

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Summit War (1)

South Blue.

Market somewhere.

"Hey, does it really happen? The war between Whitebeard and Marine? 35

"Impossible, Whitebeard is a survivor before the Great Pirate Era, is he too old now?

"I haven't read anything about him in the newspapers for years, and I thought he was dead.

"Cut, a thug like Whitebeard should just be old and die, and what are you going to do when you die?"

"Haha, in the end, you might be ruined. 35

East Blue.

on a grassland.

"Is Whitebeard really going to shoot, does he have the guts?"

"No one in this world can break into Marine headquarters, right?

"Marine is just too indulgent with these pirates, and what Four Emperors came up with, it should have been cleaned up a long time ago.""

"What an ignorant man, not even aware of Whitebeard's horror,"

"If Whitebeard was really that good, that was when he was young, and now he's old."

North Blue.

A town full of snowflakes.

"Hey, boss, quickly get us some wine." 9

"In such a cold day, are you out of business at 14?"

"Let's wait until this war is over, we don't know if this world will exist tomorrow.

"Speaking of which, how could the Grand Line battle have spilled over to us West Blue."

"I guess the aftermath of the battle won't even destroy the Marine headquarters, hahaha.

West Blue.

in a pub.

"Is Whitebeard really that terrifying? Marine sent so many troops. 35

"I don't know if Whitebeard is tough, but looking at Marine's attitude, it should be a tough fight."

Marine headquarters.

on the execution stand.

Sengoku took the phone bug and started talking.

"Before the execution, I felt the need to explain.

"How important is the meaning of today's execution.

"The man kneeling in front of you, Portgas D. Ace, is not his real name.

Saying that, he moved the phone bug to Ace's side.

"Fire Fist, who is your father."

Ace's eyes didn't change, "My dad is Whitebeard."

"No!" Sengoku shouted.

"Your real name is Gold Ace!

"Your biological father is Gold Roger!!"


At this moment, the world is shaking!!!

The Marines at the Marine headquarters were stunned, the people watching the live broadcast in the Sabaody Islands were stunned, and the people all over the world were stunned.

"At the time of Roger's death, we searched the places Roger had been to for the last two years for the births, as well as the unborn, and in a rather kill-their attitude, we dealt with the babies and the pregnant women."

"But, on some island in the South Blue, your mother, Portgas D. Rouge, kept you in her womb for 20 months for her own evil purposes, just when we thought that man's evil She gave birth to you quietly when the blood was cut off, and then died of exhaustion and exhaustion.35

"Gold Ace, your father is One Piece!"


The world boils.

One Piece's Son!?

20 months pregnant!!

The explosive news one by one made people completely shocked and terrified.

"One Piece's son is still alive! And it's Fire Fist Ace!

"It's terrifying, that kind of demon actually has children,

"Quickly kill this devil's son!"

"Why did Whitebeard keep this demon on board?

"Thank goodness Marine caught him, or what the world would have been like!"

wow wow wow

Just when the world was shocked by Ace's life experience.

Marine Headquarters,

The door of justice in the distance suddenly opened without warning!

"Huh? How did the door of justice open? Who gave the order?!"

Sengoku's eyes widened, staring at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Open the Door of Justice pathway opposite Marine Headquarters, which should be inside Marine Headquarters.

How is it possible that someone can bypass him, the Marine Marshal, and open it directly!!

However, it didn't wait for him to be surprised and angry.

In the fog in the distance, a large number of pirate ships appeared unexpectedly.

These are all pirate ships under Whitebeard's command in the New World.

"The Whitebeard Pirates, here we come!! 35

"All ready to fight!"

Sengoku can't think so much at this time,

Quickly announced a battle warning and let all Marines prepare.

At this time, the Marine headquarters was impregnable.

On the execution stand, Marshal Sengoku sits.

Below, is the Marine hero, Garp Vice Admiral, who has repeatedly put Roger in danger.

Then, in front of the two chairs were Marine Admiral, Aokiji, Akainu.

At this time, Kizaru has already gone to New World, and will not be able to return in a short time.

Looking further ahead, the four of the Seven Warlords of the Sea: Hawkeye Mihawk, Bartholemew Kuma, Doflamingo, and Boa Hancock.

Then, the eight giants Marine.

And 100,000 Marine Elites recruited from all over the world, and a large number of Marine Vice Admiral.

If you want to find one of the strongest fortresses in the world, then this is the place to be.

However, there was no hint of joy on Sengoku's face.

He looked gloomily at the sea in front of him,

"Whitebeard, hasn't shown up yet.

Suddenly, the water in the inner bay rolled.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the sea water.

"Masaka…" Sengoku had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment, his hunch came true.

I saw that four sailboats coated with film suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

appeared directly in the inner bay.

And the tall outer wall, the cannons on the wall, and the 50 warships parked outside were all decorations at this moment, and had no use.

"Have you been commanded by the First Army…" Under the execution stand, Vice Admiral said indifferently.

Garp's face also became gloomy.

On the execution stand, Sengoku's eyes were fixed on the three ships that suddenly appeared on the sea.

"The Moby Dick!

Da da da...

There was a sound of footsteps from inside the cabin.

The figure of Kui Ran walked slowly, and the supreme saber flickered with cold light.

The strongest man in the world came to the bow and looked down at the enemy in front of him.

Black turban, crescent-like white beard, Cong Yunqie holding one of the supreme sharp knives in his right hand,

"Kulala la la la… Sengoku, long time no see."

Sengoku gritted his teeth," Whitebeard. 35

Whitebeard suddenly took a big knife, clenched his fists with both hands, and hit the air on both sides.

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha-

Click the card, wipe the card, wipe the card one by one

The air shattered like a mirror, and the sea suddenly tumbled into the sky, roaring to form huge waves, rushing towards the Marine headquarters in a coercive manner, like a giant sea monster trying to pull the island into the sea.


Aokiji jumped up suddenly, his hands exuding two extremely cold air,

The monstrous waves froze instantly, forming two wave ice sculptures, and even the sea water in the inner bay below froze, forming a ground for people to walk on, and Whitebeard's three ships were naturally frozen in the ice.

At this moment, next to Whitebeard, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were already standing beside him.

"Little ones, kill me and get Ace back!

Whitebeard cut a piece of Cong Cloud and shouted loudly.
