

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Robin Appears, Luffy'S Grandfather Is Marine?

"It's really far away. It's been a long time and it hasn't flown yet."

In the sky, Su Yi was so bored that he fell asleep.

Although he is very fast in this form, it is still very difficult to catch up with the Golden Meri.

"Wait, there seems to be something on the sea below,"

Su Yi saw a small target,

He lowered his height, but was suddenly stunned,

"Nico Robin, it's her."

That's right, at the moment floating on the sea is a very large turtle, and on it is sitting Robin sauce.

"Isn't it too early to meet each other, well, but Robin-chan should be looking for Luffy and the others, and probably catch up before going to Little Garden."

"Doesn't that mean that you can catch up with Luffy and the others soon?"

Nico Robin is not a person who is willing to trust others easily, just like Nami at the beginning,

It would be hard for her to blend in with the Straw Hats without going through the Enies Lobby incident.

Su Yi did not go down, but continued to fly in the form of a cloud.

Before long, the Golden Meri appeared ahead of him.

"Finally caught up,"

As soon as he landed on the deck, a knife was attached to his neck.

At this time, the surrounding sea area was full of dense fog, and it was impossible to see who was on the other side.

"Who?!" A familiar voice came from behind.

"It's me," Su Yi said.

Hearing Su Yi's voice,

Zoro was finally relieved,

But then he wondered: "Didn't you stay in Whisky Peak to resist the killer?"

"The killer has been solved by me," Su Yi waved and yawned,

He was exhausted along the way. For the first time, he used two fruit abilities at the same time, and it lasted for such a long time.

It was a severe drain on his physical and mental strength.

And it's night again, and he hasn't slept almost all night.

"I'm going to bed first, by the way, there may be guests on board later, you have to entertain them," Su Yi said, and entered the cabin.

After a period of time,

There was a commotion outside,

Su Yi yawned and walked out of the hatch,

Then I saw a figure sitting in front of me with the charm of a mature woman,

On the deck below, Luffy and the others were waiting in full force.


Robin turned his head and saw Su Yi standing behind him, staring at him the whole time.

"It's not good for this little girl to stand behind the lady."

Saying that, Su Yi suddenly felt several hands pulling on her body, and she was thrown out of the hatch immediately.

Is this the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit? I didn't expect to have hands to grow from my own body.

Su Yi turned around flexibly in the air and landed on the ground smoothly.

Robin smiled and looked at Su Yi and others,

"It's a permanent pointer to an island next to Alabasta, which even the organizers don't know it exists."

She tossed a record pointer.

"This can help you go straight to Alabasta and save a lot of time."

"Don't!" Luffy suddenly smashed the record pointer, "I'm the captain, and it's up to me to decide where to go!"

Nami burst into tears, "The other party may be a good person, and what's wrong with staying even if you don't need it?"

"I don't want it," Luffy played his petty temper.

"Okay, goodbye." Robin jumped off the Merry, got into his own turtle car, and left quickly.

Su Yi yawned and went back to sleep,

Early the next morning, Su Yi ate breakfast and read the newspaper,

Of course, I read the newspaper that Nami read,

"Hey, Luffy, look here,"

Su Yi suddenly pointed to a piece of news in the newspaper and said.

"Nani Nani? Is it some fun?"

Luffy ran over, and immediately saw a piece of news,

"Hero Garp walks through Upside Down Mountain without changing his face, but two of the recruits in Marine have their faces twitching with fright."

"Hoohoho, isn't that kid Coby, he's actually become a Marine!"

"Hey, isn't that the point of Garp, he's coming to the Grand Line."

Su Yi reminded,

It seems that this guy Luffy is really neurotic, and he even selectively ignored his grandfather's name.

"Marine hero Garp?" Vivi leaned over,

Others also cast curious glances.

"Oh, he's my grandpa," Luffy uttered a shocking remark casually.


A group of people were immediately stunned.

A Marine Vice Admiral, second only to Marine Admiral in status, turned out to be Luffy's grandfather?

"Hey! Luffy, aren't you the undercover agent Marine put in?" Zoro suddenly pulled out his knife and roared in cold sweat.

"What a joke, the old man and I have always been at odds. We only have the chance to fight!" Luffy said indifferently, clutching his booger.

"Hey! It's too outrageous to say that, your grandfather is Marine, and he is a Marine with a very high position. Does it really matter? He shouldn't know about you being a pirate, right? Will he come to arrest you when he finds out? Damn it, we're being targeted by a Marine Vice Admiral…"

Usopp Barabara kept talking, and the final result was that Luffy punched him expressionlessly.

"Why beat me?" Usopp said tearfully.

"Can't help it," Luffy said.

"Anyway, I'm the man who wants to become the Pirate King!" Luffy's firm tone finally brought a group of people back to their senses.

"Ah, we believe this, but the news is too shocking."

"Well, this guy Kerby is actually by my grandfather's side. Has he also come to the Grand Line? I really look forward to seeing him one day in the future." Luffy said with a smile. *