

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Acevs Blackbeard (Part 2)

"In the end what happened?!"

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"The sea is gone.

"Is this what Ace did? 55

"In just one month, it has grown to this point."


Around the vacuum area, the seawater wall that seemed to have solidified suddenly collapsed and poured into the vacuum area after losing the baking of the flame.

On the ground in the center, Blackbeard, who was shrouded in darkness, was submerged by the surrounding sea water before he could react.

Although Dark Fruit can absorb almost all substances, only seastone and sea water cannot be absorbed.

At this moment, the almost invincible darkness collapsed immediately, and all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates, sheltered by the darkness, entered the sea.

This is not over yet, the surrounding sea water has been burned to a hundred degrees by the fireball, and with the magma on the ground, the sea water at this moment is not only scalding boiling water, but also becomes a turbid, and it is impossible to distinguish the east, west, north and west.

Not long after, Rain's Shiryu surfaced with the drowning Blackbeard in his hand,

Next to them, several other people also surfaced one after another with "117", and one of them was carrying another capable person, Katrin.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates' fleet had surrounded this place, forming a solid wall like a copper wall.

All the fleets were lined up, making it almost impossible to escape.

"Cut, Blackbeard got it for you!"

Shiryu of Rain suddenly threw the Blackbeard in his hand to the pirate ship, took a deep breath and dived into the sea water, enduring the high temperature that almost cooked his skin and started snorkeling.

When the other people saw this, they all dived into the sea again and fled in all directions.

Katrin was also thrown on the pirate ship,

In the blink of an eye, the Blackbeard Pirates disbanded on the spot, and all members started their escape career.

"Give him a seastone, don't let him run away, and the others will hunt down those who run away.

Margao directed the work in an orderly manner,

He is capable and cannot enter the sea, but it does not mean that the Whitebeard Pirates will not have people with poor water.

Some of the best players suddenly jumped into the water with a strange cry,

The shark man Namur of the eighth division also jumped into the sea with a few murloc companions he brought from The fish men island.

"With that Muir there, it shouldn't be a problem, the murlocs are strong in the sea.

Su Yi walked over slowly at this time and said to Margao.

He originally thought he had a chance to make a move, but he didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

And, what surprised him most was that Ace did it all by himself.

Ace came over at this time and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

Margao smiled and said to him: "Unexpectedly, Ace, you are not the straight person you used to be.

The iceberg-like expression on Ace's face at the moment finally disappeared, and a smile appeared, "Blackbeard's ability is to absorb all the fruits, so the battle with him must not be in direct conflict with him, I still understand this.

At this time, Blackbeard and Catherine, who were chained by seastone handcuffs, were brought up. The two knelt on the ground, coughed violently, and spat out hot sea water from their mouths.

"Teach, you don't need to say anything, we won't let you go no matter how much you plead,"

Margao stood up,

At this moment, all the captains also gathered around and looked at Blackbeard coldly.

Blackbeard was extremely uncomfortable from being scalded by sea water, and the side effects of Dark Fruit appeared at this time, and the pain was multiplied several times.

He did not faint on the spot is a manifestation of strong willpower.

After a long time, he stopped rolling,

Looking at Margao, he said, "We are family! Get around me! Please!

He suddenly hit his forehead on the ground, "I have joined since I was a child…

He was preparing a tirade, sympathetic,

Catherine next to him sneered disdainfully, "Blackbeard, don't show the appearance of a bereaved dog at this time, do you think they will bypass you? It's stupid. 35

Blackbeard looked up and saw that the captains were looking at him with expressionless faces.

He recognized it, it was the expression of the Whitebeard Pirates when they faced a real enemy,

At this moment, despair enveloped him.

He knew that it was too late to say anything, everything was over.

"Throw him into the sea, didn't he kill Thatch for Dark Fruit, then let his favorite Devil Fruit end his life.

Joz on the side suggested.

"It's too cheap to throw him into the sea, and maybe he will be rescued by his people. I remember that there is a giant pirate on the sixth floor of Impel down. If he also joins the Blackbeard pirates, maybe he will be saved. Hide in the sea near here." Su Yi said suddenly.

The heart that Blackbeard had raised suddenly sank,

Looking at Su Yi with resentment,

Yes, San Juan also joined his pirate group,

But because the shadow was taken away, I could only stay in the sea,

Occasionally, when I came out to breathe, I could only use the pirate ship in the shape of a huge raft as a hat to block the sun.

If he was thrown into the sea, he might actually be saved!

But the appearance of Su Yi blocked his last escape route!

The people of Margao looked at Su Yi in surprise, not expecting him to be so thoughtful.

"Then hack him directly, confirm that he is dead, and then throw it into the sea to feed the fish. 35 Foil Bista pulled out his double knives and gestured back and forth in front of Blackbeard, as if ready to end his life at any time. .

"That's too cheap for him." Margao, who had always been gentle, also became cruel at this time.

"To treat this kind of traitor, you can't bypass him so easily.

"What then?"

Everyone started to feel troubled.

Su Yi suddenly said: "I have a way to seal his Devil Fruit ability,"

Everyone looked at him in unison,

Su Yi walked up to Blackbeard at this time and touched his arm with his hand,

Then, in disgust, he wiped his hands with a handkerchief,

"This way, he won't be able to use his ability…"

Everyone looked at Su Yi with an idiot look.

That expression seems to say: Do you think we are fools?

However, Katrin, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly thought of something and stared at Su Yi.

"You're… the one who entered Impel down that day!"

She remembered that that night, she entered a strange space, where Moria took her shadow, but when she escaped from the Impel down, she realized that not only the shadow, but also her own abilities could not be used. .

At first she thought it was a side effect of being taken from her shadow.

But when I heard about the deeds of "Demon Hunter" Su Yi, I immediately understood.

The disappearance of his own ability is probably related to this man!

Although I don't know what is the relationship between him and Moria, but it must be more than Moria that night, Su Yi must also be in Impel down,

"Oh, Katrin, the Nine Tails fox fruit ability person, your ability was also sealed by me," Su Yi seemed to have just discovered Katrin's existence,

Only then did the others react. This woman is also a capable person, but she has never shown any ability.

"You can actually seal other people's abilities, how did you do that? I remember that what you ate seemed to be the Devil Fruit, the phantom beast. 35

Margao looked at Su Yi suspiciously and said incredulously.

Su Yi smiled and said, "This ability to seal other people's Devil Fruit is not given by Devil Fruit."

At this time, Blackbeard stared at Su Yi and said, "How is it possible, even Dark Fruit can only use his abilities when he encounters him, how could you possibly do the same thing! ""

Su Yi added in a timely manner: "And I am not temporarily 4.9, but the ability to permanently seal others.

Hearing the word "permanent", those with abilities such as Margo and Ace felt a little cold for some reason.

"It's better than this," said Ace, who had slowed down by this time, "throwing Blackbeard back into Impel down, and let him experience that hellish prison. 55

Blackbeard was directly locked up to the sixth floor, and did not experience the hell of the first five floors.

Now let him experience it, it is undoubtedly much more effective than any torture method in this world.

"Then what if he runs out again?" someone asked.

However, Blackbeard has already escaped once.

I'm not sure I'll be jailbroken a second time.

"No, he can't use Dark Fruit's ability now, even if he bites off his leg or arm, he can't run away, and even if he runs out, he can't do anything, he's just a landlubber with a broken leg. "Su Yi said aside.

"Then at least cut off his hands and feet, I see what kind of storm he can make." Foil Bicester showed a "kind" smile, pulled out his own knives, and walked towards Blackbeard step by step.