

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Looting The Celestial Dragons Warehouse, Three Fruits!

Back in time two days ago.

After a day and night of sleepless climbing, Su Yi finally climbed to the top of the Red Line.

Here, there is a barren land, and only what seems to be a building in the distance can be seen.

But at this time, he didn't have the extra strength to see what it was, and just climbed up, he lay on the ground and began to sleep soundly.

Of course, even though he was sleeping at this time, if any living body approached him, he would immediately sense the approach of danger and wake him up.

And this time, he slept directly into the middle of the night.

When he woke up, he just felt hungry in his stomach, and then the sound of eating aroused his appetite.

Who cooks around here?

He sat up abruptly, but immediately noticed that he was only on the edge of the Red Line, and was still a long way from the city. As for the sound of eating just now, it was only from that distant city. .

Holy Land, Mariejois.

Su Yi wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and glanced at his hands. The wounds on his hands from climbing for a long time had completely healed, and he couldn't tell that he had been injured at all.

This terrifying healing ability sometimes makes Su Yi a little speechless.

But he didn't think too much, but walked towards Mariejois step by step,

When he got here, he didn't dare to use his abilities at will.

Instead, he activated "Hide" to hide 14's own aura. Even if he used Observation Haki, he couldn't detect his appearance.

Even the sight of the Five Elders and Im, from so far away, should not have been able to detect him as a person who suddenly appeared.

With this guarantee, Su Yi dared to swagger close to Mariejois.

Mariejois is a city where the city is connected.

Its size is equivalent to Alabasta,

In the central area, there is the ancient city of Pangu where the Five Elders lived.

The core area is the territory where Yimu is located.

But on the periphery, it is still the area where Celestial Dragons live.

Soon, Su Yi came to the outskirts of Mariejois.

There is a high wall here, and there are guards at intervals around the periphery of the wall.

Su Yi did not alarm them, but activated the door fruit ability and directly entered the world inside the wall.

As soon as he entered, he immediately noticed the silence here.

The lights were lit up in the exquisite buildings, and it was obvious that Celestial Dragons did not have the habit of coming out at night.

Still, some Celestial Dragons can be seen walking on the slaves.

Su Yi hides behind a big tree, silently, and brings the "hidden" to the ultimate level. Even if ordinary people look at it with the naked eye, it is difficult to detect that there is a living person here.

After the walking Celestial Dragons are gone,

He only came out of hiding place Shi Shiran,

Then, the first exquisite building was found.

Judging from what he saw and heard, there were no less than a hundred people in this family.

However, there are only three people who are really Celestial Dragons.

Standing in the garden, Su Yi saw the scene inside the house through the window, and at the same time heard the conversation of the people inside.

"Really, the world is getting less and less peaceful now. The GM army with dangerous thoughts hasn't been eliminated by Marine, what a bunch of waste. Also, the two Celestial Dragons that disappeared some time ago, they haven't been eliminated yet. find, how dare we go to the world below.55

"Hey, hold the newspaper steady for me, don't dangle it."

Through the window, Su Yi saw a Celestial Dragons lying lazily on the bed, surrounded by slaves serving him, two women rubbing his shoulders, one woman holding a newspaper for him to read, The woman's steady hands showed that it was not the first time that this kind of work had been done.

And Celestial Dragons even turned the pages of the newspaper directly with their own eyes. It can be said that the word "lazy" has been brought to the ultimate.

Besides, in another room,

A young looking male Celestial Dragons is eating, fortunately he eats it himself and doesn't need to be fed,

But every time he took a few bites, someone would wipe his mouth,

When they came across a meal they didn't like, they would overturn the plate and let the slaves clean up.

A slave was slow to clean up, and was immediately reprimanded by him,

At the same time let a burly slave whip him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'll clean up soon, please don't hit me, I'm sorry…"

The person who was beaten continued to clean up while apologizing,


There was a sound of knuckles rubbing from his fists,

But then he held back the killing intent in his heart.

Now is not the time, if there is a massacre here,

Soon the Five Elders will appear,

If you kill Celestial Dragons, it is estimated that the Five Elders will directly pursue him.

However, just because Su Yi doesn't kill doesn't mean he will let these guys go,

Seeing and hearing turned on, he began to investigate the situation in this manor,

There are neatly built plants here, and the underground soil is not red soil but ordinary soil transported from the ground.

So there is only a layer of soil on the surface,

After seeing through this, a doubt in Su Yi's heart was solved.

Immediately, he found what he was looking for,


Start the door fruit, enter the warehouse, the shelves here are dazzling,

In addition to rare treasures, there is Devil Fruit.

However, this family only has three Devil Fruits, and according to the introduction, they are all from Zoan.

Zoan, pig fruit, wild boar form.

Zoan, pig fruit, white pig form.

Zoan・Pig fruit・Madara dotted pig form.

Does this family have trouble getting along with pigs?

Su Yi complained in his heart,

Put the three fruits into the sac,

Then, swept away these rare treasures in the warehouse,

His three billion baileys have been spent,

I can just add it now,

Below these treasures are their identification certificates,

The cheapest ones are hundreds of years old and worth tens of millions of Baileys!

"It's really rich,

Su Yi was speechless, and then put all the treasures into the space of the door fruit.

As for the rest of the piles of diamonds, gold coins, etc., he didn't even look at them,

Now these treasures in the eyes of worldly people are just garbage to Su Yi.

Then, he found several treasure maps,

It records the location where a huge treasure may be buried,

Of course, Su Yi was also swept away together,

Then you can go on an adventure with your friends,

"It's so shabby, there's nothing else. 35

Su Yi continued to wander around the warehouse, but found nothing of value.

He sighed in disappointment,

Then open the door and the fruit,

Came to the house of Celestial Dragons,

Free the Hypnosis gas and put all the slaves and Celestial Dragons to sleep,

Go to Celestial Dragons lying on the bed,

Su Yi took out a pig fruit, cut a slit with a knife, and dripped a drop of juice into the mouth of this man 120.

Immediately, he slapped the man awake,

"Give me the power of fruit,

Su Yi grabbed the opponent's neck, and the opponent immediately began to struggle desperately,

At the moment of dying, out of the instinct of survival,

The opponent's body began to change,

The originally fat body became fatter and bigger, with a mane growing on his body, fangs growing in his mouth, a tail growing out of the back of his butt, an elongated nose, and a flat front.

Zoan, Pig Fruit, Boar Form!

The next moment, Su Yi activated the thief's extreme intention, and the opponent's ability was stolen by him in an instant.

The other's body gradually returned to normal.

At this time, Celestial Dragons has fainted again,

Su Yi came to the other two rooms, one was the male Celestial Dragons, who fed him the white pig fruit, then stole it,

Came to another female Celestial Dragons room.

Female Celestial Dragons is more fun to play,

Speaking of disgust for humans, disgust for murlocs,

But in her room, there is a strong human man, a strong shark fish, and a fur slave,

Su Yi resisted the urge to vomit,

It can only be said that these three slaves have also ridden Celestial Dragons,

The absolute pinnacle of life.

He feeds the female Celestial Dragons, the last Madara point pig fruit.

In this way, he has three more abilities in his hands,

And the three Celestial Dragons also became landlubbers.

In order to prevent them from not knowing that they have eaten Devil Fruit,

Drowning while swimming or self-destructing by eating a new Devil Fruit,

He put three Devil Fruits in his mouth respectively,

That way, when they wake up, they'll understand what happened.