

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 This Is How Dinosaurs Hunted In Ancient Times

"Here, Little Garden,"

Finally, after a long voyage, the shape of an island finally appeared on the sea in front of the Merry.

"Well~~well~~ it's coming soon, there are still two or three islands to return to Alabasta, well~~well~~" Ikalem said with a chorus-like tone in his mouth, and said with some anticipation.

"Hey, when did this guy get on the boat!" Zoro yelled.

"It's already on the ship! It's been so long and you haven't found out!?" Nami yelled at Zoro.

"It's so lively in the early morning, it's good to be young,"

Su Yi stretched out from the cabin,

During this time, he has been training the armed Haki, but there has been no progress.

"Speaking of you, you're not a few years older than us!" Zoro and Nami yelled at Su Yi together.

Su Yi blankly wiped the saliva from his face, ignored the two guys, pointed to the island in front and said, "Everyone, be careful, the island in front is very dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Everyone's eyes were cast.

Su Yi's eyes glanced around,

Princess Vivi doesn't know it's normal. After all, she's a princess. It's impossible to know such a wild island like the back of the hand.

As for Ikalem, he shouldn't know either, otherwise Princess Vivi wouldn't be allowed to follow their group through this island.

As for Luffy and the others, it is even more impossible to know the details.

"I also read it from an adventurer's book. The reason why this island is called Little Garden is because to the residents of this island, the whole island is like a small garden." Su Yi The nonsense comes as soon as you open your mouth.

"Nani?! You, you mean, there are giants on this island?!"

"Yes," Su Yi rubbed his chin, "not only that, there seems to be a lot of prehistoric creatures on the island."

"You must know that the islands in the Grand Line are difficult to establish connection with each other, so the environment of each island is developed independently, some islands have evolved kingdoms, while some islands are still stuck in the age of dinosaurs ."

"Dinosaurs?!" Luffy caught a key word and immediately became excited, "I look forward to it, I really want to go on an adventure!"

"Hey! Giants! Dinosaurs! Let's not go to such a dangerous island, shall we?!" Usopp and Nami were both terrified and shivered as they hugged each other.

"Well, dinosaurs… I just don't have enough food on board, so we can go hunting to replenish some." Sanji said while smoking a cigarette.

"Are we out of food on board," Luffy said.

"It's not all because of you!" Sanji yelled at Luffy.

"Yo Xi, let's go on an adventure, by the way, how long does it take for the recording needle to store enough magnetic force on this island?" Luffy said, suddenly looking at Su Yi.

This time, Luffy was unexpectedly reliable.

Su Yi was very relieved, and suddenly there was an illusion that an old father was watching his child grow up.

"I don't know, how could I possibly know so many things?!"

Luffy pursed his lips: "But you act like you know everything."

"Well, forget it, it's probably only a few days, we'd better go on an adventure first," Luffy jumped on the side of the boat with great interest.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll prepare some lunch boxes for you, you can take them on the road," Sanji hurriedly ran into the kitchen.

"And you, Zoro, come back from hunting some edible prey, we're running out of food on board," Sanji growled.

"Understood, I will hunt some prey that you absolutely cannot hunt." Zoro said.

"Nani?! Let's have a hunting game!"

Seeing that the atmosphere on the ship was lively,

Su Yi smiled in relief,

Well, let's not tell them, the record pointer needs to stay here for a year.

Vivi and Ikalem, who watched for a long time, were dumbfounded.

What kind of people are these! !

"Your Highness Princess, this is really my dereliction of duty. I didn't expect that there are such dangerous existences as dinosaurs and giants on the island." Ikalem said very remorseful.

After a pause, he frowned and said solemnly: "In this case, Your Royal Highness, you don't have to get off the boat, I will protect you on the boat."

Vivi nodded sympathetically,

"Aren't you going to take the risk? It's a shame, this is a rare opportunity," Luffy said regretfully.

"Who would feel sorry!" Vivi yelled at Luffy in the form of fangs.

"Hey, you have been assimilated by them before you know it," Su Yi on the side twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Little Garden? My main target is Mr.3. This guy's ability is quite good, and if it can be used in conjunction with the explosive fruit, the effect will be stronger."

"But before stealing his powers, let others play with him."

To be honest, Su Yi himself was looking forward to taking risks.

After the boat docked, a Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly rushed out of the jungle,

"Dinosaurs! Watch out!"

Zoro suddenly pulled out his sword and killed the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Hehe, the food on board is enough now."

"Sekappa, you stay here to handle the food, I'm going for a walk."

After Zoro finished speaking, he left Sanji and walked into the depths of the forest alone.

Su Yi reluctantly covered his forehead, and a moment of silence had already begun in his heart, this guy Zoro will definitely get lost.

"Yo Xi! It can be searched!"

Luffy also rushed out alone.

"That idiot, how dare you say that the prey I hunted is not as big as his," Sanji went hunting alone.

"Okay, I'll protect you, let's go visit Little Garden together." Su Yi said to the rest.

"Su Yi, you are such a nice person." Nami and Usopp both hugged Su Yi and burst into tears.

"Well~~Well~~, since that's the case, Princess Vivi, let's go down too." Ikalem said.

So, Su Yi became the tour guide of the tour group and got off the boat with the weakest group on board.

He went to the front, Usopp and Ikalem behind, Nami and Vivi in ​​the middle.

"That is a triceratops, don't provoke them, if you are in a hurry, they will spin their heads at a very fast speed, forming a sharp drill, crushing all enemies in front of them! In ancient times, That's how Triceratops hunted."

"That's a long-necked dragon. When they hunt, they shoot out their necks like arrows. The power is amazing…"

"That's a pterosaur…"

Su Yi said it like a lot, Usopp and the others all looked surprised,

"Soga, it turns out that the book is deceiving. It turns out that dinosaurs hunted like this in ancient times."*