

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 News From Sabo, Surprise Luffy!

"Usopp, you can no longer eat, I must stop you today!

At this time, Hercules appeared in an insect armor.

And behind him, followed by a group of huge insects,

"Come on, subdue him for me!

Hercules threw the tempting food in his hand to Usopp's side~,

Immediately, he himself rolled on the spot quickly and hid in the grass beside him.

"Usopp, don't blame me, without these guys and your sparring, you can't take the initiative to lose weight on your own, and if you go on like this, you'll turn into a ball of meat, and you won't be able to do anything even if you don't get eaten by the island.


A bee the size of a house flew to Usopp,

Just now Hercules threw something like honey on him,

However, facing the attack of a swarm of bees, Usopp was unmoved and unhurriedly activated the ability of Wax-Wax Fruit.

He didn't even lift his fingers, and his body automatically dissolved into a pool of candles, from which a few balls of candle slime flew out, locking the wings of several bees.

Then, he quickly made a candle chariot, the chariot carried his huge body on a rampage, knocking out the insects that were constantly killing,

bang bang bang…

The muzzle of the chariot was raised, and the shells shot out one by one, hitting the weak spots of the insects with precision and accuracy.

Subdue them one by one.

"It's useless, Hercules, now I know Wax-Wax Fruit like the back of my hand, and I've also awakened the ability to know what's going on behind me without looking back, oh, this seems to be the Observation Haki that Su Yi said, now No existence can hurt me. 99

Afterwards, he even made two candle arms and grabbed the food on the ground in front of him and ate it.

"If I can't use my hands and feet, then I can use my ability to create a pair of hands and feet, so that it can be solved perfectly?"

Usopp showed only one face and continued to eat frantically.

Hercules wiped the cold sweat from his face,

Usopp's talent is beyond his imagination,

Whether it is the suddenly awakened Observation Haki,

Or the Ultimate Master of Devil Fruit's ability, the five-body drop that he admires,

But he still worries about Usopp's future,

"This kid, if you continue to eat it, it will definitely not work, you must continue to increase the intensity,

He suddenly ran out,

After a while, more and more powerful insects flew over,

"Hercules, it's useless, I'm invincible.

Usopp wasted his stamina recklessly, and he didn't even notice that his use of Wax-Wax Fruit has become more and more handy.

Because he wants to replace his hands and feet, his control over candles is so fine that he can create fingers.

And he did not lose the macro destructive power. He was able to directly create a candle mecha that was about the same height as a giant, and its combat power could crush all the insects on this island.

future kingdom.

Inside Vegapunk's lab.

A huge mecha suddenly woke up from its slumber.

"Di Di Di – charging complete, starting."

The mecha's eyes lit up with two lights, and at the same time, the lights of the entire experiment lit up together with it.

"Ow~~~super~~~ Another day full of energy!

If you look closely, you will find that this huge mecha looks a bit like Franky,

But its volume is already larger than the Sunshine,

Only a special warehouse in Vegapunk's lab can contain his body.

"Wabo Alloy 2.0 has been researched, and the next step is to try to replace all the metals in the body with this alloy,

Franky said to himself, his body suddenly deformed,

His arm fell off, he ate it into his mouth, and his body shook for a while,

Later, an arm grew out of his severed arm, but it was smaller than the original size.

Then Franky continued to do the same, and soon the whole body became the material of Wabo Alloy 2.0.

"The hardness has surpassed that of steel, and it also has super toughness. Would you like to transform the Sunshine into this material?""

Franky muttered to himself as he continued his strange research.

Drop drop-

The printer on him suddenly made a beep, and then, today's newspaper was printed.

A small robotic arm reached out and shoved the newspaper into a groove in Franky's body,

"Damn it, Su Yi actually did such a big thing,

"Damn it, Su Yi did such a big thing.

Chopper woke up early in the morning, and his eyes lit up when he saw what was in the newspaper.

"It seems that everyone is desperately doing their own thing, and I will work hard too."


GM Army Headquarters.

A newspaper that detonated all members of the GM army.

"Sabo, he really did it. This is tantamount to fighting against the underground forces all over the world. Now it's troublesome, and our pressure has increased a lot. 35

"However, that's fine. Without the weapons delivery from the Nameless Kingdom, those kingdoms waiting to be liberated have become much weaker."

"It's just that this matter is too publicized. This is equivalent to putting us on the bright side. It is estimated that the world government will also pay attention to it."

At this time, Robin, who had just arrived in Baldigo, happened to see the contents of the newspaper.

She didn't watch Sabo Ace's related reports, but went directly to Su Yi.


"It's really tough, Su Yi seems to have grown into a powerful man." The corners of her mouth curled up,

Monkey·D·Dragon walked quickly to the conference room.

"Sabo is making a lot of noise, but don't get caught up in the excitement, our work is here, those people that Sabo brought out from the Nameless Kingdom need a place to settle, and at the same time give them work, we rush to a meeting.

After speaking, he opened the newspaper and saw the report above,

"Fire Fist Ace… I don't seem to have heard Sabo mention it, what is the relationship between the two of them.

Ancient Kingdom Ruins.

Today is another day when Hancock delivers food to Luffy.

Hancock, who had been waiting for a long time, came to the island with a large package,

At this time, Luffy is doing morning practice.

At this time, Rayleigh was holding a stick and hitting Luffy,

However, Luffy seemed to have eyes behind his back, dodging all Rayleigh's attacks,


Then, he raised his fist, which was quickly covered with a layer of black Haki.



He punched the trunk of a large tree nearby, and the trunk was suddenly broken in the middle.

"Yes, continue to practice, and strive to the point where the armed color can cover the whole body."

Rayleigh next to him applauded Luffy with a smile on his face.

"Hey hey, Conqueror's Haki is awesome, Rayleigh, when can I learn Conqueror's Haki?

"You are too impatient!"

Rayleigh was also speechless by Luffy, "The foundation is very important, if you don't lay a good foundation, your future road will be very difficult. Also, don't rely too much on Haki, your physical strength is also very important, and Your fruit development cannot fall either.

"It is best to achieve a strong combat effectiveness without using the second and third gears, which can also reduce the wear and tear on the body.

Luffy suddenly became distressed, but agreed temporarily,

At this point, Hancock had brought people here.

"Luffy, I've brought you food."

Luffy suddenly looked surprised, "Hancock, you're here."

However, his attention was obviously not on the Empress in front of him, and the drooling drool showed that his expectations for food were higher than the Empress.

"Ah, he called my name again," Hancock ducked behind the stone.

Luffy couldn't care less, he had already opened the package and started to eat.

While eating, he checked the newspaper.


Suddenly, the meat in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Huh? 99

"Huh? 35

At this moment, both Rayleigh and Hancock had solemn expressions on their faces.

The meat in Luffy's mouth fell off. Could it be that something major happened?

Is the world going to end?! Where.