

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 One Hundred Million Bailey Sinks Into The Sea, The Runaway Nami

"Tsunami! There's a tsunami!"

The people of Cocoyashi Village witnessed what happened,

They were originally hostile to Marine who wanted to snatch Nami's treasure, and watched Marine get on the boat and prepare to leave,

As a result, the sudden attack directly smashed the Marine warship. They were both surprised and delighted.

But what followed was a terrifying tsunami!

"Colonel Mouse was killed! What kind of pirate group is this? What a terrifying strength!"

"I've never seen a pirate flag with a straw hat."

"The whole Marine is sinking, it's horrible!"

The shouts of the villagers of Cocoyashi Village reached the ears of Nami, who looked desperate.

Her cheeks, covered with crystal tears, suddenly stopped sobbing,

Pirate flag? With a straw hat?

Could it be… those guys?

"Wait, the Marine is sinking?"

Suddenly, Nami thought of the man.

The man who sank a Marine with one blow!

At the beginning, she threatened to spend 100 million Bailey's sky-high price to hire the other party and assassinate Arlong!

But it was rejected by the other party.

"Could it be that it's really him?"

Nami just felt a touch of emotion in his heart, and suddenly realized that it is impossible for Su Yi and the others to know their situation and what Cocoyashi Village has experienced in the past eight years, so all this may just be a coincidence.

"Please bean sack! My money! 100 million Bailey is still on board!!!"

Nami suddenly remembered the most important thing, but Colonel Mouse took all the 100 million Baileys she worked so hard to accumulate on the warship,

Now that the warship is sinking, didn't all her money sink to the bottom of the sea?


Nami is completely crazy, that's 100 million Bailey! It just sank into the sea.

"A bunch of prodigal guys!!!"

Nami went mad, ran wild, and ran to the shore desperately.

Immediately, she saw several familiar men walking on the streets of Cocoa West Village.

"Ah, what a magnificent village. All the houses are upside down, with the roof down and the foundation up. It's been a long time since I've seen it." Luffy, the leader, looked around nervously.

"Hey, Luffy, doesn't this look like it was vandalized? And why is there such a deep ravine in the ground? It's too scary, what kind of monster can do all this?" Usopp said. .

"Hmm—let's find Miss Nami as soon as possible, otherwise I'll never have peace of mind," said a guy in a suit with curled eyebrows, smoking a cigarette.

"I want to sleep," Zoro said this time.

"Hey, we're here to find Arlong. This is a guy with a bounty of 20 million Bailey. As long as we catch him and hand it over to Marine, we'll have food for the next few months." , is the Su Yi that Nami loves and hates.

Luffy: "Wait, aren't we here for Nami? When are we here for Arlong? By the way, who is Arlong?"

Usopp: "Captain idiot! Didn't we agree before? Under the pretext of looking for Arlong, we secretly searched for Nami, so that Nami would have nothing to say!"

Sanji: "That's right, it's still Su Yi's intelligence. She actually knew that Arlong ruled Miss Nami's village and was still collecting protection fees here. I'm afraid that Miss Nami's wealth is for the sake of her village. If you get rid of that scumbag Arlong, Miss Nami will be able to follow us out to sea with peace of mind."

The conversation of several people was heard by Nami without a word, and the originally angry heart was calmed down.

"You guys, what are you doing!"

"Ah! Nami-san! It's been a long time since I missed you!" Sanji's eyes instantly turned into red hearts, and at the same time, his feet turned into a whirlwind, and he ran to Nami's side.

"Yo! Nami!" Luffy gave a heartless giggle.

"You drove our boat. All our money was on the boat. In order to survive, we had to all be bounty hunters. We happened to find the site of Arlong, which has the highest bounty in East Blue," Su Yi explained. .

Nami took a deep breath, "You guys are really… nosy!"

After saying that, her eyes were red.

From childhood to adulthood, not many people regard her as a real partner.

People in her village regarded her as a traitor. Although she now knew that everyone in the village had been silently protecting her since she was a child, the missing love could no longer be made up.

And the Arlong Pirates are all murlocs who discriminate against humans and don't treat her as a human being.

As for those pirate groups that she had patronized, they wished they could kill her.

So, she has always been alone.

No one has ever cared about her so sincerely.

Now, there are so many men who have come all the way to her village and are willing to help her deal with powerful opponents, this is simply…

"Although your intentions are very good, I am very moved, but…"

Nami's face was downcast, making it impossible to see her expression.

"Hey hey, that's touching, right? Nami, but that's what we should do," Luffy laughed heartlessly.

Zoro Sanji and Usopp also laughed.

Only Su Yi felt something was wrong.

"But…you sank the Marine warship for Mao! There are 100 million Baileys on it! Do you understand the 100 million Baileys! That's what my mother has worked so hard to save for eight years. !" Nami finally broke out, turning into sharp teeth, saliva sprayed several men's faces.

"Ah, we didn't do that, Su Yi did it all by himself." Luffy said innocently.

"Haah~haah~haah~" After Nami roared, he gasped for a while, and then sighed while holding his forehead, tears streaming down his face, "Woooooo~ My heart hurts! 100 million Baileys, it is estimated that the future I've had nightmares for a year."

"Now is not the time to be joking, that bastard Arlong is still alive and happy!" Su Yi took the initiative to bring up Arlong's existence in order to ease the embarrassment.

At this time, the villagers of Cocoyashi Village had already assembled, and everyone was carrying weapons, ready to attack Arlong.

"Although we may not be able to defeat the murlocs, even if we die, let that guy see our determination!"

"Yo Xi! Let's go!"
