

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Sky Island Past

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm the man who's going to be One Piece!" Luffy started playing tricks.

"Pirates? Are you people from the blue ocean?"

Gan Fall mused,

"Could it be that you came from the sky and ocean currents? It's too risky, this path is either the survival of all members, or the sacrifice of all members, which is simply a gamble. Without a certain luck, it is impossible to succeed.

"Are you lucky…"

The group looked at Luffy,

This guy should have shit luck, right?

"Damn it, you guys…"

Suddenly, the unconscious Webber woke up.

But he found himself tied to the mast of the Merry.

"This man is from Shandia. He should have mistaken you for Enel. Let him go." Gan Fol pleaded.

"Sandian? Enel? What the hell?" Luffy and the others were all confused, only Su Yi understood what Gan Fol meant.

But he couldn't say anything, after all, even the people on Sky Island didn't know much about Sky Island.

"Enel is the god of Sky Island, he has the ability to monitor everything called 'Heart Net', he can't hear you here, but when you get to the upper floor, you can't talk nonsense, once he hears it Disrespectful words will be killed by 'God Punishment'!" Gan Fuer said seriously.

"Monitoring? God's Punishment?"

The group was even more confused.

Su Yi snapped and covered his face, well, things are really too complicated for them.

"Well, anyway, this guy is a good guy, isn't he?" Luffy said, pointing to Webber who was tied up.

"You blue ocean people," Webb struggled desperately, not stopping Luffy's kindness in his ears.


For this kind of reckless man, Su Yi's best solution is to continue stunned with a knife.

"You continued, Su Yi looked at Gan Fur.

Gan Foer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead,

He simply sat down and said, "This is a long story.

The so-called god is of course not a god in that sense. For the residents of Sky Island, god is just a position, similar to the king on the ground.

And Gan Fall is the previous Sky Island god.

However, six years ago, a man named "Enel" suddenly appeared, and he kicked Gan Fol off the altar with a group of his men, and since then the god of Sky Island has become Enel.

And Enel itself has an ability called "Heart Net", this ability can monitor the entire Sky Island, what everyone says, so anyone who speaks blasphemous words will be struck to death by lightning from the sky .

Over time, people no longer dared to disrespect Enel.

Or that people who didn't respect him are dead.

The entire Sky Island lives under the rule of Enel, and people not only have to abide by the rules set by Enel, but also be careful about what they say and do in their daily life.

"Then what happened to the Shandians?" Luffy's mind was rarely clear this time.

"Hey, Luffy, do you really understand what he means?" Nami asked in disbelief.

"Well, there's a bad guy named Enel, right?" Luffy said succinctly.

The crowd fainted.

"Well, that's not too bad.

Gan Fall goes on to tell about the origins of the Shandians.

"It was about 400 years ago when a huge 'Bath' suddenly fell from the sky and landed next to Sky Island. 35

"Oh, the so-called 'Bass' is the land and soil in the eyes of you blue sea people.

"It seems to have flown up from the blue ocean for some reason and became part of Sky Island.

"Bath is to us Sky Islanders what gold is to you Blue Sea people, so when this huge Bass island appeared, our ancestors sent people to occupy the island. 99

"And the natives of this island, the Shandians, were driven out of Bath, and for 400 years after that, they fought non-stop to take back their homeland.

As he spoke, even Gan Fauer became a little embarrassed.

His ancestors occupied other people's homes, but he actually sat in other people's homes and became a god all his life.

Webber on the side woke up at some point, his eyes were burning with fire, and he struggled desperately, "Gan Fauer, I'm going to kill you!!!"

"So uncle, you are the bad guy, it seems we caught the wrong person," Luffy suddenly untied Webb's rope.

"Hey! Luffy! What are you doing?!" Zoro and the others' eyes were about to pop out, watching their stupid captain in disbelief.


Su Yi stunned Weber again with a knife,

"Hey, Captain, don't do such a dangerous thing, although this man is a victim, but he is going to attack us and destroy the Merry's enemy, our enemy, you know?

"Souga," Luffy buckled his booger and tied Webb back up again.

Gan Fore was obviously shocked by the casualness of the group of people in front of him, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead,

He glanced at a map lying on the ground, (beej)

This is the Sky Island map that the group found from the sunken ship when they passed through the waters below Sky Island.

"Oh, this map is quite old," Gan Fall said.

"Oh? Do you recognize this map?" Nami asked.

Gan Fuer nodded, "This is what I call the island that fell from the sky, and it is also our 'holy place' here, a place where only gods are qualified to live.

"Wait, I seem to have found something."

Nami suddenly had an idea and took out another map.

This is a map of Gaya Island.

Putting the two maps together, everyone found that the map of Gaya Island and the map of the "Holy Land" of Sky Island could actually be combined into an island!

And stitched together like a skull!

"How could this be?!" Nami's pupils shrank,

The island of Sky Island was originally one with the Gaya Island on the ground?

"To the sky and ocean currents." Su Yi spoke at this time,

Everyone looked at him.

"The sky current does not appear in a specific place, and the power will not be the same every time. It is possible that 400 years ago, a large sky current appeared below the island of Gaya, and washed half of the island of Gaya. to the Sky Island.

Everyone imagined the scene.

Immediately felt hot blooded.

What a spectacle that is!

Robin suddenly turned out a book, "It was mentioned in Nolando's adventure story that Nolando landed on Gaia Island and found a lot of gold, but when he came to the island again, the gold But it disappeared, so the world thought that Nolando was just a big liar, but Nolando said: The gold is in the right eye of the skull!

Everyone's eyes moved to the map on the ground again.

Skull's… right eye.

That's right, now Gaya Island is just the mouth of a skeleton.

The real head should be on Sky Island.

"When Nolando first landed on Gaya Island, Gaya Island was still intact at that time, but when he came for the second time, Gaya Island had been divided into two halves by the soaring ocean current, and there were golden That half of the island was washed up on the Sky Island! Now the 'Holy Land'!

Everyone was deeply shocked by this reasoning.

What a tragic man this is. He clearly discovered gold, but the half of the island where the gold was located went straight to the sky.

So he was called a big liar by the world, and this title was deducted from his descendants from generation to generation.

However, Nami's eyes turned golden.

And there is gold in the right eye of the skull?

"It seems that this Sky Island, we have come right!"

As a Sky Islander, Gan Fore naturally did not understand the value of gold. Seeing everyone so excited, it was a little inexplicable.

He stood up and prepared to leave, "Anyway, you must be careful, it's okay to talk here, when you reach the upper floor, your every move, every word and deed will be perceived by Enel.

He threw a whistle on the ground, "If you need help with anything, you can blow the whistle and I will appear, but you will be charged 5 million ik for a service fee."

"Nani?! 5 million ik?!" Nami, who has always regarded wealth as his life, suddenly felt bad.

"Uncle, what is the conversion between Ike and Bailey?" Su Yi was a little speechless, these guys didn't ask the ratio or anything, they were shocked there, it was too calm,

"10,000 ikko is equivalent to 1 bailey.

"5 million Ikes is 500 Baileys.

After speaking, he flew away on his own mount.

"500 baileys at a time, that's a lot of money," Nami burst into tears.