast, Su Yi had just lay down and had not slept for a few hours when he was woken up by the shouting outside.

When I went out to take a look, I found that it was actually an endless grassland.

And the creatures on the grassland are all very long,

The first was a bear with white fur all over it, which seemed to be five meters tall.

Then there was a white dog, but its body was meandering out like a snake for hundreds of meters.

"Damn it!!!!!"

Luffy and the others immediately ran to the island energetically to play.

Seeing this, Su Yi immediately understood that they had arrived at Long Chain Island.

"Long Chain Island, Foxy…"

He also jumped on the island, took a few steps, and found an apple tree,

The apples on this island are so long that they look like peppers,

But it tastes like an apple,

"Hey, there seems to be an inhabited house over there.

Chopper pointed into the distance.

Everyone approached the past, it was like a yurt, with all the living facilities inside.

But it has been unoccupied for a long time, no matter the kitchen utensils or the bed are accumulated a layer of soil.

"Found the Straw Hat Pirates!"

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly heard a sound and turned his head suddenly.

He walked out of the house and looked at the sea in the distance,

The sea was calm and there was nothing.