

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Rare Beast Species Bursting Egg Fruit


After choosing the two fruit abilities, Su Yi began to fuse.

There were two lights of different colors in front of them.

The red light belonging to the exploding fruit,

It belongs to the yellow light of egg fruit.

The two rays of light intertwined and gradually merged with each other.


After a wave of energy fluctuates.

A fruit with a new shape appeared in front of Su Yi.

The whole fruit looks like an egg, but the egg is brown-red and covered with bright red cracks. It looks like a bomb that is exploding, and it may explode violently at any time.

Su Yi looked at the introduction to this fruit in the Book of Thieves.

Zoan · Rare beasts · Burst egg fruit.

Popped egg fruit, as the name suggests, is an egg that can explode.

And it's Zoan, which means that Su Yi needs to turn herself into a jerk.

Then self-destruct.

"What kind of power is this?"

Su Yi stroked his forehead, feeling that the veins on his forehead were showing.

However, he finally tried the effect of this fruit.

Amazingly, the so-called eggshell turned out to be himself.

When he activates his ability, he will feel as if he is wearing a layer of clothing, and there is a feeling of breaking free from this layer of clothing.


The next moment, Su Yi exploded.

The landslide was like a landslide, and the air waves generated by the explosion directly blew the nearby trees and rocks, and the dust was flying.

When the smoke cleared, what remained in place was a large pit.

Su Yi stood in the middle of the explosion, the ground around him disappeared, and a bowl-shaped crater appeared.

On the other hand, Su Yi has shrunk in size, but nothing else has changed.

Of course, if the body shrinks a little, then his strength also shrinks.

After about ten minutes, his body shape suddenly returned to normal size.

"It turns out that, that means that the number of times this ability can be used is limited, and the power of self-destruction will gradually decrease, and only the power of the first time is the greatest…

"And with each self-destruction, the size is shrinking, and the strength is also weakening.

"This ability is really amazing.

Su Yi thought it was very funny.

He believes that there is still much room for development in this ability.

For example, increase the consumption of physical strength, and increase the damage of the explosion during the first explosion.

Su Yi felt that if he did his best, he would probably be able to blow up the island.

However, this ability is obviously only effective against a large number of enemies. When facing an opponent with strong single combat capability, it is somewhat stretched.

The most important point, the concentration of power is not enough.

If Su Yi can control the explosion within a certain range,

For example just detonating a piece of eggshell and so on.

Or hug the opponent, and then self-destruct.

Or take off the eggshell and lock the opponent inside to explode.

In just a few minutes, Su Yi has come up with several development approaches.

Or, take off the eggshell and control the eggshell to fight,

In this way, in theory, like a Russian nesting doll, it can be nested layer by layer,

Get a bunch of puppets that look like you.

Also, each puppet can explode.

Immediately, Su Yi began to practice.

Devil Fruit's ability is tested by imagination, and Su Yi is also exercising his imagination by doing this now.

After some attempts, his guesses just now were basically fulfilled.

And this also proves that Su Yi's understanding of Devil Fruit is far beyond ordinary people.


Su Yi finally denied the fusion fruit.

On the one hand, what he wants after all is the phoenix fruit,

In addition, after all, this fruit is only a fusion of two abilities, it is definitely not as good as three fruits.

"Next, the target is Akainu. 35

Su Yi looked into the distance and activated the Nine Tails fox fruit, turning himself into a passerby face.

Then, it turned into an arc and disappeared in place.

After a dozen flashes,

He came to a Marine branch.

Parked near Marine's branch, and soon after, Su Yi activated the door fruit, opened a door, entered the branch, and then stole a suit of Marine's clothes and put it on.

"Ah, that's all it takes. 35

Su Yi is very satisfied with her results,

Although Nine Tails fox fruit can change clothes,

But after all, the real clothes are more detailed.

After that, things were very simple, Su Yi wandered around the Marine branch as a Marine.

Eavesdropping on Marines chatting while hiding his identity.

"Have you heard that the new marshal has been settled,

"Oh, it looks like Marshal Aokiji?"

"Hahaha, you already added the word marshal to the name of Aokiji.

While cleaning the yard, Su Yi continued to sweep the floor near another group of people, while overhearing their chat.

"Ah, there are too many people who died in this war. Our branch sent 800 people, but only 200 came back, and more than half of them were disabled…"

"I heard that it was Akainu's responsibility. The pirates had already planned to retreat. He insisted on continuing to hunt and kill the pirates. As a result, the casualties increased.""

"Akainu is no longer Admiral. I heard he was seriously injured and is still receiving treatment at Marine headquarters."

"Ah, it is said that people who pass by his room can hear the heart-piercing screams, the sound is like the wailing of evil spirits from hell, which makes people feel chills in their hearts.

"That guy, it deserves it."

"Shh, silence, you can't say such things."

Su Yi listened quietly, and gradually moved away from this place. Then, he took off Marine's clothes and left here with the door fruit.

".~ Marine headquarters," he thought to himself.

This is a dangerous place.

Now Luffy and the others are on their way to Marine headquarters.

At this moment, the Marine headquarters should have lost its powerful combat power.

Aokiji and Kizaru should not be staying at the headquarters.

After all, Marines are rampant everywhere, and Marines are short of manpower, and they can't stay in the office leisurely to recuperate.

So, this is an opportunity for Su Yi.

He immediately found a permanent pointer to Marine headquarters,

Then, activate Thunder Fruit's ability and fly in that direction.

After dozens of teleports, he successfully came to the vicinity of Marine's headquarters.

Standing in the air, overlooking the Marine headquarters below, Su Yi saw an island split in two.

The half seat was slanted into the sea water.

Formed a large slope.

Su Yi felt that the island could be called "Slope Island"

Incredibly, Marine did not abandon the island, but built on the trend, building buildings on the slopes.

The pier is near the sea (to Zhao).

To enter the Marine headquarters, you have to climb the slope island and climb up the stairs one by one, and finally you can climb to the top.

I don't know what the people who designed these buildings thought.

However, Su Yi can only say that they are geniuses.

Then, the other half of the intact island, the inner bay was filled with soil, resulting in land.

The only level land on this slope island became the school ground for the Marines.

It is used for training on weekdays, as well as the location of pre-war mobilization.

However, at this time, a large number of reporters and others have gathered here.

Take pictures of the ruins of war,

Because the slope island is still under construction, outsiders cannot enter.

Temporary tents were set up on the flat island.

Su Yi was in the air and had a panoramic view of it all.


Suddenly, he heard something.

It was a horrific scream,

The people who screamed were in pain as if they were being cut with a knife all the time.


Su Yi moved in his heart and locked his target.