

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Full Cultivation

The banquet went into the middle of the night, and Luffy was still eating while Su Yi was sleeping.

He had no choice but to return to his cabin.

"It's the third day now, Yoxi, it's time to practice again."

In the darkness, Su Yi suddenly activated the ability of the squirrel fruit. As he continued to inject his mind power, his body continued to expand, and his muscles continued to bulge.


Su Yi felt itchy muscles all over his body, but he ignored it and continued to inject his mind power.

"A little more, a little more…"

Finally, the pain reached Su Yi's limit, and he gritted his teeth for a while.

Then it stopped,

At this time, his body also returned to its normal size,

After that, just need to cultivate quietly, his body will become stronger by itself.

"Although this method of cultivation can quickly become stronger, every time it is like a calamity, it is simply inhuman torture."

Unconsciously, Su Yi broke out in a cold sweat.

"Well, but in order to gain powerful strength, this pain is still bearable."

"Physical quality has been improved to a considerable level, Haki's training has also entered the formal stage, and he has collected a lot of fruit abilities. My overall strength should be quite strong."

Su Yi estimates that his physical fitness is now estimated to have reached the level of Sanji.

And if you add Haki, even Zoro is not his opponent,

If the fruit ability is used again, and if it is used in combination with multiple fruits, then Luffy can also win.

And this is just the result of his simple consumption of physical strength.

He still has a lot of psychic power, and this will be his strongest trump card!

Next, instead of going to sleep immediately, Su Yi sat cross-legged on the ground and began to cultivate his mind power, which was a compulsory course for him every night.

He didn't stop until he couldn't stand the sleepiness completely.

Before he could lie down completely, he had already fallen asleep.

The next day, Su Yi was woken up.

"Hey, Su Yi, even if the weather is particularly nice, don't sleep every day," Chopper pressed Su Yi's forehead with his air-cushioned palm.

"Is it time to eat?" Su Yi yawned,

"You just want to eat all day," Chopper grumbled. "Ah, Sanji's ready."

Su Yi sat up and moved his body,

"Yo Xi, it really became a lot stronger. It seems that last night's sins were not in vain."

At this time, his body was full of tendons, six-pack abs, and his arms were stronger than when he had just crossed over.

He hit a carp and jumped up from the ground.

When I came outside, a cool sea breeze blew on my face.

"Huh, nice weather," he whistled,

"Hey! Luffy, that's my meat!"

"It's not too late for you anyway, just let it go to me,"

"I just want to save it until the end… ah! You actually ate it!"

On the deck, Luffy and the others were frolic, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Great, have you finished your workout today?" Su Yi asked.

"Crack—" Usopp's jaw dropped.

There were also a few drops of cold sweat on Luffy's forehead.

bang bang bang…

At this moment, as if a giant was walking,

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, it turned out to be Sanji. At this time, Sanji had already loaded the shoes Su Yi gave him, and every time he took a step, there would be a "bang" sound.

It looks quite heavy,

And Sanji's walking speed has slowed down a lot because of this,

"Nami-san, Vivi-san, this is your beauty juice."

In the distance, Zoro, who has already eaten, is practicing his arm strength with a huge barbell.

"Hey, Zoro, not only your arms, but also your legs should be exercised, otherwise it will also affect your combat effectiveness," Su Yi said.

"I get it, I get it," Zoro said through gritted teeth.

Su Yi sat down and ate his food, his appetite was particularly strong today.

With the assistance of Munch-Munch Fruit, he can completely digest both bones and fish bones without wasting any food.

Even Luffy looked at Su Yi with a shocked expression,

"How can you eat like this?" Luffy suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as if his food was about to be robbed by Su Yi.

"It's over, there will be another big stomach king on the ship in the future, how are you going to live?" Sanji covered his forehead with an incomparable headache.

"So, you should hunt some Sea Kings to increase our food reserves," Su Yi said.

"Yo Xi, you can search!" Luffy suddenly became motivated, seeing that even Usopp had given up his playful mentality and started doing push-ups seriously,

He ran to the side of the boat and started looking for the Sea Kings.

"Hey, Luffy, you can't catch yourself by doing this…what are you doing!!!"

Vivi kindly wanted to remind Luffy that Sea Kings would not be so easy to catch, it might take a little bait,

As a result, he took a closer look and found that Luffy was fishing with "Run Fast" as bait.


Suddenly, the sea swelled for a while, and then a big bag swelled up.

The next moment, a Sea Kings actually appeared out of the sea.

"Food, food, food, food…" Luffy was like a red-eyed pit bull, starting a frantic battle mode.

"Guo Mo Guo Mohe… machine gun!!!"

bang bang bang…

The Sea Kings, who had just exposed their heads and had not had time to roar, were immediately knocked out by Luffy,

"Leave the rest to me," Su Yi put the knife and fork down, and flashed into the sky at an incredible speed. Under the astonished gaze of everyone, he pulled out the blue bird behind him.


With a crisp and pleasant sound of the knife, the head of Sea Kings was cut off,

Then Su Yi chopped the Sea Kings into pieces with a few swipes.

"Meat and meat…" Luffy stuck out his tongue and went to move the meat, not paying any attention to the weapon in Su Yi's hand.

But everyone else noticed Su Yi's battle.

"Masaka, Su Yi, are you actually a swordsman too?"

"What a goddamn swordsmanship, to cut Sea Kings into so many pieces in one fell swoop."

"It can only be said that he is worthy of being a man who offers a reward of 100 million Bailey. He is amazing."

Zoro kept exercising while looking at the blue bird in Su Yi's hands seriously, thinking in his heart.

"Well, I'm actually just using brute force, Zoro should be able to see that," Su Yi said without any pride, but told the truth.

In fact, a person who uses a knife does not necessarily have to be strong in swordsmanship. For example, Auntie uses brute force at all. In fact, Auntie is equally strong with a mace.

The same is true for him. The reason why he chose to use a knife as a weapon is that it is more convenient.

"Soga, it seems we have to work hard."*