

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Summit War (6)

"You two, stop!"

Suddenly, Akainu made a vertical leap, killing Luffy and Ace beside him.

The magma fist is ready to go, and the hot magma gives a feeling of suffocation.

"fire punch!

Without saying a word, Ace punched him directly.


The lava and the fist and the fist of the flame collided together, and a monstrous flame was suddenly set off!

The scorching temperature melted the ground around the two of them.

Akainu and Ace stared at each other.


In the end, Ace backed out,

His fist became charred black, and the blow just now seemed to be his loss.

"In the case of fire, it still needs ice to freeze.

Aokiji took the opportunity to kill Ace's side, and a chill shrouded him away.


Ace quickly parried and hit Aokiji with a fire fist.

Fire evaporates ice, but Ultimate's cold can freeze even fire!

And Ace's current strength is obviously not enough to fight against Aokiji!

"Luffy, run away!" Ace shouted.

How could Luffy escape, but he was going to help,

A Vice Admiral stood in front of him,

"Straw Hat, your opponent is me!""

"Get out of the way!" Luffy yelled,

After finally rescuing Ace, how could Ace be caught by Marine again?

Whitebeard beside 14 wants to help,

However, Sengoku was already killed,

"Whitebeard, look!"

"Sengoku, you are courting death!"


Whitebeard punched the opponent, and the shock wave and the earthquake wave were released at the same time, causing the entire island to start shaking.

"It's horrible, it's like the end of the world!

A Marine was sitting on the ground, his legs limp and barely able to move.

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha ––

The ground cracked, and a large amount of seawater poured into the cracks,

The whole island is in jeopardy, and it seems that it may completely collapse at any time!

On the other hand, the duel between Ace and Aokiji also came to an end.


Ultimate's cold air actually froze the flames.

Ace quickly retreated,

And Akainu has been killed.

"go to hell!

A hard punch to Ace.

After repeated battles, coupled with the fatigue of many days,

Ace's physical strength at this time is somewhat weak,


He could only cross his arms in front of him, barely resisting a blow, but the whole person flew backwards.


Seeing this, Margao shouted.

Their purpose is to rescue Ace, and now that Ace has been rescued, they have to leave quickly.

"Straw hat boy, you can't run!

Several Marine Vice Admiral flanked from behind,

Trying to stop Luffy.

"Second gear, third gear!

Luffy directly activates the strongest combat state,

"Giant Tempest!!!

boom boom boom boom…

The ground cracked, fists as huge as giants kept hammering the ground, and several Vice Admirals disappeared immediately,

When Luffy's attack was over, several Vice Admirals fell to the ground, spitting blood from their mouths.

The current Luffy, after three baptisms of animal hormones, and in Impel down did not consume any physical strength at all.

It can be said to be in peak condition!

"Fantastic, even defeated several Vice Admirals.

The pirates on the side were all shocked when they saw this.

After getting a few free Whitebeard pirate team leaders, they immediately came and responded to Ace.

Su Yi returned to his human-beast form, took a few deep breaths and coughed a few times.

A few mouthfuls of blood came out of his mouth.

Then, he saw the opportunity and suddenly rushed to Dalmesia.

This man ate Madara dog fruit, which was one of his goals.

Dalmesia didn't dare to be careless when she saw Su Yi coming,

"Knife knife wind! 99

Su Yi opened the wolf's mouth, and the other party quickly started to shave and hid to the side,

"I lied to you." Su Yi smiled and slammed in front of the opponent, punching the opponent's stomach with a punch, and the fist blade instantly slashed a bloody opening in his stomach!


The opponent's human-beast form was suddenly lifted and turned into a human appearance.

"Sure enough, you can seal other people's abilities.

The other party said these words with difficulty, and then he covered his abdomen and knelt on the ground.

Su Yi ignored the other party,

Instead, he looked at the entire battlefield.

Marine's original strength of 100,000 troops has been damaged by only 50,000 or 60,000.

The pirates, including the criminals and shemales from Impel down, have a force of about 50,000.

At this time, there were still more than 30,000.

Except for the ones killed by Luffy, the Marine Vice Admiral has been seriously injured in the books,

Because when Luffy rescued Ace before, the Margarets wanted to help, and it was these Vice Admiral who desperately resisted.

But now it seems that their sacrifice is undoubtedly in vain.

Look at Shichibukai again, the big bear is entangled by Ivankov,

Brother Ming was beaten by Brother Xiao Ma so he didn't dare to step forward,

Hawkeye has been entangled in foil, unable to escape.

Of course, there's a good chance he's paddling.

The Empress, on the other hand, looked at Luffy with a crazy face.

Basically, Shichibukai doesn't do much either.

At this point, Marine was left with only Sengoku, Garp, Akainu and Aokiji, as well as several veteran Vice Admiral.

Looking at Whitebeard again, Whitebeard was unscathed, all the captains were unscathed, Luffy Ace was slightly damaged, none of the shemales died, some of the criminals from Impel down were killed and injured, and most of the ordinary pirates in the white group were killed and injured.

In the war, it seemed that Marine was at a disadvantage.

However, Whitebeard is not trying to destroy Marine headquarters, but to rescue Ace.

Facing the advantage, instead of continuing to exert pressure, he chose to retreat.

"Dad, let's go!"

Marco shouted.

Whitebeard glanced at everyone in the white group,

and the entire battlefield,

About to retreat.

"Stop, Ace, Straw Hat!"

Like a volcanic eruption, Akainu's body turned into a magma form and flew out.

Quickly approaching Ace and Luffy.

At this time, Ace is being chased by Aokiji,

It was already in jeopardy, and if he was chased by Akainu again, his life would not be guaranteed.


Whitebeard rushed over, wanting to help.

at this time!

Sengoku slammed a shockwave into Whitebeard's chest.


The violent shock wave directly caused Whitebeard's chest to collapse!

Whitebeard spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire body was unsteady.

"Oops, Dad's physical condition is not good. 35

Seeing this, Margao, who was familiar with Whitebeard's situation, suddenly panicked.

In fact, Whitebeard has been a pirate for so many years, and he has been exposed to the wind and the sun for 100 years, and he often fights with pirates and Marines.

In recent years, it is even more necessary to keep breathing oxygen in order to maintain the vitality of the body.

Now suddenly engaged in such a fierce battle, and suffered such serious injuries.

It's a miracle to keep fighting!

at the same time,

Akainu has chased and killed Ace,

The magma in hand is ready to go.

"Death wink!"

Ivankov killed at the critical moment, first made his head huge, and then a death wink, directly scattered the magma on Akainu's body, at the same time, Su Yi also killed, and the tail knife cut off the about to spread to Ace's body ice.

"Come on, I'll stop here," Ivankov said.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"You stay!!" Ivankov cried.


Whitebeard, who was hit by a shock wave from Sengoku, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Half kneeling on the ground.

You don't have to look to know that several of his ribs have been broken and pierced into his internal organs.

He seemed to understand something, stood up with difficulty,

Look at Lord Margo.

"You guys, let's go first, I'll stop here later.""

As he spoke, he suddenly threw a punch, the ground cracked, and a gap appeared between the pirate and Marine, while Whitebeard faced Marine alone.

"Kill! Don't let them run away!

Marine hurriedly pursued.

Seeing this, Whitebeard raised his arm again, his muscles bulged, and he punched the Marine headquarters in front of him, the space shattered, the earthquake shook, and the Marine headquarters collapsed.

"In the new era, there is no ship that can carry me!