

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Go To Hell, Akainu!!!

Ace smashed half of Akainu's face into shreds at the cost of burning an arm.

His boldness made Akainu's heart shudder.

At that moment, the Conqueror's Haki emanating from Ace made him unable to move!

What audacity to be Roger's son!

And this, on the contrary, made him more determined to kill the opponent.

"You give me… that's enough!"

Suddenly, Su Yi's figure appeared in front of Akainu.

In his eyes, there is a kind of madness that coexists with indifference and killing intent.

Akainu insulted Whitebeard before, but he didn't say anything~.

Because he knew that to talk to the other side in this language was just inferior.

Akainu angered Whitebeard for the so-called justice in his heart and sacrificed tens of thousands of Marines in vain. Although he was also very angry, he did not speak.

After all, the positions are different.

Now that Whitebeard is dead, the pirates have an absolute advantage, but the other party has to continue to hunt and kill. Is it true that they are easy to provoke by waiting for others?

Akainu looked at Su Yi standing in front of him, half of his scorched face twitched, like a demon from hell,

"Boy, you should be damned too,"

Su Yi looked behind Akainu, "Look behind you, is there someone else?"

Akainu didn't have to look back to know that there was no Marine behind him.

Naturally, Shichibukai couldn't count on it. Seeing that Marine's defeat was decided, he retreated far away.

Garp, Sengoku, and the surviving Marine soldiers,

while rescuing the wounded,

Even Admiral Aokiji has lost interest in continuing to play.

Su Yi transformed into a human-beast form, covered in armament, and slashed towards Akainu.

Roared: "Do you think you are worthy of the word 'justice' behind you!


Akainu's fist to fist without hesitation,


A wave of air spreads out,

"Boy, do you think it's amazing to know Haki? You're still young."

Akainu said disdainfully, and also covered Armament Haki on his hands.

Su Yi stared at Akainu coldly, and suddenly mobilized the mind power in his body.

All of them were injected into the page of the Sword and Wolf Fruit in the Book of Thieves.

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha-

Su Yi's clothes suddenly burst, and his body began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Double, double, triple, quadruple, five times…

His body quickly swelled to the size of a giant!

"It's Zoan's ability to run wild!" Seeing Su Yi like this, Margao made a subconscious guess.

"No, he's still conscious!"


A roar, like thunder rolling, resounded through the sea.

Su Yi opened his mouth wide, and a knife-knife wind suddenly hit Akainu.

boom boom boom boom boom-

The ground disappeared, and a large hole appeared. The wind of knife and knife was constantly cutting the ground. Akainu was shocked to find that there was a trace of Conqueror's Haki in the wind.

Even if he is covered in armed color, he will still be cut by countless swords!

Did the anger get overwhelmed that led to the Conqueror's leak, or something else?

At this moment, Akainu couldn't dodge and could only resist.

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!

Su Yi's breath was incomparably long, and the blade wind blasted through the ground, through the island, through the rock formation, and blasted Akainu into the stratum of unknown depth.

But this didn't stop, Su Yi's roar continued,

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!"

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!""

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!

"Go to hell, Akainu!!!35


The roar stopped.

The world returned to silence.

In the distance, Aokiji's face was drenched in cold sweat.

Both Sengoku and Garp looked shocked.

Su Yi is like a monster in the demon world,

In front of him, a large hole ten meters in diameter appeared on the ground.

The edge of the large hole is melted rock formations.

This is not the magma of Akainu, but the heat generated by the continuous friction of the blade wind to melt.

A dark red passage leads directly to the ground.

Su Yi doesn't know if there is hell in this world,

But he knew that Akainu had gone to hell.

cough cough-

He suddenly coughed violently for a while,

A big mouthful of blood spit out.

The body gradually shrank, the muscles cracked inch by inch, and blood was oozing out.

The transformation just now put his body under too much load.

At this time, it suddenly recovered and collapsed suddenly.

"Save him!" Marr shouted loudly.

Immediately, a group of captains of the white regiment came forward in unison,

Put Su Yi on a stretcher and start to escape.

"Look for a ship that can go to sea!"

"Integrate the wounded, and arrange several captain-level combat power for each ship!

"Wait, look!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted by something.

It was a huge figure.


It turned out that it was little Oz who had been knocked out by Garp before.

At this moment, he stood up, walked into the sea step by step, lifted a warship, and pushed it in front of everyone.

"Everyone, come up. 99

Everyone boarded the ship in unison, and if one warship could not fit, then two.

Little Oz boarded his own largest ship in the world that could hold him,

·Seeking flowers·

"The war is over. 99

Everyone's heart is a little heavy.

Dad died, and they seemed to have had a backbone removed.

Moreover, many companions died, and their bodies were too late to bring back.

Most importantly, as soon as the Four Emperors died, a corner of the New World collapsed.

The other pirates, the Four Emperors will definitely do something.

Those islands that have lived peacefully under the Whitebeard flag for decades will be engulfed by war.

With their strength, it is impossible to stop the Four Emperors' footsteps,

Not even the deterrent of Whitebeard!


In the distance, Ace, who was receiving first aid, let out a scream.

He was burned by Akainu abruptly, and there were additional burns on his body,

It's good to be alive.

Luffy has nearly fainted from crying,

Shanks lost an arm to save him,


Now my brother Ace has lost another one,

And it was in front of him, watching the other party throw it away.

This feeling of powerlessness makes him miserable,

"I want to get stronger! Get stronger! Get stronger! I want to protect all the people I cherish, and stop you from being bullied!

Back then, Sabo's death was vividly remembered.

Ace gritted her teeth and held her last breath, a smile on her face.

"Didn't I say, Luffy, I'm not going to die.

Luffy wiped his tears, forced a smile, and nodded vigorously.

"By the way, how is Su Yi's situation?"

Margao went to the doctor and asked.

"It's okay, his resilience is amazing, basically just inject some nutrient solution into his blood. 99

"That's it, that's great." Margao laughed.

"Well, everyone, listen to me."

Margo shouted suddenly.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at him.

The ship doctor in this team, a man who has always been gentle,

After Whitebeard's death, there was a hint of responsibility as the captain of the first team.

"Dad is dead, that's the reality, but there's a harsher reality waiting for us."9

Everyone listened quietly, extremely earnestly.

Margao's face was serious, "Father is the Four Emperors, a corner of the Four Emperors collapses, there will inevitably be someone competing for the new throne and will come to annex our territory, Father worked so hard to protect the peace and tranquility of these places during his lifetime, This is also his responsibility and obligation to us!

"The Whitebeard Pirates will not be disbanded! The will of Whitebeard will be inherited by us, the prestige of Whitebeard will continue to be spread by us, and the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates will be guarded by us!!!"

"This era is called Whitebeard!!!" Van.