

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Conqueror'S Combat Skills, Hakoku!

"Hey, bean sack,"

The two giants suddenly stopped Luffy,

"There is a terrifying island-eating monster outside the island. If you leave rashly, the ship will probably be eaten by the other party."

"Nani?!" Usopp's eyes suddenly popped out.

The Merry was a ship sent by Kaya, and it turned out to be eaten now.

How can this be tolerated? !

"Well, but it's very pleasant to get along with you, and we have to leave here, and we will face this monster in the future, so it's better to help you get rid of it now."

"When the time comes, your boat will go straight over, don't worry about anything, and leave the rest to us."

The two giants swore and said it, but it was difficult for others to believe them.

After all, the two injured giants, no matter how you look at them, can't believe that they can deal with the Island Eater.

Island Eater, the name sounds huge and terrifying.

Moreover, they are giants, not murlocs. They can fight on land. How can they win in the sea?

"Yo Xi! It can be searched!" Luffy raised his hands high, and didn't seem to think much at all.

"I should have guessed…" Both Nami and Usopp were in tears.

Vivi and Ikalem were both in cold sweat, looking at the people in front of them in disbelief.

These guys, why are they so stupid, they don't have any plans at all, and they never consider the consequences. How did they survive until now? Could it be said that the stronger the sea is, the more stupid the guy will be?

A group of people boarded the Golden Meri, and Sanji had returned with the flesh of a dinosaur at this time, just in time for a group of people to set sail.

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with the water surface ahead." Zoro was in a sluggish state, so Sanji was naturally the one in charge of being the watcher, but when he picked up the telescope, he found that the sea surface in front of him was slowly rising.

"Go! Go!" Luffy yelled.

Usopp also stood against the wind, and for the first time became a little brave.


Finally, the monster in the water surfaced, what kind of monster was that!

Su Yi can guarantee that even the whale Laboon is not as huge as the monster in front of him.

He believed that this monster could really eat an island in one bite.

"Island Eater!!"

At this moment, Nami and other people who were not determined to stick out their tongues one by one like springs, and their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"Usopp, you seem to have said that you fought a giant goldfish and boarded the giant goldfish's feces as an island." Su Yi looked straight ahead, the wind was blowing his hair into a flurry, but he He still said without changing his face.

Usopp did the same, the windshield reflected white light, and folded his arms in front of his chest, "Ah, the one I encountered is probably about the same size as the one in front of me."

"Luffy, watch it carefully, you have to keep the next scene in your mind." Su Yi said to Luffy.

Although Luffy didn't understand what Su Yi meant, he nodded.


The huge open mouth of the island eater can almost swallow a hundred Meri side by side, as simple as drinking a bowl of noodles.

And the Merry, just like the two giants said, did not stop in the slightest, and kept rushing towards the mouth of the Island Eater.

"It's over…" Nami Vivi was already hugging each other, and Ikalem began to think about what kind of last words he should leave in his heart.

Kabbah —

Finally, the island eater closed its mouth, and the Merry, as well as everyone above, was eaten by it.


Then, it began to sink slowly, ready to sink into the sea.

"Humph! It's really going to eat the Straw Hat Crew."

"It seems that the old man who has been with us for a hundred years can't keep it."

On the shore of Little Garden, two huge figures stand against the wind,

One person holds a long sword, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

One person carried a giant axe on his shoulders and laughed arrogantly.

At this time, the two saw that the time was almost up, and they raised the weapons that had accompanied them for a hundred years in their hands.

At the same time, an amazing aura emanated from the two of them.


And these two auras actually converged into their respective weapons.

The next moment, they waved their weapons in unison, and two attacks composed entirely of momentum and vigor were sent out.


boom! ! ! ! !

The two attacks intertwined in the air, condensed into one, and then hit the chin of the Island Eater who was about to sink into the sea.

The unstoppable aura directly opened a big hole in his body, and the Golden Meri, which had just been swallowed by him and had not had time to swallow, flew out of the big hole by riding the wind.

"Yo hoo!"

"Come out!"




Kara –

On the shore, the weapons in Dorry and Brogy's hands shattered because they couldn't withstand the power of the blow just now.

"Goodbye, my friends."

"Wait for us at New World."

On the Merry, Luffy got goosebumps with excitement.

"Su Yi, what was that blow just now? It looks so powerful!"

Su Yi smiled and sat on the chair, rubbing her weak legs, "Do you remember how you felt just now?"

Luffy stroked his chin and seemed to be thinking very distressed.

"It doesn't seem to be a slash, but it gives a very gentle feeling, but there is an amazing willpower in the gentleness!"

Speaking of which, he was suddenly stunned, "Damn it! It just felt like two giants were standing beside me, their wills fighting with me!"

"That's enough." Su Yi laughed.

It's impossible for Luffy to learn Haki all at once, especially at Conqueror's.

However, the astonishing scene just now had already planted the seeds in Luffy's heart, and in every battle in the future, it will gradually grow, and eventually it will take root and emerge from the ground!

"Hey! Don't pretend to be my teacher, don't pose!" Luffy suddenly reacted, turning into sharp teeth and yelling at Su Yi.

Su Yi sat up immediately, but then slumped down again, "No, I thought my megalophobia was cured, but I didn't expect there would be monsters as big as the Island Eater, but there shouldn't be any bigger creatures. Bar?"

After a long rest, Su Yi finally recovered.

I also began to recall the Hakoku just now.

Hakoku is actually an attack that knocks Conqueror's out.

Of course, he didn't know if it was Conqueror's, or it might just be pure aura and aura.

After all, it's a bit incredible that two giants who don't even know how to armed can actually understand the high-end combat skills of Conqueror's, and this "partiality" is too serious.

But Su Yi is not surprised to say that the giant has mastered Conqueror's.

In fact, in Su Yi's view, giants are the easiest race to Master Conqueror's in the world.

The simplest example is that Dorry and Brogy fought for a hundred years in order to compete for the first place.

This kind of self-respecting spirit, this kind of spirit for the glory of warriors, is the qualification of a "king".

And this kind of spirit is precisely the most advocated spirit among the giants.

Therefore, Su Yi felt that the giants were probably the easiest race to awaken the Conqueror's.

"Well, I don't want to, I'm so tired."

Su Yi lay flat and fell asleep. *