

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 100 Million Bailey, Buy Your Fish Head

Furious villagers slaughtered Arlong's paradise.

However, at the gate of Arlong Paradise, they were blocked by two men with knives.

"Stop, I can't let you pass here."

"Get out of the way, who are you two, are you Arlong's lackeys?"

"Wait, you look at the two guys who are all wounded, do you mean that they are also fighting with murlocs?"

Johnny and Joseph looked awe-inspiring, "Ah, we did have a fight with the murlocs, but we lost by 'a hair's breadth'."

"You can't defeat the murlocs with you, but there are existences on this island that can defeat Arlong, and the two of us are waiting here for this!"

It turned out that when landing on the island.

Su Yi then instructed Johnny and Joseph, who had followed along the way, to block the door at the gate of Arlong Paradise.

On the one hand, if Arlong waits for the murlocs to leave, know where they went.

On the other hand, if there are humans who can't think of it to go to trouble the fish people, we must stop them, and don't let them lose their lives in vain. It would be a pity if they died on the eve of dawn.

However, Johnny and Joseph still challenged the murlocs with some unbelief.

Finally got kicked out.

"Big brother is really predictable, like Zhuge Kongming's existence." Johnny looked at the villagers in front of him and said to Joseph beside him.

"Ah, not only did he expect that we would lose by 'a hair's breadth', but he also expected that so many innocent villagers would come to die in vain. Fortunately, we caught up, otherwise it would have been a disaster."

at this time,

At the end of the road, Su Yi and the others walked slowly.

"Hey, look at the back, these people."

The villagers were startled by the momentum of Su Yi and others, and subconsciously gave way.

"Professional things are left to professional people. Since it is a fishman, it should be handed over to the chef obediently." Sanji lit a cigarette for himself.

"I've been wondering what it feels like to chop a murloc," Zoro said.

"I, I, I'm Captain Usopp who once defeated ten murlocs!" Usopp's two battles were fighting, but his eyes were very determined.

Only Luffy and Su Yi said nothing.

Several people stopped in front of the door of Arlong Paradise.

Su Yi suddenly said, "Luffy, don't stomp your feet after entering, let alone stick your feet into the ground or something, please."

Luffy: "Huh? Why?"

"Anyway, don't do that."

"All right."


Immediately, Luffy punched the gate of Arlong Park!

"Ah? What are you guys doing? Are you going to rebel?"

The fish people who were having a party suddenly stopped.

A murloc with blue skin and a long jagged nose looked at the door with cold eyes.

"Arlong, we're here just to talk to you about a 100 million Bailey sale."

Su Yi stepped forward first,

A murloc wanted to intercept, but he stepped on the ground as a stepping stone.

Arlong's forehead burst with blue veins, but he still held back his anger, "What business?"

"Colonel Mouse took Nami's 100 million Bailey, I believe it should be ready to share with you, and since this is the case, then I will accept your fish head."

Su Yi's tone was very calm, as if she was talking about the weather forecast, something destined to happen.

Dead silence.

The whole place was silent.

After a long time, the fish people suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha…he said he wanted to take Brother Arlong's fish head?"

However, just when the fish people just started laughing, they didn't laugh a few times.

In Su Yi's right hand, a book has already appeared.

Immediately, his body suddenly swelled a bit.

It is worth mentioning that.

After the normal Zoan Devil Fruit is eaten, although it can strengthen the physique of the ability person, it will not be strengthened particularly high.

Ordinary people eat it, and it is estimated that it will grow to a level similar to ordinary murlocs.

And if you want to get stronger, you need to work hard.

But Su Yi is different.

He didn't eat any Devil Fruit, and his fruit ability came from "the thief's ultimate will", which is the ability to read.

Therefore, he can actually consume a certain degree of thought power and inject it into the page representing the squirrel fruit.

And as he injected more thought power, the higher his own physique was increased.

At this time, Su Yi adopted this fighting method, which consumed a lot of psychic power at one time.


His body swelled wildly, surpassing Arlong's height all of a sudden. His muscles were bulging, his fur grew wildly, his clothes were stretched out, sharp claws grew on his hands and feet, and his eyes turned blood red.

"Strange, monster!"

The villagers in the rear were terrified.

And the fish people are also stunned, but few of them have seen Devil Fruit ability.

Only the well-informed Arlong's pupils shrank, "Demon fruit power, it should be Zoan, but what animal is it? How can you exaggerate the body transformation?"


The next moment, Su Yi instantly disappeared in place, and where he was standing, the ground also had a large area of ​​cracks.


Arlong's murloc's natural keen senses allowed him to catch something, but before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his body, as if he had been hit by a mammoth, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

bang bang bang bang…

Arlong flew directly hundreds of meters away, smashed dozens of houses, and finally fell into a pile of rubble.

Silence, dead silence.

The fish people were stunned.

They have never seen such a terrifying strange force before, they can be so fast, and they can knock out their big brother Arlong so far with a single blow!

This power has already surpassed humans and murlocs!

It's already monster level!

"Aren't you dead already? Arlong?"

Su Yi walked towards the ruins step by step, with a monster-like sense of oppression, and this sense of oppression is what Arlong usually imposes on ordinary humans.

"Don't you say that murlocs are a higher race every day? Don't you claim that murlocs have 10 times the arm strength of humans? Don't you think you are strong?"


He suddenly reached into the rubble, grabbed Arlong's head, and lifted him from the rubble like a dead dog.

"Hey, are you still alive? Wake up, I haven't had enough." A cruel smile appeared on Su Yi's face.

This guy Arlong, who hates humans, does have his pitiful.

But if he is bullied, he goes to the people who bullied him. What kind of jerk is he who goes to East Blue to bully the weak? The key is that many ordinary people who have no grievances and no grudges against him were killed by him inexplicably.

"You bastard, I won't let you go." Arlong was confused, but still stared at Su Yi with hateful eyes.

"Oh, interesting," Su Yi laughed, his palm suddenly tightened, and with a click, Arlong's skull made a cracking sound.

"You know, I crush your skull, but it's as easy as crushing an egg."*