

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Smoke Fruit, Get It

"Logue town, it's finally here."

Logue town's pier, Straw Hat Crew successfully landed, and as expected, they came with a pirate ship, even without attracting attention.

But Su Yi cautiously removed the pirate flag and covered the pirate flag pattern on the canvas.

Although Luffy and others were dissatisfied with this, Su Yi still felt cautious,

After all, none of them stayed on the boat. Once the boat was driven away by Marine or the like, they were equivalent to being caught in the urn.

"Execution table, execution table, execution table…"

Luffy trotted away and left.

"It looks like I can collect good ingredients, and beautiful women," Sanji said with two red hearts in his eyes.

Zoro, Usopp and Nami also left, and in the end, only Su Yi was left.

"Really, a bunch of guys don't even know how to hide their identities."

Su Yi was wearing a windbreaker at this time, completely covering her figure.

This way, no one will recognize him.

Immediately, he walked into the crowd and disappeared.

Just two or three seconds after he disappeared.

Suddenly two Marines in casual clothes appeared on the pier,

"Damn, he slipped away,"

"What a sly man. Could it be that he has noticed that we are following him?"

These two Marines were the Straw Hat Crew sent from Marine headquarters, especially Marine agents who were monitoring the demon hunter Su Yi!

"What do we do now? It's impossible to wait here for them to come back. Now that Straw Hat Crew is finally separated, it's our chance to defeat them one by one!"

"Since the Demon Hunter is gone, let's find the straw hat boy with the highest reward!"

"Yo Xi, you can search!"

Su Yi wandered around the pier alone. According to the plot in the original book, Smoker will receive information about pirates on the pier, and then run here to catch the pirates, and as long as he finds the pirate, he can wait for the rabbit. .

"Give me all of it, don't keep a single potato, this is the precious food that my Lord Sanriyue Jiali used to be the Pirate King."

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and he found that a group of pirates were robbing food.

"It's you."

Su Yi silently stood aside and waited.

"Hey, that suspicious guy over there, where are you from? Get out of the way, do you want to die?"

A pirate minion spotted Su Yi's presence and scolded in a low voice.

Su Yi ignored the other party, because at this time his "Yuan" had already felt a strong presence approaching the vicinity.

Da da...

A tall man with two cigars in his mouth appeared on the dock at some point.

A group of robbery pirates suddenly stopped their work,

"Is this Marine?"

"But how come there are only two Marines?"

"Are all Marines here not afraid of pirates?"

Smoker cut. "It wasn't the Straw Hat Crew."

"However, you can't be forgiven either," he said, and he launched an offensive, and a group of robbery pirates were immediately surrounded by smoke.

"Is this what Smoke fruit is capable of."

Su Yi quietly watched the scene in front of him, and silently took a few steps back.

"Oh? Are you one of them too?"

Smoker noticed Su Yi's presence, and part of the smoke poured towards Su Yi.

"I'm just a passerby, I'm curious, are you Demon fruit power?" Su Yi started his performance mode.

However, Smoker wasn't the type to go around saying what kind of fruit he was and what abilities he had.

Seeing that a passerby was so calm, he immediately raised his vigilance.

"This is not what you should know, let me see your face, the guy who hides his head and shows his tail."

A large amount of smoke poured towards Su Yi, Su Yi tugged on the Kabuto hat, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Really, don't be too confident in your abilities, Smoker."

"Nani?" Smoker was surprised, not expecting the other party to know his name.

The next moment, Su Yi opened his hand and grabbed it out of thin air,

Suddenly, like a ball of marshmallows, he caught Smoker's smoke!


Smoker was shocked. You must know that he was a smoker who ate Smoke fruit. No matter it was a knife or axe, or bullets, it couldn't cause any damage to him. Only the sea and seastone could restrain him.

But the man in front of him was able to grab his smoke body with his hands, which was incredible!

"I understand, you are also Devil Fruit's ability, and you have some kind of ability to restrain me."

Smoker made his own judgment in his heart and said it.

"Well, whatever you think,"

In Su Yi's vision, his whole body was covered with a layer of psychic power at this time, and it was this layer of psychic power that blocked the smoke from the outside, and his hand could also use this to catch the Logia capable person.

Speaking of which, the so-called Haki should be a kind of spiritual power, and one's own mind power is also spiritual energy, and the two are common.

And that's exactly why Su Yi hunts Smoker.

"I'll teach you a good lesson today, the so-called Logia is not invincible."

Su Yi suddenly punched, and the smoke in front of him suddenly sank,

Smoker felt a pain in his arm, and his body that turned into smoke suddenly retracted.

"You can actually hit me." Smoker looked incredulous.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a pirate, I'm just a low-key pirate hunter. Now that you know my abilities, you should tell me what your abilities are, right? Smoker."

Su Yi has turned on the actor mode at this time.

If you want to steal the opponent's ability, you need several conditions.

Guys in the pirate world like to show off their abilities, so "seeing the other party's ability" is a good thing to do.

As for the ability to ask each other, Smoker's mouth is hard right now.

And let the other party touch the cover of the book, Su Yi intends to do it last.

After all, this kind of behavior is very strange. Once exposed, it will make Smoker vigilant, and the behavior of asking the other party's fruit-related abilities will also be regarded as dangerous by the other party, and it will be difficult to ask questions later.

"Me, I'm a Smoke fruit person," Smoker didn't think there was anything wrong with telling Su Yi about his ability, "You see, my body can change into smoke."

As he spoke, Smoker began to wonder in his heart, what kind of pirate hunter has such a strange ability as Su Yi, and can actually touch his body, could it be that…

He suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that the other party is wearing seastone gloves?"

at this time,

Su Yi suddenly disappeared in place.


While Smoker was startled, he suddenly felt something slapped on his restored right hand.

This is a very strange thing, the other party patted his palm with a flat object.

"Are you making fun of me? You bastard!"

Smoker was irritated, just about to attack, but suddenly found that his smoke body had disappeared, leaving only a mortal body in place, and when he wanted to smoke his body, he found that he could no longer do it. .

"What's going on? The power is gone?" A drop of cold sweat dripped from Smoker's forehead. *