

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 138

Chapter 138 Summit War (4)

The big bear suddenly raised his hands, activated the meat ball fruit ability, and began to compress the atmosphere.

And his target was little Oz who was gradually approaching the execution platform.

"How can you make it happen!


A figure with a burning blue flame flew over~.

He kicked the bear on the chest.

The big bear flew out upside down, and the atmosphere in his hand suddenly exploded.

"Fufufufufu, the captain of the first team, Margao, turned out to be a rare phantom beast, 35

On one side, Doflamingo, wearing a flamingo cloak and dark red sunglasses, revealed the identity of the person who came.

Brother Ming laughed, his fingers kept pulling the thread, trying to control Margao.

"Doflamingo, I remember you as String-String Fruit."

Margao glanced at Brother Ming, and with a flash of Haki on his body, he broke the thread.

"Shichibukai, don't get involved in this kind of battle!"

He suddenly waved his wings and slashed towards Brother Ming.

Brother Ming jumped out, standing in mid-air, still smiling, "Furfurfurfurfurfur, it's really scary,"

On the side, Hawkeye is about to shoot,

A group of flowers suddenly flew over.


Bista, a foil sword with two knives, blocked his attack.

"Your opponent is me! Mihawk!"

"Captain of the Fifth Division of Whitebeard, Foil Bista." Hawkeye recognized the identity of the other party.

"I didn't expect the dignified eagle eye to know my name." Bista laughed.


Little Oz walked to the execution platform step by step,

There is no Shichibukai's obstruction, nor the attack of the giants Vice Admiral.

At this point, except for Admiral, no one seemed to be able to stop him.

Just about to catch Ace.

at this time.

Garp jumped up suddenly.

"How can you get close to here!

A savage punch hit Little Oz on the head.


Little Oz's mountain-like body suddenly fell on his back.

Killed a large swath of Marine soldiers.

Aside, Margao suddenly rushed towards Ace on the execution platform while Garp was not paying attention.

"Looks like we can't be alone, Garp.

Sengoku, who had been standing beside Ace, suddenly swelled up and turned golden light.

Human Fruit, Eudemons, Buddha Form!

He slapped Marco with a palm.


A shock wave directly blasted Margao out.

Marine and the pirates were shocked when they saw these two characters take action.

"Hero Garp, and the Great Buddha Sengoku!"5

"How can this lineup be defeated! 35

The battle was once again at a stalemate.


at this time.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the sky.

Everyone almost subconsciously stopped the movements in their hands and looked towards the sky.

I saw that a warship actually dropped from the sky,

A large number of figures were below the warship, and everyone screamed and fell.

The people below were shocked.

Garp's mouth widened, and snot came out of his nostrils.

Ace also looked at the familiar figure, his eyes widened.

"Road… Luffy!"


The warship fell on the ice,

The ice surface, which had already been devastated by Akainu's magma bomb, suddenly burst open,

Luffy and others on the boat fell into the sea one after another.

"This is, impel down prisoners, how did they come here.

Sengoku recognized the prison uniforms on the criminals and frowned.


Luffy growled,

Killed to the execution platform.

Along the way, the pirates gave way, and Marine was sent flying.

"Luffy, let's go!

Although Ace accepts the Whitebeard Pirates to save himself,

However, Luffy is not his partner,

So, logically, Luffy shouldn't be on this dangerous battlefield.

Luffy yelled: "I'm your brother!!!"

"younger brother?"

"Wait, he just said he's Ace's brother, 35

"Masaka, he is also the bloodline of One Piece Roger? 35

"These two don't look alike.

"Could it be that they are half-brothers?


Marines, pirates, and people watching the live broadcast on the phone,

Everyone started to guess.

At the same time, there was a little curiosity about this guy who suddenly fell from the sky.

Luffy's sudden appearance can be said to be the last straw that broke Marine.

Behind him was an army of shemales headed by Ivankov, although the number was small,

But most of them have been baptized by animal hormones, and everyone's fighting power is very sturdy.

The Marines along the way couldn't stop them at all,

As for the criminals of Impel down, seeing this scene, it is obvious that Whitebeard has the upper hand.

As a result, they directly joined Whitebeard's warband.

"Kill! How dare these damn Marines keep me in Impel down for so many years!"

"Hahaha, the pirates are going to join forces to deal with Marine!"

They were like a sharp knife into Marine's belly.

And the road opened with them at the head,

It was immediately occupied by the Whitebeard Pirates in the rear, and cut the battlefield in half with this line!


Suddenly, an electric light flashed.

Su Yi suddenly appeared beside Luffy.

This Thunder Fruit that opened smoothly, no one else could see how he ran so fast.

"Yo, Su Yi, you disappeared suddenly and I thought you fell into the sea.""

Luffy immediately laughed when he saw Su Yi's appearance.

"I just went to do a few things." Su Yi glanced at Sengoku in the distance, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Demon Hunter, Su Yi!

Sengoku stared at Su Yi coldly.

"So that's the case, you were instructed by Whitebeard, so you went to prison.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

"Is this your hole card? Whitebeard!"

Sengoku looked at Whitebeard in the distance.

"However, you will stop here, cut off the phone bug immediately, the next picture is too bloody, not something ordinary people can bear."

Sengoku gave an order,

The live broadcast was suddenly interrupted.

Then, he started to call Zhan Taomaru's phone bug.

"Let the pacifists come on stage, and let these pirates see the power of these big killers. 35


Sengoku called the phone bug for a long time, but the other party did not respond at all.

Shortly after. The phone bug finally got through.

However, what came from the other side was not Zhan Taomaru's voice.

but a strange Marine voice,

"Report, report to the marshal, Mr. Zhan Taomaru was seriously injured in a coma, and all the pacifists were destroyed! I don't know what caused it!



Sengoku was struck by lightning.

One thought came up in my mind.

First, the control room was destroyed, so the surrounding wall could not be opened,

Then the cannons on the city walls were destroyed, and the outer Marines were all killed on the ice of the inner bay.

Now, the pacifists have all been destroyed for unknown reasons.

One after another of his hole cards, all failed!

Also, all the criminals in the underwater prison escaped and came here to join the battle on Whitebeard's side!

And the fuse of all this seems to point to a person in the dark!

Su Yi!

"Masaka, did you do all this, Su Yi!"

Sengoku stared at Su Yi in the distance.

Su Yi at this time is only in human form,

But this has been invincible.

Marines along the way were knocked down by him with one move, and no one could stop him!

Sengoku knows that these Marines now are all their cards!

Once they're done, they'll be a total failure!

"Akainu, Aokiji, shoot! Stop them!" Sengoku yelled.

When the two Admiral heard the words, their expressions changed,

"What's the matter, it looks like something is wrong." Akainu said.

"However, the momentum of these pirates should be suppressed, otherwise it would appear that our Marines are going to fail." Aokiji said to himself.

Akainu raised his arms, ready for another Great Eruption.

And Aokiji killed Margo.

"You two, have you forgotten my existence!"

Suddenly, Whitebeard did not know when to appear on the square, in front of the two Admiral.

This unparalleled speed surprised both of them.

"Don't forget, I'm Whitebeard!

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha-

Whitebeard throws both punches.

The space shattered, and both Akainu and Aokiji's bodies twisted.

Immediately, it flew out fiercely.

bang bang bang bang…

The two smashed the Marine headquarters in the rear and disappeared into the rubble.