

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Su Yi Is On The News! Friends Are Surprised

The second day after Su Yi and others left the Nameless Kingdom.

Small Sky Island.

Waking up early in the morning, Nami, who had just taken a hot bath, was about to sit at the table and eat her own breakfast when she picked up the newspaper on the table and read it casually,

However, before she put the bread in her mouth, her hand stopped,

His eyes were fixed on the picture on the first page of the newspaper.

The picture shows Sabo's speech on the high platform, and behind it is a group of tied up royal families,

And below is the crowd of people,

"Shocked!! The dark bond of the underground world has collapsed! The 'Second Commander' Sabo of the GM army launched a burglary incident in the tourist resort of the unknown kingdom yesterday and took away all the citizens of the unknown kingdom. The truth turned out to be like this!"

Below, is a detailed record of the dark truth of the unknown kingdom.

On the surface, it is a tourist resort, but in fact a secret underground port has been dug out under the kingdom.

Most of the world's black underground transactions are done here, and 80% of the countries at war have once again purchased weapons.

The citizens of the Nameless Kingdom have always been under enormous pressure to survive, and they carry guns with them whenever they may lose their lives.

Even children under the age of ten do!

And just then, Sabo appeared and saved the people of this country,

He does not forcefully take people away, but more than 90% of those who are willing to go with him!

In the end, the Nameless Kingdom exists in name only, and only some members of the royal family remain, but this is not enough to exist as a country.

The royal families who rely on people's labor to obtain a rich life are likely to emigrate to other countries and become ordinary rich people.

Nami had already eaten the bread, and read the following information while reading the newspaper.

"And in this 'Battle of the Stealing Kingdom', the most surprising thing is the appearance of two pirates, they are Fire Fist Ace who once became the protagonist in Summit War, he is also the son of the pirate king Roger, and a The other is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Demon Hunter Su Yi.

"Both of them gave great help to the GM army in this battle, and Fire Fist Ace and the second-in-command of the GM army acted more like comrades-in-arms who cooperated closely,"

"Su Yi, the demon hunter, annihilated the entire king's army by himself, drawing a stop to the war of stealing the country. 35

Below, are three freshly released wanted notices.

One is Sabo's, and his bounty has risen from more than 500 million originally to 600 million.

One is Ace's, from 1.5 billion to 1.513 billion Bailey.

Another one is Su Yi's, which has risen from the original one billion to 1.1 billion Bailey.

"It's incredible, what is Su Yi doing here, and isn't Ace supposed to be a pirate, how did he get involved in the GM army?

"By the way, I remember that Luffy's father was the leader of the GM army, so that's why…"

"So why exactly!"

Nami felt that his whole body was messed up,

Logically speaking, Ace is not the son of the dragon,

And there should be no intersection between the two,

But now he actually ran over to help the GM army, and it seemed that he had a hot fight with the second-in-command of the GM army.

She couldn't figure out why,

And why did Su Yi also run over?

"Forget it, a bunch of troublesome guys, since it's not the news of their arrest, then don't worry about them."

Nami covered his forehead, threw the newspaper aside, and began to concentrate on his breakfast.

Shemale Kingdom.

Early in the morning, the shemales who were chasing Sanji by the river were suddenly interrupted.

"Stop chasing now, there is news from Her Lady Queen.

Immediately, Sanji and the shemales drew a temporary rest,

reading newspapers together,

After seeing the news about Su Yi and Ace in the newspaper,

Sanji took a deep breath,

"It seems that this guy Su Yi doesn't stop even when he is cultivating. Speaking of which, he has just left here for a few days, right?

just spit out a smoke ring,

Sanji realized that something was wrong,

The surrounding shemales have already surrounded him at the moment, surrounding him in the middle,

"Little Sanji, you can't run away this time.

"Come into the arms of your sister, mua~~~"

"Accept your true self, you will find a different world~~~"


"Accept a wool! Fuck you!"

Then, he jumped up suddenly, stamping his feet hard in the air,

He actually flew.

"Ah, bad, Koyama Chi ran away,

"Xiaoshan Zhi, come back soon."

"Oyama Chi, don't you want us? 35

Sanji kept flying, kept flying, he couldn't stop at all.

(beej) Because stop and die!

"Is this Moonwalk, it's a really good ability,

"It's a pity that it consumes too much physical strength, is it the reason why I just became a master, 599

Ruins of the West Guyar Kingdom.

Zoro, who just got up and went to the toilet, got lost in the castle and couldn't find his room, accidentally came to the living room,

Hawkeye is here having breakfast and reading the newspaper,

After seeing Zoro appear, he said, "You seem to be lost again.

"Less chatter," Zoro sat down quietly and started drinking tea,

Hawkeye threw the newspaper to Zoro, "There's a mention of Su Yi on it,""

Zoro picked up the newspaper and read it for a long time, and finally found the name of Su Yi,

"This kid is really restless, he is still running around during training time, but his strength is also stronger, he even chopped up the shield made of seastone, is this the role of Armament Haki? , It seems that I have to become Master earlier."

Then he finished his breakfast and went back to his room to get the knife.

A few minutes later, he reappeared in the living room,

"Are? I remember that my room was clearly like this.

Hawkeye glanced at him lightly, and then continued to eat his breakfast calmly.

Zoro clenched his fists angrily, "Can I demolish this labyrinth-like castle? It's really twisty. 99

Hawkeye said lightly: "You can go back to your room by walking straight down the stairs behind you. 39

Zoro made an "oh" and ran out,

five minutes later.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo…"

Breathing heavily, he returned to the living room again,

"Speaking of which, a guy like you can actually deceive people?"

He looked at Hawkeye with an incredible look,

Hawkeye was putting a piece of steak into his mouth at this time, and when he saw Zoro appear, the fork in his hand fell to the ground.

on an island somewhere.

In his dressing room, Brook, who was trying on clothes, picked up the newspaper on the table.

"Are, it's Mr. Ace, oh, and Mr. Su Yi, did the two of them actually go to the Nameless Kingdom? I remember that when I went to sea, it was still a country of craftsmen in the world's civilization.

"Hoo ho ho ho, Mr. Su Yi's bounty has risen again, it seems that I have to continue to work hard, but I can't be left behind too much." Brook put down the newspaper,

Picking up the guitar and stroking the strings with both hands, the guitar suddenly made a violent sound,


Boeing Islands.

The fat Usopp is eating.

"Are, why can't I hold the newspaper in my hand?"

He suddenly realized that his hands had become so fat that he couldn't tell where his fingers were.

At this time, his body has turned into a hill.

"Looks like it's time to lose weight, but the food looks so tempting.

At this time, the newspaper delivery seagull flying in the sky dropped a newspaper,

He picked it up and looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened,

"Did Su Yi actually go to that kind of place? It seems that I have to work hard, um… I eat today's meal before losing weight, it's not right to waste food…