

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Times Have Changed, Margo!

The little brother is also confused,

Looking at Aya in confusion,

Aya had an embarrassed look on her face at this time,

But he slowly revealed the truth.

It turned out that shortly after Whitebeard's death, the island was invaded by pirates,

They didn't dare to touch the people on the island, but they stole a lot of money and food,

When Brother Ma and the others came here, their food was already running out.

After Xiao Ma and others resisted several invading pirates, the people on the island took out the food they had worked so hard to accumulate and let these main fighting forces eat.

The residents of the island are naturally only hungry.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, Aya," Little Ma suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, "Really, I have eaten so much of your food, why are you embarrassed.

Aya said: "But, you have protected us, we can't even let you eat…"

As she spoke, her stomach growled.

Her face flushed, and she shyly covered her stomach.

Su Yi smiled, "Anyway, these foods are definitely not enough for us. In this case, I will go and fight a few Sea Kings, and let everyone eat meat and have a good time. 35

The pirates suddenly laughed, "It's so bold, little brother,

"Then please, we will help carry it when the time comes."

Aya and Sid looked at Su Yi walking towards the beach in amazement,

"It's okay, let him go alone." Kaya asked worriedly.

Sid widened his immature eyes and looked at Su Yi's back in confusion.

Seemingly out of curiosity, how could a human fight against the Sea Kings?

"Don't worry, Su Yi is very strong, 35 Marco recalled the scene of Su Yi fighting in the battle of the top,

He still has a fresh memory.

Coming to the beach, Su Yi boarded his own boat and left with a bundle of ropes on his back.

Soon after, he disappeared at sea level, at the end of people's sight.

Su Yi closed her eyes and carefully sensed all the movements in the sea with her sense of sight.

After a while, a huge figure swam under him.

"It's up to you."

Su Yi suddenly raised a huge harpoon and threw it fiercely into the sea.


The harpoon dived into the sea as quickly as a fish, inserted straight into the flesh and blood of a passing Sea Kings, and the barbs directly hooked its muscles, making it impossible to break free.

Immediately, Su Yi dragged the rope and let the boat go towards the island.

But the Sea Kings at this time did not die, and were still struggling. It was extremely smart, and it did not choose to escape, but killed Su Yi, wanting to eat the culprit who hurt it directly.


Su Yi suddenly jumped up, and the moment Sea Kings got out of the sea, he kicked each other on the head,

The kick covered in armed color directly knocked Sea Kings unconscious.

Soon after, Su Yi returned to the sea,

Then, he threw the harpoon on the other end of the rope to a boulder on the island.


The harpoon pierced into the boulder, Su Yi rowed the boat to the shore,

At this time, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates 1st team have already started to pull the rope.

"What kind of big guy is this, so heavy."

A group of pirates were both surprised and delighted, but they didn't expect Su Yi to come back so soon.

And also brought such a big guy.

"Come on, Sid, and you'll be eating meat to the brim in no time. 35

A pirate shouted to Sid in the distance,

Sid ran over, first looking at the sea in the distance with curious and expectant eyes,

Then they joined the team pulling the rope together,

Although his little strength is not big, he is very happy to be able to personally participate in this kind of activity of hunting and killing Sea Kings.

Soon, a Sea Kings larger than a mountain appeared on the coast.

"Damn it!!! It's so big that we can't finish it all together, right?"

"If it is made into jerky, it will be enough for the people in the village to eat for a whole year."

"Hahaha, eat barbecue, have a banquet, drink, dance, sing, hahaha…"

"I haven't been so happy for a long time. I really miss my life at sea."

"Ah, in order to return to the sea again, let's attack those pirates, let our reputation spread far and wide, and let the world know that even if there is no father, the Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to mess with!


Sid looked at the corpse of Sea Kings and swallowed.

At this time, someone has already started to cut the body of Sea Kings with a huge chef's knife,

Soon, pieces of barbecue were made, and the pirates began to eat meat and drink in large pieces.

Beside the fire, Sid was also nibbling on a piece of fish, and saliva flowed out.

"Su Yi, if I'm a pirate, can I eat meat every day?" Sid asked curiously.

Su Yi laughed: "If you are strong enough, you can get everything you want, money, power, fame, all of which can be found above the sea."5

A seed was planted in Sid's little heart, waiting for the roots to sprout someday in the future.

"Pirate, I want to be a pirate when I grow up in the future. I want to be a hero who can protect the village and make a name for itself in the sea." Sid said in his tender voice.

"Hahahahaha, that's a good declaration, Sid, but does your sister agree with you to go to sea?"

A group of pirates suddenly snorted alcohol and began to tease Sid.

Sid clenched his small fists and opened his mouth to shout, "I will go to sea sooner or later!!!"

At this moment, the pirates standing guard in the distance hurried over,

"Appeared, a pirate appeared!"

"Idiot, we are pirates ourselves!""

"Uh, the invading pirates appeared!

So, the group of people who were holding a banquet stopped,

They all went to the sea.

Su Yi came to the beach with a piece of barbecue in his hand,

A fleet of ships appeared on the sea in the distance,

For the pirates on the first big pirate ship, he shouted: "Margao, join my command, I can make you the second-in-command in the regiment.

Margao looked gloomily at the fleet at sea, "Xin Deli, get out of here!"

The face of the other party changed suddenly, "I really don't know what's wrong, Margao, do you think it's still the sea where Whitebeard is suppressing a sea? Times have changed, Whitebeard is dead, and the new Four Emperors above this sea are destined to be me. of."


Margao suddenly displayed the phoenix fruit and flew to the distant fleet,

"Put him down for me!"

The other party seemed to have come prepared, commanding the snipers without hesitation, and soon the artillery shot out the nets one by one.

They are all catching nets mixed with seastone, the nemesis of those who are capable,

Once caught, 113 will lose all of his strength and will no longer be able to use his abilities.

The little brother was dodging and moving in the air, and was forced to retreat back to the island.

"Children, kill me!"

The pirates in the fleet rushed to the island.

"What should I do?" Aya looked at Margao with a worried look, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Marco said: "Prepare to meet the enemy!"

"Let me do it.

Just then, Su Yi walked to the seaside, facing the approaching fleet alone.

"Since he wants to be a Four Emperors guy, then I have to take care of it. I want him to know that the garbage on this sea cannot become a Four Emperors. With that, Su Yi flew into the sky with a Moonwalk.

"Nani? Who is that?"

On the bow of the ship in the distance, Xin Deli watched Su Yi flying to the sky with a vigilant look,

But because of the distance, he couldn't see Su Yi's face at all.

"You can fly, you should also be able, give me him…"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura!

The next moment, the pirate ship he was on was suddenly cut open from the middle!


The cut was smooth as a mirror, and the whole ship began to sink into the sea.

The pirates screamed and jumped into the sea, panicking one by one.


The second sword energy quickly landed on other pirate ships.

Soon, less than half of the ships in the fleet fell silent.

Xin Deli watched his hard-earned family business sink into the sea, and his heart was bleeding.

"Stop fighting! We surrender!" he yelled.

In the sky, Su Yi was unmoved.

"The moment you turned against Whitebeard, there was no way out.